Tristan Currie' entry Tristan Currie' entry Tristan Currie' entry Tristan Currie' entry Tristan Currie' entry Tristan Currie' entry
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Tristan Currie (age 19)
Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre

Title : Alzheimer's

Category : Neurodegeneration

2nd Prize for Imagining The Brain 2011

TC : Brain going through stages of disease. In the left image the letters spelling Alzheimer's are highlighted while in the right image they are deleted as part of the disease process.

Judges comments : Accurate representation of temporal lobes, with the diseased stage simple and strongly depicted. We really liked the graphical quality of the posters and the clever way the brain deterioration was shown through colour change and text (anagram and missing letters spelling Alzheimer's.
