Ligand Generation/Fitting Tutorial
CCP4i2, AceDRG and Coot

Rob Nicholls -
Paul Emsley -
Fei Long -
Garib Murshudov -

In this tutorial, from within CCP4i2 we will generate coordinates and description of a ligand from a SMILES string using AceDRG, use Coot to fit and the ligand into a macromolecular model, and refine the model using REFMAC5.

A basic working knowledge of the CCP4i2 GUI is assumed.

Before We Start

Required files:

Please click these links to access the files and save them to your computer.


Generating Ligand Coordinates And Description From Within CCP4i2

We will begin by using AceDRG to generate the required coordinates and description for the ligand:

When the job has finished, a 2D representation of the ligand will be displayed using Coot's Lidia.

Finding the Ligand Position

Now open our newly created ligand in Coot:

Coot will open.
Both the protein coordinates and the ligand coordinates have been loaded into Coot... but the ligand is not in the correct position. We must now fit the ligand.

Fitting the Ligand

Now we must fit our ligand coordinates into the blob, whilst ensuring chemical sense using the AceDRG restraint dictionary. Since this ligand has rotatable bonds, we try generating many conformers in the hope that one of them matches our blob sufficiently well.

Hopefully it will have found a ligand - select this ligand. If the ligand is not found, then repeat the process again, perhaps increasing the number of conformers to search.

The ligand should be placed in roughly the correct place, but it is unlikely to be in exactly the correct conformation.

Manual intervetion is required in order to correctly position the ligand. Try real space refinement (keyword: r), and manually drag atoms into a reasonable position.

We now need to merge this ligand model into the protein model. In the Edit menu, select "Merge Molecules". We want to insert the "Fitted Ligand" into Molecule "ligand_removed.pdb". You should see the ligand change colour to match the surrounding protein model.

Ligand Validation

Alongside real space refinement in Coot, it is neccesary to perform validation in order to ensure that the protein-ligand interactions are sensible. Make any final adjustments to the ligand coordinates, aided by Coot's ligand validation tools:

Full Model Refinement

Once you are happy with the ligand, the next step is to save the model back to CCP4i2 so that we can continue with further rounds of model building and refinement:

Follow the REFMAC5 job by a Coot job. Note that the atomic model, the map coefficients, and the ligand geometry dictionary will be automatically transferred to Coot.

In Coot, inspect the ligand. Does the difference density map support the ligand model? Re-enable environment distances, isolated dots and ligand distortions. Does the ligand require seem reasonnable?

In practice, further rounds of manual and full-model refinement could be performed by iterating the above procedure.