Mon 1 Apr 11:36:01 BST 2019 currently architecture is x86_64 systype: x86_64-debian-gnu-linux-8 update_libtool: 1 update_config_guess_sub: 1 libncurses5-dev system has libncurses5-dev g++ system has g++ libxext-dev system has libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev system has libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev system has mesa-common-dev libgtk2.0-dev system has libgtk2.0-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev system has libgnomecanvas2-dev AUTOBUILD_BUILD=/home/paule/autobuild/building AUTOBUILD_INSTALLED=/home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 AUTOBUILD_SOURCES=/home/paule/autobuild/building/sources BALBES_ROOT=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/BALBES/Package BASH=/bin/bash BASHOPTS=cmdhist:complete_fullquote:extquote:force_fignore:hostcomplete:interactive_comments:progcomp:promptvars:sourcepath BASH_ALIASES=() BASH_ARGC=([0]="1") BASH_ARGV=([0]="build-it") BASH_CMDS=() BASH_LINENO=([0]="19" [1]="0") BASH_SOURCE=([0]="build-it" [1]="autobuild") BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="4" [1]="3" [2]="30" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu") BASH_VERSION='4.3.30(1)-release' BINARY_INSTALL_CMD=www-placement CBIN=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/bin CCP4=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0 CCP4I_TCLTK=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/bin CCP4I_TOP=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i CCP4_HELPDIR=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/help/ CCP4_MASTER=/home/paule/ccp4 CCP4_OPEN=UNKNOWN CCP4_SCR=/home/paule/tmp CETC=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/etc CEXAM=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/examples CHTML=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/html CINCL=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/include CLIB=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/lib CLIBD=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/lib/data CLIBD_MON=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/lib/data/monomers/ CRANK=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/crank DBCCP4I_TOP=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/dbccp4i DIRSTACK=() ENABLE_GUILE_COOT=yes ENABLE_PYTHON_COOT=yes EUID=1000 GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED=1 GROUPS=() HOME=/home/paule HOST=emsley-vm-debian-7-7 HOSTNAME=emsley-vm-debian-7-7 HOSTTYPE=x86_64 IFS=$' \t\n' LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_GB:en LOGNAME=paule LOGS=/home/paule/public_html/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 MACHTYPE=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu MMCIFDIC=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/lib/ccp4/cif_mmdic.lib NIGHTLY_DEST_DIR=/home/paule/public_html/software/binaries/nightlies/pre-release OPTERR=1 OPTIND=1 OS=Linux OSTYPE=linux-gnu PATH=/home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2/bin:/home/paule/bin:/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/dbccp4i/bin:/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/ccp4i/bin:/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/bin:/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/etc:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/xia2/Applications:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin::/etc:/usr/etc PIPESTATUS=([0]="1") PPID=4547 PS4='+ ' PWD=/home/paule/autobuild SHELL=/bin/sh SHELLOPTS=braceexpand:hashall:interactive-comments SHLVL=1 STABLE_DEST_DIR=/home/paule/public_html/software/binaries/stable TERM=dumb UID=1000 XIA2CORE_ROOT=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/xia2/core XIA2_ROOT=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/xia2 _=']' arch=x86_64 architecture=x86_64 build_coot_prerelease=1 build_type=gtk2-python dep=libgnomecanvas2-dev dep_list='libncurses5-dev g++ libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev' dir=/home/paule/ccp4/ccp4-6.4.0/share/dbccp4i/bin dist_name=debian dist_ver=gnu-linux-8 do_nightlies=1 fallback_coot_version=coot-0.4 have_malloc=1 processor=GNU/Linux proxy_port=800 run_second_test=true run_tests=true script_version=5.33 shared_lib_ext=so shared_static_flag=--disable-shared specs=/home/paule/autobuild/build-scripts/emsley-vm-debian-7-7-specials systype=x86_64-debian-gnu-linux-8 update_config_guess_sub=1 update_libtool=1 use_proxy= fixup_libcurl () { sed s,-L/usr/lib,, curl-config > curl-config.tmp; mv curl-config.tmp curl-config; sed s,-L/usr/lib,, lib/ > lib/; mv lib/ lib/ } make_tar () { echo in make_tar args: $1 $2; echo in make_tar: in dir: $PWD; tar_dir=$1; tar_file_name=$2; cd $install_top_dir/..; if [ -e $tar_dir ]; then echo taring nightly... from $tar_dir to $tar_file_name; tar czf $tar_file_name $tar_dir; status=$?; if [ "$status" != 0 ]; then echo ERROR:: tar czf $tar_file_name $tar_dir failed.; echo ERROR:: while in directory $(pwd); echo ERROR:: tar failed > $tar_file_name.md5sum; rm $tar_file_name; else md5sum $tar_file_name > $tar_file_name.md5sum; /bin/ls -l $tar_file_name >> $tar_file_name.md5sum; echo done tar successfully.; fi; else echo ERROR:: tar target directory $tar_dir does not exist.; fi } mkdir_maybe () { dir=$1; if [ ! -e "$dir" ]; then mkdir $dir; fi } my_exit () { exit_arg=$1; shift; extra_args=$*; echo fail-build $extra_args > $LOGS/$build-status; if [ -e $LOGS/$test-status ]; then rm $LOGS/$test-status; fi; exit $exit_arg } post_install_slim () { echo we are slimming directory $1; fat_dir="$1"; cleaned_dir="$2"; clear_type="$3"; echo fat_dir is $fat_dir; echo clear_type is $clear_type; echo cleaned_dir is $cleaned_dir; mkdir_maybe $cleaned_dir; mkdir_maybe $cleaned_dir/bin; mkdir_maybe $cleaned_dir/lib; if [ "$ENABLE_PYTHON_COOT" = yes ]; then mkdir_maybe $cleaned_dir/include; mkdir_maybe $cleaned_dir/include/$python_version; fi; lib_sos=`cd $fat_dir && ls -1 lib/lib*.so*`; lib_as=`cd $fat_dir && ls -1 lib/lib*.a`; if [ "$clear_type" = "clear-dynamic" ]; then keep_lib_archs="$lib_as"; fi; if [ "$clear_type" = "clear-static" ]; then keep_lib_archs="$lib_sos"; fi; file_list="etc info man share libexec libexec/coot-bin libexec/findwaters-bin libexec/findligand-bin libexec/mini-rsr-bin libexec/density-score-by-residue-bin bin/coot bin/findwaters bin/findligand bin/guile bin/coot-density-score-by-residue bin/coot-available-comp-id bin/coot-compare-dictionaries bin/coot-dictionary-bond-distributions bin/coot-make-shelx-restraints bin/lidia bin/curl $keep_lib_archs"; if [ "$ENABLE_PYTHON_COOT" = yes ]; then file_list="$file_list html lib/$python_version include/$python_version"; fi; echo rsyncing...; for file in $file_list; do dn=$(dirname $file); if [ -e $fat_dir/$file ]; then rsync -axr $fat_dir/$file $cleaned_dir/$dn; else echo $fat_dir/$file does not exist; fi; done; echo done rsyncing. } setup_ccp4 () { if test "$OS" = Linux; then setup_file=/y/programs/xtal/ccp4-6.0.2/ccp4-6.0.2/include/ccp4.setup-sh; if test -e $setup_file; then . $setup_file; else if [ "$systype" = x86_64-centos-6 ]; then setup_file=/home/emsley/ccp4/setup-scripts/sh/ccp4.setup; else if [ "$systype" = x86_64-centos-5 ]; then setup_file=/home/emsley/ccp4/ccp4-6.2.0/include/ccp4.setup-sh; else setup_file=setup-ccp4; fi; fi; if test -e $setup_file; then echo evaluating $setup_file; . $setup_file; else echo WARNING:: ccp4 setup file $setup_file does not exist.; fi; fi; fi; if test "$OS" = Darwin; then . /usr/local/ccp4-6.0.2/bin/ccp4.setup-sh; fi } ssh_copy () { if [ "$do_ssh_copy" = true ]; then dir=public_html/software/binaries/nightlies/pre-release/; echo ssh_copy copying over files using $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file $dir; $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file $dir; if [ -e $bin_tar_file.md5sum ]; then $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file.md5sum dir; fi; else echo Not ssh copying file to York, $domainname; fi } ssh_copy_logs_to_biop () { local_log_dir=$1; target_dir=$2; if [ "$do_ssh_biop_copy" = true ]; then echo copying over log files to Biop...; target_dir=$2; $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $local_log_dir $target_dir; else echo Not ssh copying log files to biop; fi } ssh_copy_to_biop () { bin_tar_file=$1; if [ "$do_ssh_biop_copy" = true ]; then target_dir=public_html/coot/software/binaries/pre-releases/; echo copying over files to Biop: $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file $target_dir; $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file $target_dir; if [ -e $bin_tar_file.md5sum ]; then echo and also: $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file.md5sum $target_dir; $HOME/bin/sput-with-dir $bin_tar_file.md5sum $target_dir; fi; else echo Not ssh copying file to biop; fi } test_coot () { echo testing with greg; echo testing with greg 1>&2; echo currently we are here:; pwd; date; if [ "$1" != "" ]; then coot_binary=$1; else coot_binary=$install_top_dir/libexec/coot-bin; fi; if test "$run_tests" = true; then COOT_PYTHON_DIR=$install_top_dir/share/coot/python; PYTHONPATH=$COOT_PYTHON_DIR; PYTHONHOME=$install_top_dir; export COOT_PYTHON_DIR; export PYTHONPATH; export PYTHONHOME; if [ ! -d greg-tests ]; then echo greg-tests dir missing in this directory:; pwd; return 1; fi; setup_ccp4; cat > command-line-greg.scm <&2; echo currently we are here:; pwd; if test "$run_tests" = true; then COOT_PYTHON_DIR=$install_top_dir/share/coot/python; PYTHONPATH=$COOT_PYTHON_DIR; PYTHONHOME=$install_top_dir; export COOT_PYTHON_DIR; export PYTHONPATH; export PYTHONHOME; echo $install_top_dir/bin/coot --no-graphics --script python-tests/; $install_top_dir/bin/coot --no-graphics --script python-tests/; status=$?; if [ $status = 0 ]; then echo test_coot_python: coot test passed; return 0; else echo test_coot_python: coot test failed; return 1; fi; else return 1; fi } INFO:: MACHTYPE is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu INFO:: systype is x86_64-debian-gnu-linux-8 g++ (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. new version path need_guile_unused_values_patch is true Testing version of make GNU Make 4.0 Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Copyright (C) 1988-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. using 4 processors in compilation MAKE set to make -j4 testing for patch testing awk type (prefer GNU awk) GNU Awk 4.1.1, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.2-p3, GNU MP 6.0.0) Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2014 Free Software Foundation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see good, you have an awk from GNU. Date: 2019-04-01__T10_36_02 checking wget which wget /usr/bin/wget pre_release_files_html /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources/index-pre-release.html