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As of release 1.3, RELION has a built-in image display program (called relion_display). It may be launched from the command-line, but more convenient access is offered through the "Display" button on the GUI (which actually launches "relion_display --gui"), which asks the user to select a file for displaying. The following types of files may be displayed:

individual maps (*.mrc) or stacks of images (*.mrcs)

Individual maps (with a .mrc extension) will be displayed as slices in Z. All particles in a stack (with a .mrcs extension) will be displayed ni a matrix-like view. Individual images from the stacks can then be displayed through clicking the right-mouse pop-up menu on the particle of interest. If you know which particle to display, you can also provide its name (e.g. 624@stack.mrcs) on the command-line with --i option.

STAR files with particles images (*.star)
