1985 - Pioneering
Protein Engineers: Imperial College Group. Top row: Paul Thomas, Jack
Knill-Jones, Tim Wells, Alan, Tammy Gray, Denise Low and Leisha
Borgford. Bottom row: Robin Leatherbarrow, Thor Borgford; Nigel Brand,
Walter Ward and Hugh Jones. |

1989: MRC Unit of Protein
Function and Design, in front of Chemistry Laboratory. Back row: Eric
First and Alan. Third row: Boaz Avron, Javi Sancho, Jim Kellis and
Ronny Loewenthal. Second row: Dasa Lipovsek, Andreas Matouschek, Derek
Parsonage, Liz Meiering and Johanna Avis. Front row. Luis Serrano, John
Blacker, Sophie Jackson, Pauline Cann and Tammy Gray. The PFD was part
of the Centre for Protein Engineering.

Collage of photographs from the
opening day of the CPE 1 May 1991. Top left: From left to right: Jane
Clarke, Andreas Matouschek, Sophie
Jackson, Ronnie Loewenthal and Mrs. Thatcher. Top middle: Jim Marks,
Mrs. Thatcher, Peter Doyle (Astra-Zeneca) and Greg Winter. Top right:
Max Perutz and Aaron Klug. Second row left: Greg Winter, Mrs. Thatcher
and Jim Marks. Second row right: Dai Rees, Secretary (CEO) of MRC;
David Williams, Vice-Chancellor of University of Cambridge; Mrs.
Thatcher and Alan Fersht. Third row left: Mrs. Thatcher and Alan
Fersht. Third row middle: Aaron Klug and Max Perutz signing the
visitors’ book. Third row right: Signatures from the book. Bottom:
Letter from Mrs. Thatcher and plaque engraved by The Kindersley

1999: From top row to bottom:
Cara Vaughan, Doug Axe, Chris Johnson and Julia Henckel. Jose-Luis
Neira, Kit Tang, Karoly von Glos and Geoff Symonds. Laura Itzhaki,
Myriam Altamirano, Mark Bycroft and Naoki Tanaka. Nick Foster, Qinghua
Wang, Rivka Isaacson and Ugo Mayor, Teikichi Ikura, Thierry de Lumley,
Yu Wai Chen and Wooi Koon Wang. Alex Bullock, Kelvin Stott, Ssrah
Perrett, and Luis Briseño-Roa. Alison Meekhof, Alex
Buchberger, Sue Ellis and Heather Thomson.

2003: From top row to bottom:
Zoryana Oliynik, Charlotte Dodson (Rusby); Dima Veprintsev and Tim
Sharpe. Miriana Petrovich, Pamela Schartau, Grace Yu, and Hwee Ching
Ang. Per Jemth, Stefano Gianni, Assaf Friedler and Andreas Joerger.
Faizah Khan, Satoshi Sato, Ugo Mayor and Neil Ferguson. Tomek Religa,
Joe Markson, Pia Sondergeld and Roberto Canales. Luis
Briseño-Roa, Nuria Sanchez Puig, Caroline Blair and Tobias

2003: 60th Birthday Symposium

Audience and lecturers at 60th
Birthday Symposium for Alan Fersht. Top: audience in Chemistry
Department lecture theatre. Second row: Luis Serrano, Greg Winter,
Chris Dobson and Amnon Horovitz. Third row: Elizabeth Meiering, Mark
Bycroft, Jane Clarke and Andreas Matouschek. Fourth row: Alan Fersht,
Valerie Daggett, Tony Wilkinson and Mikael Oliveberg.

65th Birthday Symposium and
Dinner for Alan Fersht in Shangahi. Top row: Qinghua Wang,
Hualiang Jiang and Jianpeng Ma. Second row: p53 group members and Alan
cutting cake.Third row: Ada Yonath, Hualiang Jiang, Jianpeng Ma and
Sarah Perrett. Fourth row: Amnon Horovitz, Qinghua Wan and p53 group
members; Bottom row: Qinghua Wang, Marilyn Fersht, Qinghua Wang,
Jianpeng Ma and Albert Ma.

2010: From top row to bottom:
Tuck Seng Wong, Robert Sade, Eyal Arbely, Anita Rea, Jenifer Lum,
Neuweiler, Trevor Rutherford and Tobias Brandt. Matt Biancalana, Dima
Veprintsev, Tony Andreeva, Grace Yu, Mirian Petrovich, Marina Vaysburd,
Caroline Blair and Gianni Settanni. Dan Teufel, Chris Johnson, Sarah
Burge and Jan van Dieck. Cetin Baloglu, Grace Yu and Alessando Vezzoli,
Christine Barrie and Joel Kaar. Sridharan Rajagopalan, Eviatar Natan,
Kian Hoe Khoo and Wiktor Banachewicz. Gaurav Jaggi, Fiona Townsley and
Sarah Burge, Karoly von Glos and Andrew Northrop, and Andreas Joerger
and Tony Andreeva.

September 2010 - Closing
Ceremony for CCPE.