Zara Higginson's entry
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Zara Higginson
Bottisham Village Collage

Title : The Unexplained Brain

Category : The Teenage Brain

ZH: “My drawing shows that teenagers have lots of different emotions trapped up inside their head that adults don’t tend to recognise or notice in that person. Mainly because teenagers like myself like to keep things secret and hide their emotions from everybody. It shows fear in that person and sometimes happiness but not necessarily true happiness. The words around the outside of my brain show the thoughts and the troubles a teenager goes through and what most people don’t know about them. It’s the unexplained feelings that are trapped up inside that teenagers head. The words also represent the struggles some teenagers face but no one notices and adults sometimes don’t understand how to treat them and how to help them build up their confidence. Most adult’s think that being a teenager is easy and one of the best times of their lives, but sadly for some teens it isn’t. Sadly a lot of teens now have anxiety and depression or eating disorders. But even people that don’t struggle with mental health issues everyone worries about something. My drawing really helps give an adult a deeper view into what could be happening in a teenager’s brain without them knowing. That is why my piece is called the unexplained brain because no one really understands what’s going on inside a teenager’s head because everyone’s brain is different and everyone worries about different things.”
