(If you are a lab alumnus/a and are not listed here, it is because I have lost track of you...)

Andre Brown (postdoc 2009-2013)

Andre is a group leader at the MRC Clinical Sciences Unit at Imperial College, London.

check out his web page!


Henrik Bringmann (postdoc 2008-2009)

Henrik is a group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Chemistry in Göttingen.

check out his web page!


Hiroshi Suzuki (postdoc 2000-2006)

Hiroshi is a Visiting Scientist at the Samuel Lunenfeld Institute in Toronto.


Adam Tearle (postdoc 2003-2006)

Adam is Deputy Manager for Proteomics and Genomics at Vimta Life Sciences in Hyderabad.


Suchitra Jagannathan (postdoc 2002-2006)

Suchitra is a Senior Scientist and group leader at EPTRI in Hyderabad.


Callie Craig (postdoc 2004-2007)

Callie is a technical writer in San Diego.


Zhaoyang (John) Feng (postdoc 2001-2004)

John is an Assistant Professor at Case Western.


Alexander Gottschalk (postdoc 2000-2003)

Alex is Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry, Johann Wilhelm Goethe-University, Frankfurt.

check out his website!


Massimo Hilliard (postdoc 2001-2002)

Massimo is a group leader at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia.

check out his website!


James Cregg (PhD 2010)

James is a postdoc in the Kenyon lab at UCSF.


Mi Zhang (PhD 2007)

Mi is a postdoc in the Koelle lab at Yale.


Katya Melnik-Martinez (PhD 2008)

Katya is a postdoc in the Pasquinelli lab at UCSD.


Katie Kindt (PhD 2006)

Katie is a group leader at the NIH (NiDCD).


Alfonso Apicella (PhD 2004)

Alfonso is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas, San Antonio.


Stanley Shyn (PhD 2003; MD 2005)

Stanley is currently a psychiatry resident at USCF.


Jinah Kim (PhD 2002)

Jinah is a scientist at Ingenuity Systems in California.


Rex Kerr (PhD 2002)

Rex has just started his own lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm research campus.

check out his website!


Tobey Tam (PhD 2000)

Tobey is a Patent Agent at Quidel Corporation in San Diego.


Laura Murphy (nee Waggoner; PhD 1999)

Laura is Assistant Professor of Biology at Miramar College in San Diego.


Kathleen Quast (research associate, 2002-2007)

Kathleen is a PhD student at Harvard.


Dan Poole (research associate, 1997-2002)

Dan is lab manager of the Skop lab in Madison.


Megan Palm (MS 2005)

Megan works at Invitrogen.


Shaleah Vidal (nee Whiteman; MS 2004)

Shaleah also works at Invitrogen.


Christian Frøkjær-Jensen (MS 2002)

Christian is a postdoc in the Jorgensen lab in Utah.


Laura Anne Lowery (nee Hardaker; MS 2001)

Laura Anne is an Assistant Professor at Boston College.

check out her website!