Restraining a Low-Resolution Structure Using A Homologous Higher-Resolution Model
In this tutorial, we will generate ProSMART external restraints for the deposited 3.5Å structure with PDB code 1ryx using the sequence-identical 2.15Å structure 2d3i, which adopts a different global conformation and was solved in a different space group.
A basic working knowledge of the CCP4i2 GUI is assumed.
We will begin by attempting to refine the structure without using additional regularisers:
Click on the "Task menu" at the top-left of the CCP4i2 interface, and navigate to "Refinement - REFMAC5".
Give the job a meaningful title, e.g. "Tutorial Example 4 - Low Resolution", and ensure that data from a previous job are not used to populate the input fields.
Provide the files 1ryx.pdb and 1ryx.mtz as inputs in the "Atomic model", "Reflections", and "Free R set" fields.
Set the "Number of refinement cycles" to 20, and untick "Use hydrogens during refinement".
Click "Run" to start the job, and continue with the tutorial while this job runs....
Jelly-Body Refinement
Since only low-resolution data are available, additional regularisers are required in order to stabilise refinement.
Now try refining the structure using jelly-body restraints:
Click on the "Clone job" button at the top of the interface.
This will create a new job, pre-populated with the inputs from the previous job.
Give the job a meaningful title, e.g. "Tutorial Example 4 - Jelly Body".
Click on the "Restraints" tab, and select "Use jelly-body restraints".
Click "Run" to start the job, and continue with the tutorial while this job runs....
Refinement using ProSMART External Restraints
Whilst jelly-body restraints can stabilise refinement, they can't help the model to escape local minima and move into a more sensible conformation. However, this can be achieved using external restraints from a homologous structure.
We will now refine the structure using ProSMART external restraints from a homologous model (2d3i):
Click on the "Clone job" button at the top of the interface.
This will create a new job, pre-populated with the inputs from the previous job.
Give the job a meaningful title, e.g. "Tutorial Example 4 - External".
Click on the "Restraints" tab and deselect "Use jelly-body restraints", as we do not want to use jelly-body restraints and external restraints at the same time.
Provide the file 2d3i.pdb as input in the "Reference model" field. This will cause ProSMART to be executed to generate external restraints for 1ryx using structural information from 2d3i, prior to executing REFMAC5 to refine the model.
Click "Run" to start the job....
Compare Results
Compare the results from the three different refinement runs.
Manual Inspection in Coot
Now inspect the model and density after refinement using external restraints:
Click the "COOT" button at the bottom of the results page.
This will create a new job, which will allow the refined model and density to be displayed using Coot.
You do not need to change any options for this job. Click the "Run" button to launch Coot.
Can you identify any regions that require manual consideration?
Increase the map radius to 20Å (Edit -> Map Parameters -> Map Radius),
and show symmetry related molecules (Draw -> Cell and Symmetry -> Show Symmetry Atoms).
Go to residue 475.
It is clear that this region is is need of rebuilding.
Attempt to improve the model in this region using real-space refinement.
Now we want to save the editted model, and attempt re-refinement using REFMAC5.
Save the model to CCP4i2 from Coot (File -> Save mol to CCP4i2), and then exit Coot (File -> Exit).
This model is now available for further re-refinement by REFMAC5 from within CCP4i2.
Now try re-refining this model using jelly-body restraints, inspect the refinement statistics, and inspect the model and density in Coot.
It is recommended to use external restraints in early/medium stages of refinement, followed by subsequent rounds of jelly-body refinement (without external restraints).
Ultimately, the crystallographer should decide what strategy makes the most sense in their particular case.
Further to injecting external information obtained from reliable sources (e.g. homologous structures), external restraints can be used to help stabilize a desired conformation whenever the density alone is of too poor quality to maintain it.
Disclaimer - it is important to note that we are not criticizing the authors of the original deposited low-resolution model. Rather, due to improvements in macromolecular crystallographic refinement tools in recent years, we are now able to gain further insight that was not routinely possible at the time of original structure solution. Furthermore, we do not imply that the modifications applied to the model during this tutorial are necessarily accurate – this could only be confirmed/re-evaluated after performing extensive model rebuilding and refinement.