Publications relevant to REFMAC5
Some but not all papers are available from respective journals's website as open access articles. If you need others please let us know.
R.A. Nicholls, F. Long and G.N. Murshudov (2012) Low Resolution Refinement Tools in REFMAC5 Acta Cryst D68 (in press)
Murshudov GN (2011) Some statistical properties of the crystallographic reliability index Rfactor: Effect of twinning. Applied and Computational Mathematics , 2011:10;250-261
Murshudov GN, Skubak P, Lebedev AA, Pannu NS, Steiner RA, Nicholls RA, Winn MD, Long F, Vagin AA REFMAC5 for the Refinement of Macromolecular Crystal Structures Acta Cryst, 2011:D67;355-367
Skubak, P, Murshudov GN and Pannu NP.A multivariate likelihood SIRAS function for phasing and model refinement Acta Cryst,2009:D65:1051-1061
"Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the Maximum-Likelihood method" G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and E.J.Dodson, (1997) in Acta Cryst. D53, 240-255
Lebedev, AA, Vagin AA and Murshidov, GN. Intensity statistics in twinned crystals with examples from the PDB. Acta Cryst. 2006:D62;83-95
Mooij WTM, Cohen SX, Joosten K, Murshudov GN and Perrakis A "Conditional Restraints": Restraining the Free Atoms in ARP/wARP. Structure 2009:17;183-189
"Incorporation of Prior Phase Information Strengthen Maximum-Likelihood Structure Refinemen" N.J.Pannu, G.N.Murshudov, E.J.Dodson and R.J.ReadA (1998) Acta Cryst. section D54, 1285-1294
"Efficient anisotropic refinement of Macromolecular structures using FFT" G.N.Murshudov, A.Lebedev, A.A.Vagin, K.S.Wilson and E.J.Dodson (1999) Acta Cryst. section D55, 247-255
"Use of TLS parameters to model anisotropic displacements in macromolecular refinement" M. Winn, M. Isupov and G.N.Murshudov (2000) Acta Cryst. 2001:D57 122-133
"Fisher's information matrix in maximum likelihood molecular refinement." Steiner R, Lebedev, A, Murshudov GN. Acta Cryst. 2003 D59: 2114-2124
"Macromolecular TLS refinement in REFMAC at moderate resolutions" Winn MD, Murshudov GN, Papiz MZ. Method in Enzymology, 2003:374 300-321
"Direct incorporation of experimental phase information in model refinement" Skubak P, Murshudov GN, Pannu NS. Acta Cryst. 2004 D60: 2196-2201
"REFMAC5 dictionary: organisation of prior chemical knowledge and guidelines for its use." Vagin, AA, Steiner, RS, Lebedev, AA, Potterton, L, McNicholas, S, Long, F and Murshudov, GN. Acta Cryst. 2004 D60: 2284-2295