Machine vision analysis of behaviour

Although C. elegans has powerful genetics and well-defined nervous system, many genes with critical roles in neurons have effects on behavior that to a casual observer appear very subtle or difficult to describe precisely. Therefore, we have been developing machine vision tools for quantitatively characterizing the behavioral patterns caused by mutations or pharmacological treatments in C. elegans. Such tools can be useful to identify unanticipated coordination between behavioural outputs that are characteristic of general behavioural states. They also make it possible to make quantitative models of behavioural patterns; for example, a model of egg-laying behaviour revealed important mechanistic insights into the roles of specific neurons and neuromodulators. More generally, these tools will make it possible to standardize behavioural assays and develop genome-wide databases of phenotypic information.

Here is a movie acquired by the automated tracking system
  Here is a movie showing the tracker in use  
  Here is a robot applying a mechanical stimulus to a plate on which a worm is crawling and being recorded.  

Papers on machine vision:

Huang KM, Cosman P, Schafer WR. (2006) "Machine vision based detection of omega bends and reversals in C. elegans" J Neurosci Methods. Epub 2006 Jul 1

Geng W, Cosman P. Palm M, Schafer W. (2005) C. elegans egg-laying detection and behavior study using image analysis" EURASIP J. App. Sig. Proc. 14 : 2229-2240.

Geng W, Cosman P, Berry CC, Feng Z, Schafer WR. (2004) "Automatic tracking, feature extraction and classification of C. elegans phenotypes" IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng 51: 1811-20.

Feng Z., Cronin CJ, Wittig JH Jr, Sternberg PW, Schafer WR. (2004) "An imaging system for standardized quantitative analysis of C. elegans behavior" BMC Bioinformatics 5: 115.

Geng W, Cosman P, Baek J-H, Berry CC, Schafer WR. (2003) "Quantitative classification and natural clustering of C. elegans behavioral phenotypes" Genetics 165: 1117-1123.

Baek J-H, Cosman P, Feng Z, Silver J, Schafer WR (2002) "Using machine vision system to analyze and classify of C. elegans behavioral phenotypes quantitatively" J. Neurosci Meth. 118: 9-21.

Papers making use of machine vision:

Hardaker, LA, Singer E, Kerr R, Zhou GT, Schafer WR. (2001) "Serotonin modulates locomotory behavior and coordinates egg-laying and movement in Caenorhabditis elegans" J. Neurobiol. 49: 303-313.

Waggoner LE, Zhou GT, Schafer RW, Schafer WR. (1998) “Control of alternative behavioral states by serotonin in Caenorhabditis elegans” Neuron 21: 203-214.

Zhou GT, Schafer WR, Schafer RW. (1998) “A three-state biological point process model and its parameter estimation” IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 46: 2698-2707.