Results from ProSMART can be visualised using either CCP4mg or PyMOL.
In this tutorial, we will use CCP4mg.
First, we must load the ProSMART results into CCP4mg.
We can either load a pre-existing results directory into CCP4mg (e.g. as generated using CCP4i, or using the command line), or alternatively run ProSMART using all default settings from within CCP4mg.
Running ProSMART from within CCP4mg is very convenient, but using the CCP4i GUI (or command line) is required for more functionality.
It is vitally important to remember to load the input models into CCP4mg before attempting to load the ProSMART results. Follow these steps:
Open CCP4mg.
Select "File -> Open" and browse for 1ryx.pdb.
Select "File -> Open" and browse for 2d3i.pdb.
Select "Applications -> ProSMART analysis"
Now you have the option whether to run ProSMART through CCP4mg or whether to use the results we created earlier using the CCP4i GUI:
To run via CCP4mg:
Click the tick box just to the right of "Run ProSMART on".
Select "2d3i" from the drop-down box next to the tick box.
Click the "Run ProSMART" button (the button may not depress, but be patient…) and a table should appear after a second or two.
To load results from an existing ProSMART execution:
Click the "Load ProSMART results" button.
Navigate to and select the ProSMART output directory, which is usually called "ProSMART_Output" (if in doubt, check the location of files in the ProSMART_Results.html file). This will load any ProSMART results that are present within this directory.
Now that the ProSMART results have been loaded into CCP4mg, you will see a table detailing the residue-based structural conservation scores.
Various scores are provided pertaining to local backbone conservation ("Min", "Central", and "Rotate"), side chain conformation ("Side RMS", "Side AV", and "Max Dist"), and any identified rigid substructures ("Cluster1", "Cluster2", and "Cluster3", in this case).
Visual Analysis Of Global Conformational Changes
We will now compare the target (1ryx) and reference (2d3i) structures, looking at domain motion in order to gain intuition regarding differences in their global conformations:
Click the "Superpose" button to the right of the table, and select "2d3i_A Global".
This will transform 2d3i so that it is superposed onto 1ryx. Since this uses the "Global" approach (i.e. all residues), the superposition is reasonable overall, but is not particularly good anywhere.
Now click the "Superpose" button again, this time selecting "2d3i_A Cluster0".
Something happened, but it's hard to see exactly what... colouring can help with this.
Click the "Show coloured by" button, and select "Cluster 1".
(note that the clusters are named 1-3 in the "Show coloured by" list, whilst being named 0-2 in the "Superpose" list - this bug will be fixed in a future CCP4mg update).
Now we can see something sensible. The rigid substructure is coloured yellow. Residues that closely 'belong' to the rigid substructure are coloured yellow, those that are more distant (in terms of relative coordinate frame) are coloured red.
Residues are coloured on a gradient between yellow and red - you can see that the domain at the top is coloured orange, indicating that this domain has not rotated relative to the yellow substructure as much as the domain at the bottom that is coloured red.
We can see that the core of the structure seems relatively well-conserved between the two homologous chains, although it is hard to tell how well-conserved the other two domains are...
Now let's look at the second substructure:
Click the "Show coloured by" button, and select "Cluster 2".
Click the "Superpose" button, and select "2d3i_A Cluster1".
We can now see that this domain seems relatively well-conserved, despite the large domain motion.
Now let's look at the third substructure:
Click the "Show coloured by" button, and select "Cluster 3".
Click the "Superpose" button, and select "2d3i_A Cluster2".
Again this domain seems relatively well-conserved. However, "relatively well-conserved" isn't very scientific... now let's look at a more detailed analysis of structural conservation at the local level.
Local Structural Conservation Of The Backbone
At this stage, we will want to view the structures in the coordinate frame of the structural core - the first cluster:
Click the "Superpose" button, and select "2d3i_A Cluster0".
We will now colour the structures according to the "Min" score, which is a conformation-independent measure of local backbone conservation.
Note that this measure is independent of the global coordinate frame; it is not dependent on how you superpose the structures.
Click the "Show coloured by" button, and select "Min".
Residues that have a structurally-similar local environment are coloured yellow, gradually changing to red indicating comparative structural dissimilarity.
In order to get a deeper intuition regarding backbone conservation, it is useful to alter the colour gradient.
This can be achieved dynamically in CCP4mg:
Click the "Edit colours for" button, and select "Min". This will open a colour editor window called "1ryx/A 2d3i/A Min".
Change "Lower value" to 0.5 and "Upper value" to 1.5 - this will allow a better contrast between similar and dissimilar regions.
Local Structural Conservation Of Side Chains
For regions of the structure that sufficiently conserved in terms of backbone conformation, we are often interested in whether side chains maintain their conformation relative to the backbone despite any conformational changes such as domain motion.
To do this, we will consider the "Side RMS" score, which colours residues according to the RMSD of the corresponding side chain atoms after superposition of the local backbone:
Click the "Show coloured by" button, and select "Side RMS".
The default colour thresholds are far too liberal and thus uninformative. As before, enter the colour editor for "Side RMS", and change "Lower value" to 0.5 and "Upper value" to 1.5.
Now we can see with more clarity which residues have side chains that adopt a similar conformation in the compared chains (yellow), and which adopt a dramatically different conformation (red).
