Hannah Perkins's entry
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Hannah Perkins
Bottisham Village Collage

Title : Which one will you choose?

Category : The Teenage Brain

HP: “My drawing shows 3 major decisions that teenagers have to face in their life. The deck of cards imply that you can only lay one card down also meaning which two you will lose. Reputation is one of the most complicated things a teen has to go through, they can’t be seen as weak. Love is a normal thing for a teen to think. Everyone will have a crush on someone and will have to decipher whether they should ignore the feeling or follow it. Last but not least Friends is something that is most important to teens and adults. Friends help you in rough times but some can be deceitful and take you down the wrong road, with my interest in art and taking art as a GCSE, I would love for my work to be seen on your site.”
