Make orientational distribution plot.csh

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#!/usr/bin/env csh
set rootname=$1
set iter=$2
set scale_sphere_size = 10
set modelstar=${rootname}_it0${iter}
set samplstar=${rootname}_it0${iter}
set optstar=${rootname}_it0${iter}
set nrclasses = `grep _rlnNrClasses ${modelstar}|awk '{print $2}'`
set radius = `grep _rlnParticleDiameter ${optstar} | awk '{print $2/2}'`
relion_star_printtable ${samplstar} data_sampling_directions | awk '{i++; print i, $0}' > tmp0
set iclass = 0
while ($iclass < $nrclasses)
 @ iclass++
 relion_star_printtable ${modelstar} data_model_pdf_orient_class_${iclass} | awk '{i++; print i, $0}' > tmp1
 join tmp0 tmp1 |  awk '{print $1,6,$2,$3,0,0,0,$4}' > tmp2
 set bildfile=${rootname}_it0${iter}_class${iclass}_orientdist.bild
 xmipp_angular_distribution_show -ang tmp2 -bild ${bildfile} -wcol 5 -r ${scale_sphere_size} -R ${radius}
 echo "written: " ${bildfile}
rm -f tmp0 tmp1 tmp2
echo "done! Use UCSF Chimera to visualise the BILD files (you may need to change the origins of your maps in the Volume Viewer window"