2009 European Conference on Nematode Neurobiology  

Registration instructions


The deadline for early registration is 1 August, 2009.

To register, each attendee should fill out the registration form.


Email completed forms to ewnm.registration@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly after your registration form is received.


You will also need to make sure your registration fees are paid (see below). If payment is not received by 20 August 2009, your registration may be cancelled.

Payment instructions (new simplified procedure!)          


Once your registration form has been received, we will email you a payment invoice. You can pay by personal or institutional cheque, to the Medical Research Council, or alternative the money can be wire transferred into the meeting account (the bank details will be on the invoice form).


You will receive a confirmation email shortly after your payment is received.

Email any questions to ewnm.payment@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk


Travel bursaries              


Limited funds may be available to support travel to the meeting. The form to apply for a travel bursary is here. All applications recieved by the time of the meeting will be considered, and we will reimburse as many people as possible using the funds available after the meeting.


These travel bursaries will be supported by our Genetics Society sponsorship, so priority will be given to members of the Genetics Society. You can join the Genetics Society here.

For information, contact Bill Schafer (wschafer[at]mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk)