.. libcootapi documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Nov 15 01:24:41 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Libcootapi's Documentation ========================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Libcootapi is a new (as of 2022) interface to the functionality of *Coot*. It is designed to be (is intended to be) a clean, consistent and easy-to-use interface primarily targeting WebAssembly/JavaScript and secondarily, Python. The previous API for Coot still exists and is available for use with Python and Guile/Scheme (it provides the ``coot`` module). That interface is considerably more extensive than this one (consisting of several thousand API functions), but is significantly less easy to use as it embeds OpenGL and GTK libraries (and all of their dependencies, of course). The Molecules Container ======================= *Coot*'s molecules are referred to by index and should only be accessed *via* member functions of the ``molecules_container_t`` class. The functions in this class for the most part return simple types. There are some functions that return a more complex type, such as ``coot::simple_mesh_t`` or ``coot::validation_information_t``. Note: The private types, functions, attributes and members are listed here, but they are not, for the most part, useful for exporting. Which is not to rule out that there may be *something* there that could usefully be declared as public. .. doxygenfile:: molecules-container.hh :project: libcootapi Mesh Objects ============ .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/g_triangle.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/vertex.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/simple-mesh.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: instancing.hh :project: libcootapi Atom and Residue Specifiers =========================== .. doxygenfile:: geometry/residue-and-atom-specs.hh :project: libcootapi Validation Information ====================== .. doxygenfile:: validation-information.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: residue-validation-information.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/coot-density-stats.hh :project: libcootapi Superposition ============= .. doxygenfile:: superpose-results.hh :project: libcootapi Molecule Internals ================== .. doxygenfile:: coot_molecule.hh :project: libcootapi Hydrogen Bonds ============== .. doxygenfile:: moorhen-h-bonds.hh :project: libcootapi 3D lines ======== .. doxygenfile:: generic-3d-lines.hh :project: libcootapi Map Utils ========= .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/coot-map-utils.hh :project: libcootapi .. doxygenfile:: api-cell.hh :project: libcootapi Colour ====== .. doxygenfile:: coot-colour.hh :project: libcootapi Cartesian Coordinates ===================== .. doxygenfile:: coords/Cartesian.h :project: libcootapi Statistics Container ==================== .. doxygenfile:: analysis/stats.hh :project: libcootapi Symmetry ======== .. doxygenfile:: coords/mmdb-crystal.h :project: libcootapi Structure Factors ================= .. doxygenfile:: coot-utils/sfcalc-genmap.hh :project: libcootapi Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`