We can see that many of the side chains adopt different conformations in the two models. Some of these differences may be real (i.e. differences in the crystal), and some may be due to incorrect modelling.
Analysis Of Structural Changes That Occur During Crystallographic Refinement
So far in this tutorial we have focussed on comparing the target (1ryx) and reference (2d3i) structures.
We will now consider the comparison of the target structure before (1ryx.pdb) and after (1ryx_prosmart_refine.pdb) refinement with external restraints (data files were made available at the start of part 2).
From this point on, we will assume knowledge of the procedures described earlier in this tutorial, regarding use of the ProSMART analysis features in CCP4mg.
Firstly, follow these steps:
Start a new session - close CCP4mg, then re-open it.
Load 1ryx.pdb and 1ryx_prosmart_refine.pdb into CCP4mg.
Run ProSMART to compare these two structures.
The first thing to notice is that the global conformation of the model didn't change during refinement.
This is worth noting, due to the use of external restraints to a homologous structure that is in a different conformation!
However, there's nothing to say that local structure hasn't changed. Now we'll investigate whether there have been many changes to the backbone:
Colour the structures using the "Min" score.
In order to be able to interpret the colours sensibly, adjust the colour gradient so that the "Lower Value" is 0.5 (in this case, we cannot adjust the "Upper Value" to 1.5 as the highest score is less than 1.5).
Zoom in and have a good look at the structure; see which regions have seen large changes to the backbone during refinement and which haven't.
Now investigate whether there have been many changes to the side chains:
Colour the structures using the "Side RMS" score.
In order to be able to interpret the colours sensibly, adjust the colour gradient so that the "Lower Value" is 0.5 and the "Upper Value" is 1.5.
Display the structures using the "Bonds" representation, and enable "Depth cue fog".
Zoom in and have a good look at the structure; see which side chains have changed during refinement and which haven't.
In this case, a large number of the side chains have changed conformation, indicating that a lot of manual inspection and model rebuilding in Coot would be required in this case.
In other cases, fewer side chains may be identified as having dramatically changed conformation during a given refinement cycle - in such cases, information from the ProSMART comparative structural analysis would dramatically speed up the process by identifying which residues to prioritise looking at in Coot.
Assessing Influence Of Reference Structures During Externally-Restrained Refinement
So far in this tutorial we have compared the target (1ryx) and reference (2d3i) structures, and compared the original (1ryx) and re-refined (1ryx_prosmart_refine) models.
We will now consider the comparison of the re-refined model (1ryx_prosmart_refine) and the reference structure (2d3i).
This will provide information regarding the degree of influence of the external restraints from the homologous reference model.
When combined with the previous structural analyses in this tutorial, along with some manual inspection in Coot to determine causality, this information could help us to gain intuition regarding the usefulness/suitability of the external restraints, and be consequently used to hone the refinement protocol.
For example, it may be desirable to use external restraints for some regions/residues, but not for others.
Firstly follow these steps:
Start a new session - close CCP4mg, then re-open it.
Load 1ryx_prosmart_refine.pdb and 2d3i.pdb into CCP4mg.
Run ProSMART to compare these two structures.
Superpose 2d3i onto 1ryx_prosmart_refine using the coordinate frame of the first substructure (called "2d3i_A Cluster0" in CCP4mg).
Colour the structures by the "Min" score to assess backbone conservation.
In order to be able to interpret the colours sensibly, adjust the colour gradient so that the "Lower Value" is 0.5 and the "Upper Value" is 1.5.
The first thing to note is that the target structure has been neccesarily pulled towards the reference structure during refinement - the two structures have locally-similar backbones.
However, there are a few regions that have not been pulled into the conformation of the reference structure.
The analysis suggests that overall the backbone of the re-refined model is more locally similar to the reference structure than to the original target model.
Note that, when comparing the results from multiple ProSMART comparative analyses, it is imperative for the colour thresholds/gradients to be exactly the same in CCP4mg.
Now investigate the structural conservation of side chains between the re-refined model and the reference structure:
Colour the structures using the "Side RMS" score.
In order to be able to interpret the colours sensibly, adjust the colour gradient so that the "Lower Value" is 0.5 and the "Upper Value" is 1.5.
Display the structures using the "Bonds" representation, and enable "Depth cue fog".
Zoom in and have a good look at the structure; see which side chains have changed during refinement and which haven't.
The first thing to note is that there are a substantial number of side chains that are in different conformations between the re-refined and reference models.
This is important - this demonstrates that, despite using external restraints for all side chains, the external restraints have not pulled side chains out of their conformation if the density is strong enough to suggest that they should stay where they are.
The analysis also suggests that more side chains are in the conformation of the reference structure than are in the conformation of the original target structure.
Final Note
External restraints can pull regions into incorrect conformations, particularly when density is weak.
Whilst this sounds like a bad thing, it is not! Indeed, this often has the positive effect of revealing new features in the density, and causing difference density to appear in regions where the "true" model should be placed (where the word "true" is used tentatively...).
If this happens, and after manual inspection in Coot you conclude that the external restraints have had a negative affect in a particular region, then you should use ProSMART to regenerate the external restraints specifying for the region in question to be excluded from restraint generation, before re-attempting refinement with the updated set of restraints.
Alternatively, you can apply the corrections manually in Coot, before continuing subsequent rounds of refinement with jelly-body restraints.