MRC-LMB Crystallisation Facility: small Tecan 150 (custom matrices)

A Tecan Genesis 150 liquid handler is used to generate 2D linear gradients from four corner solutions A, B, C and D. A is top left in all formats (A1).

Please note that this instrument is much less accurate when attempting to fill MRC plates. It is most useful for larger formats such as Linbro or VDX plates.

Available programs

all standard programs are located in a folder called "MRC four corner programs":

MRC_96_V means: MRC plate, 96 wells, viscous

Currently available:

MRC 96 well plate (96 and 48 wells, 1 or two 4-corner gradients)

LINBRO (24 or 48, 1 4 corner gradient using 1 or two plates) - large hanging drop plate

EASYXTAL (24 or 48, 1 4-corner gradient using one or two plates) - QIAGEN large screw-top hanging drop plate

CRYSCHEM (24 or 48, 1 4-corner gradient using one or two plates) - large sitting drop plate

Download corresponding excel worksheets.

Getting started



Specifications & Tools

The highest possible viscosity successfully tested is 40% PEG 8000. Above that you will get dilution with system liquid and inaccurate results.

Corner solutions are most conveniently setup in 15ml Falcon tubes at either 10ml or 15ml volumes. 10ml is enough for one 6x4 plate or 2 96-well plates. 15ml is enough for 2 6x4 plates or 4 96-well plates.

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Last Updated 2/12/15