This material is supplemental to Ford et al., "Curvature of clathrin coated pits driven by epsin" Nature, 419: 361-366 (.pdf).
Supplementary Table 1 Crystallographic statistics. PDB ID # 1H0A Data Collection Statistics Space Group I222 Resolution (Å) (outer bin) 31.87 - 1.70 (1.79 - 1.70) Completeness (%) 0.98 (0.89) Multiplicity 5.9 (2.7) Wilson plot B (Å2) 24 Rmerge1 (%) 0.093 (0.558) Rmeas2 (%) 0.101 (0.686) Refinement Statistics R factor3 (working set) (%) 0.185 RFree (%) 0.228 RFree test set size (%) 0.1 <B> (Å2) (mean, overall) 29 Nreflections
(Nfree) 25,487 (2,559) Natoms (Nwater) 1,611 (206) Rmsd
bond length (Å) 0.033 Rmsd
bond angle (°) 2.3 Ramachandran violations (number) 0 Values in parentheses apply to the highest resolution shell 1 Rmerge = SSi
|Ih - Ihi| / SSi
Ih , where Ih is the mean intensity for reflection h 2 Rmeas = SÖ(n/n-1)Si |Ih - Ihi|
/ SSi Ih , the
multiplicity weighted Rmerge 3 R = S|FP-Fcalc|/SFP