Imagining the Brain is:
A dialogue about science, especially neuroscience.
An artistic expression of science and its wider implications.
In its tenth year, Imagining the Brain is invites local students from years 9-13 to communicate science to a diverse audience. Young people produce works of art on set topics and the work, exhibited here, is judged by professional artists and scientists. One (or more) of the prize-winners may then be invited to spend some time in the laboratory producing artwork that aims to communicate the cutting edge of LMB science.
This work is used by us to communicate science to other scientists in the form of journal illustrations, poster backgrounds and slides for use at meetings and also to communicate to a wider public, for instance, their use at the Dana Centre for the public understanding of science and to enhance scientific talks that we give at local schools.
Past works by our participants have gone on to be used at international scientific conferences, to illustrate journal articles and course brochures.
This year the topics for the artwork are Neurotechnology, The Teenage Brain, Memory and Food for Thought.