coot_version_tmp : coot- : clever coot_version succeeded, setting coot_version to coot- from extraction debug:: wget -P /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources -O /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources/index.html -o /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources/wget-e.s.p.log INFO:: building pre-release and coot_version_pre is coot- DEBUG:: set coot_source_tar_file to INFO:: set the target destination for binary tar file (BINARY_TAR_DEST_DIR) to /home/paule/public_html/software/binaries/nightlies/pre-release INFO:: binary tar destination dir: BINARY_TAR_DEST_DIR is /home/paule/public_html/software/binaries/nightlies/pre-release coot_version_pre is coot- build_coot_prerelease: 1 release_server_dir coot_version coot- testing for install_top_dir: /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python INFO:: /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python exists already. done testing for /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python ccp4_system_type linux installation has fftw installation has curl/libcurl installation has libidn devel pkg-config is /usr/bin/pkg-config pkg-config is new enough 0.28 COOT_CCP4_PACKAGES PKG_CONFIG_PATH is now /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/lib/pkgconfig system/installation has freetype2 glib is not up to date, rebuild glib - maybe. :::::::: gtk version is at least 2.10 :::::::: gtk version is 2.24.10 gtk is new enough for guile-gtk installation has Freeglut installation has libtool system has libgnomecanvas installation has gmp installation has readline atempting to run installed guile-config (this may fail, that's OK). installation has guile installation has guile-gui installation has guile-lib testing for greg using /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/bin/guile guile greg status 0 installation has greg installation has python, Python 2.7.15 /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/bin/python installation has pygobject pygtk demo exists, no build pygtk /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python system/installation has the GSL version 1.16 build_gsl is 0 GSL is up to date INFO:: found /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/include/gtkglext-1.0/gdk/glext/glext.h installation has gtkglext installation has guile-gtk guile-gtk should not be built 2.30.3 goocanvas: recent enough gtk+ version goocanvas: recent enough cairo version goocanvas: goocanvas_args set to --with-goocanvas-prefix=/home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python SSM is found. INFO:: shall we build clipper: mmdb not to be built INFO:: shall we build clipper: fftw not to be built /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/include/clipper/ccp4/ccp4_mtz_io.h exist /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/include/clipper/contrib/sfscale.h exist not building libccp4: not building mmdb: not building ssm: not building fftw: not building clipper: not building freeglut: not building gtkglext: not building python: not building pygobject: not building pytgtk not building gmp: not building libtool: not building readline: not building guile: not building greg: not building guile-gtk: not building guile-gui: not building guile-lib not building libidn: not building curl: not building gsl: BUILDING coot: version coot-, guile=yes, python=yes using coot version coot- 19172 -rw-r--r-- 1 paule paule 19630172 Apr 1 05:20 /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources/coot- good /home/paule/autobuild/building/sources/coot- exists Mon 1 Apr 11:38:50 BST 2019 /home/paule/autobuild/building/emsley-vm-debian-7-7_2019-04-01__T10_36_02 BUILDING coot: version coot-, python=yes coot build was good. done coot build. INFO:: installation has refmac monomer library INFO:: installation has reference structures we are slimming directory /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python fat_dir is /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python clear_type is clear-static cleaned_dir is /home/paule/autobuild/coot-Linux-x86_64-debian-gnu-linux-8-pre-release-gtk2-python rsyncing... /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/etc does not exist /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/libexec/density-score-by-residue-bin does not exist /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/bin/coot-dictionary-bond-distributions does not exist /home/paule/autobuild/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7-pre-release-gtk2-python/html does not exist done rsyncing. running tests: ======================== first coot test failed ======================== greg test status: 1 python test status: 1 debug:: input: coot/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 debug:: ftp_name: coot/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 file is /home/paule/public_html/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7/build.log dest_dir is coot/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 no server check calling ftp_it /home/paule/public_html/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7/build.log coot/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 will cd to coot/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7 will put /home/paule/public_html/build-logs/Linux-emsley-vm-debian-7-7/build.log build.log