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ProSMART Tutorial - Part 2a

Introduction To ProSMART Structural Analysis With PyMOL



Results from ProSMART can be visualised using either CCP4mg or PyMOL. In this tutorial, we will use PyMOL.

ProSMART generates PDB files and PyMOL colour scripts that are used to display the results of a ProSMART comparative structural analysis. Various types of information are available for visualisation. Here, we will consider viewing substructure-based superpositions, colouring by local backbone conservation, and colouring by local side chain conformational dissimilarity.

Loading Structures Into PyMOL

First, load the PDB files output by ProSMART into PyMOL. ProSMART needs to have been executed before we can load the results into PyMOL (see Part 2). You should also know where the ProSMART results are located.

Assuming ProSMART has been executed using the ProSMART CCP4i GUI, follow these steps:

Now we are ready to load the results into PyMOL:

Global structural overlay

We can now see 2d3i overlayed onto 1ryx. This superposition is optimised using all corresponding backbone atoms between the two structures, and thus the superposition is not "tight" (the superposition is reasonable overall, but is not particularly good anywhere). This is as intended, and gives an indication of the overall disagreement between the two structures' global conformations. However, it is often more useful to have a "tight" superposition for each of the rigid substructures…

Viewing Substructure Superpositions - Analysis Of Global Conformational Changes

We will now compare the target (1ryx) and reference (2d3i) structures, looking at domain motion in order to gain intuition regarding differences in their global conformations:

The residues are now coloured according to the similarity of their local coordinate frames. Residues that closely relate to the rigid substructure/cluster are coloured red, gradually fading to white for regions that adopt a noticeably different global conformation.

We can see that the core of the structure seems relatively well-conserved between the two homologous chains, although it is hard to tell how well-conserved the other two domains are...

We will look at the other two domains/substructures/clusters:

Here, the rigid substructure is coloured green. We can now see that this domain seems relatively well-conserved, despite the large domain motion.

Now let's look at the third substructure:

Again this domain seems relatively well-conserved. However, "relatively well-conserved" isn't very scientific... we need to look at a more detailed analysis of structural conservation at the local level.

Local Structural Conservation Of The Backbone

We will colour the structures according to the "Minimum" score, which is a measure of local backbone conservation - it is not dependent on how you superpose the structures.

Residues in a similar local environment are coloured yellow, gradually changing to red indicating comparative structural dissimilarity.

In order better understand backbone conservation, it is often useful to alter the colour gradient, depending on the overall local structural conservation of the compared chains. Whilst this can be achieved dynamically in CCP4mg, ProSMART must be re-executed in order to change the colours in PyMOL (i.e. the colour script must be recreated):

When ProSMART has finished, we can return to PyMOL:

Get familiar with local ProSMART comparative analysis using PyMOL:

Try it out - switch between the three "cluster" superpositions, zoom in and inspect the structure - try to really understand the reason for the backbone colouring.

Note how useful this colouring is for helping you to quickly and easily identify which regions of structure are locally conserved and which aren't!

For the "Minimum" score, setting the colour score threshold to 1.5Ă… is generally a safe bet in most situations, but deviations from this (e.g. 1.0-2.0) may be appropriate when comparing more/less similar chain-pairs.

Different thresholds are appropriate for different scores, but we won't consider that further in this tutorial.

Local Structural Conservation Of Side Chains

For regions of the structure that sufficiently conserved in terms of backbone conformation, we are often interested in whether side chains maintain their conformation relative to the backbone despite any conformational changes such as domain motion.

What is RMSD?

RMSD - Root-Mean-Square Deviation.

RMSD is the average distance between corresponding atoms, after superposition. In ProSMART, we superpose local regions (not whole domains) when calculating RMSD.

We will now consider the "Side Chain RMSD" score, which colours residues according to the RMSD of the corresponding side chain atoms after superposition of the local backbone:

Now we can see which side chains adopt a similar conformation in the compared chains (yellow), and which adopt a dramatically different conformation (red).

We can see that many of the side chains adopt different conformations in the two models. Some of these differences may be in the crystal, whilst others may be due to incorrect modelling.

Get familiar with comparing side chain conformations

Since we are comparing side chains, it makes sense to display the side chains. To do this:

Try it out - try switching between the different substructure superpositions, zooming and navigating the structure, looking at which side chains have conserved conformations and which do not.

Note that incomplete side chains are compared using whichever subset of atoms are present.

Unaligned residues, aligned residues of different amino acid type and residues with missing backbone atoms are coloured white in this representation.

Analysis Of Structural Changes That Occur During Crystallographic Refinement

So far in this tutorial we have focussed on comparing the target (1ryx) and reference (2d3i) structures. We will now consider the comparison of the target structure before (1ryx.pdb) and after (1ryx_prosmart_refine.pdb) refinement with external restraints (data files were made available at the start of part 2).

Firstly, follow these steps:

The first thing to notice is that the global conformation of the model didn't change during refinement, despite the use of external restraints to a homologous structure that is in a different conformation!

Important point - reference structures can be in different conformations:

External restraints can be generated using homologous structures that are in a different global conformation to the low-resolution structure you are trying to refine. Due to the local nature of the external restraints generated by ProSMART, these restraints will not unduly influence the target structure into a different global conformation during refinement.

Now we'll investigate whether there have been many changes to the backbone:

Important point - making use of ProSMART structural analysis in model building/refinement:

During part 1 of this tutorial, we identified an interesting region comprising residues 472-477 and 331-343 that requiring manual remodelling. However, it is tedious to systematically manually inspect every residue to see whether the structure has changed and requires manual attention. Using the ProSMART comparative analysis features, you can quickly and easily identify which regions are in most drastic need of attention (if any). Indeed, residues 472-477 and 331-343 could have been easily identified in this way. From looking at the ProSMART backbone conservation analysis, it is also immediately clear that there are various other regions in the structure that are in desperate need of manual attention.

Now investigate how much side chain conformations changed:

Here, a large number of the side chains have changed conformation, indicating that a lot of manual inspection and model rebuilding in Coot would be required in this case. In other cases, fewer side chains may have changed conformation - this information can be helpful in speeding up manual model building in Coot.

Assessing Influence Of Reference Structures During Externally-Restrained Refinement

So far in this tutorial we have compared the target and reference structures, and compared the original and re-refined models. We will now consider the comparison of the re-refined model (1ryx_prosmart_refine) and the reference structure (2d3i). This will illustrate the influence of the external restraints.

Similarly to above, follow these steps:

The first thing to note is that the target structure has been necessarily pulled towards the reference structure during refinement - the two structures have locally-similar backbones. However, there are a few regions that have not been pulled into the conformation of the reference structure. The analysis suggests that overall the backbone of the re-refined model is more locally similar to the reference structure than to the original target model.

Now investigate whether there have been many changes to the side chains:

There are a substantial number of side chains that adopt different conformations in the re-refined and reference models. This demonstrates that the external restraints have not pulled these side chains out of their conformations - good density should help to keep structure in place. If not, it could be that you need to loosen the external restraints weight.


External restraints can pull regions into incorrect conformations, particularly when density is weak. Whilst this sounds like a bad thing, it is not! Indeed, this often has the positive effect of revealing new features in the density, and causing difference density to appear in regions where the "true" model should be placed (where the word "true" is used tentatively...). If this happens, and after manual inspection in Coot you conclude that the external restraints have had a negative effect in a particular region, then you should exclude the region in question when generating the external restraints. Alternatively, you can apply the corrections manually in Coot, before continuing subsequent rounds of refinement with jelly-body restraints.

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