Bill (PI), Saurahb (postdoc), Isabel (professor/LMB fellow), Li (PhD student), Elke (PhD student), Jun (postdoc)
Larissa (postdoc), Denise (senior scientist), Isabel (PhD student), Lidia (just minted doctor), Joe (PhD student), Bill (PI), Keertana (PhD student)
Isabel (PhD student), Anna (master student), Joe (PhD student), Lidia (PhD student)
Zaw (summer intern), Larissa (postdoc), Keertana (PhD student), Joe (PhD student) and Lidia (PhD student)
Bill (PI), Larissa (postdoc), Joe (PhD student), Xinyi (postdoc), Keertana (PhD student), Lidia (PhD student), Isabel (PhD student), Anna (master student), Denise (senior scientist), Amy (postdoc)
Lidia (PhD student dressed as a worm), Isabel (PhD student dressed as scientist)
Larissa (postdoc), Denise (senior scientist), Isabel (PhD student), Lidia (PhD student), Keertana (PhD student), Cristina (visiting PhD student), Xinyi (postdoc), at the front Amy (postdoc)
Aki (postdoc), Yi-Quan (postdoc), Lidia (RA, future PhD student), Iris (postdoc), Denise (senior scientist), Yee Lian (postdoc), Bill (PI), Julia (postdoc), Eva (PhD student)
Yi-Quan (postdoc), Bill (PI), Aki (postdoc), Yee Lian (postdoc), Denise (senior scientist), Alina (Erasmus student), Julia (postdoc), Eva (PhD student), Iris (postdoc)
Mike (Jinah’s boyfriend), Marika Orlov (undergrad), Katie Kindt (PhD student), John Feng (postdoc), Alex Gottschalk (postdoc), Jinah Kim (PhD), Jinah’s mother, Bill, Stanley Shyn (PhD student), Rex Kerr (PhD student), Shaleah Whiteman (MS student).
Katie Kindt (Phd student), Hiroshi Suzuki (postdoc), Bill (PI), Hannah Laurenson-Schafer, Rex Kerr (PhD student), Scott Summers (undergrad), Jay Silver (summer student) and his girlfriend. Foreground: Back of Laura Hardaker’s head, Annette (Alex’s wife). Behind Hiroshi: Henry Laurenson-Schafer
Clay Kempf (Masters student), Stanley Shyn (MD/PhD student), Jinah Kim (PhD student), Katie Kindt (PhD student).
Alex Gottschalk (postdoc), Laura Hardaker (Masters student), Stanley Shyn (MD/PhD student)
Laura Waggoner (PhD student), Steve Golik (MS student), Tobey Tam (PhD student), David Ramirez (undergraduate student), Bill Schafer, Rex Kerr (PhD student)