Libcootapi’s Documentation
Libcootapi is a new (as of 2022) interface to the functionality of Coot. It is designed to be (is intended to be) a clean, consistent and easy-to-use interface primarily targeting WebAssembly/JavaScript and secondarily, Python.
The previous API for Coot still exists and is available for use with Python and
Guile/Scheme (it provides the coot
module). That interface is considerably more
extensive than this one (consisting of several thousand API functions), but is
significantly less easy to use as it embeds OpenGL and GTK libraries (and all of their
dependencies, of course).
The Molecules Container
Coot’s molecules are referred to by index and should only be accessed via member
functions of the molecules_container_t
The functions in this class for the most part return simple types. There are some functions
that return a more complex type, such as coot::simple_mesh_t
or coot::validation_information_t
Note: The private types, functions, attributes and members are listed here, but they are not, for the most part, useful for exporting. Which is not to rule out that there may be something there that could usefully be declared as public.
class molecules_container_t
- #include <molecules-container.hh>
the container of molecules. The class for all libcootapi functions.
Old Python functions
PyObject *simple_mesh_to_pythonic_mesh(const coot::simple_mesh_t &mesh, int mesh_mode)
old function: do not use with nanobind
PyObject *get_pythonic_bonds_mesh(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
old function: do not use with nanobind
PyObject *get_pythonic_map_mesh(int imol, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float contour_level)
old function: do not use with nanobind
PyObject *get_pythonic_molecular_representation_mesh(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection, const std::string &colour_sheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)
old function: do not use with nanobind
PyObject *get_pythonic_gaussian_surface_mesh(int imol, float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float fft_b_factor)
old function: do not use with nanobind get Gaussion surface mesh
PyObject *get_pythonic_simple_molecule(int imol, const std::string &cid, bool include_hydrogen_atoms_flag)
old function: do not use with nanobind: get a pythonic mesh of the molecule (bonds)
0: atom-name
1: atom-element
2: position (a list of 3 floats)
3: formal charge (an integer)
4: aromaticity flag (boolean)
make a “proper” simple molecule python class one day.
- Returns:
a pair - the first of which (index 0) is the list of atoms, the second (index 1) is the list of bonds. An atom is a list:
Basic Utilities
bool make_backups_flag
the backup-enable state (raw public if needed/prefered)
inline void set_make_backups(bool state)
Allow the user to disable/enable backups
- Parameters:
state – is
to mean that it is enabled. The default istrue
inline bool get_make_backups() const
- Returns:
the backup-enabled state
std::string file_name_to_string(const std::string &file_name) const
- Returns:
the string of the contents of the given file-name.
inline unsigned int get_number_of_molecules() const
- Returns:
the number of molecules
void create_empty_molecules(unsigned int n_empty)
The adds a number of empty molecules to the internal vector of molecules Note that his is not like
as it will increase the molecule index of the next added molecule byn_empty
inline void set_imol_refinement_map(int i)
set the map used for refinement and fitting
inline void set_map_weight(float w)
set the map weight
inline float get_map_weight() const
- Returns:
the map weight
coot::atom_spec_t atom_cid_to_atom_spec(int imol, const std::string &cid) const
Convert atom cid string to a coot atom specifier. The test for these failing is
coot::residue_spec_t residue_cid_to_residue_spec(int imol, const std::string &cid) const
Convert residue cid string to a coot residue specifier.
- Returns:
the residues spec.
is true on failure.
inline void set_show_timings(bool s)
this set the show_timings flag. Various (not all) functions in this class can calculate how long they took to run. Setting this will write the time to taken (in milliseconds) to stdout. The default is
moorhen::header_info_t get_header_info(int imol) const
get header info.
- Returns:
an object with header info. Sparce at the moment.
int get_imol_enc_any() const
get imol_enc_any
- Returns:
the value of imol_enc_any (meaning “the molecule number for dictionary that
Coordinates Utils
int read_coordinates(const std::string &file_name)
read a coordinates file (mmcif or PDB)
- Returns:
the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure
int read_pdb(const std::string &file_name)
read a PDB file (or mmcif coordinates file, despite the name). It does the same job as
but has (perhaps) a more familiar name.- Returns:
the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure
void print_secondary_structure_info(int imol) const
print the secondary structure information to standard out
void replace_molecule_by_model_from_file(int imol, const std::string &pdb_file_name)
read a PDB file (or mmcif coordinates file, despite the name) to replace the current molecule. This will only work if the molecules is already a model molecule
std::vector<int> split_multi_model_molecule(int imol)
split an NMR model into multiple models - all in MODEL 1.
- Returns:
the vector of new molecule indices.
int make_ensemble(const std::string &model_molecule_list)
make a multi-model molecule given the input molecules
- Parameters:
``model_molecules_list`` – is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g.
- Returns:
the new molecule index - -1 if no models were found in the
std::string molecule_to_PDB_string(int imol) const
get the molecule as a PDB string
- Returns:
the model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error
std::string molecule_to_mmCIF_string(int imol) const
get the molecule as an mmCIF string
- Returns:
the model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error
std::pair<int, std::string> get_active_atom(float x, float y, float z, const std::string &displayed_model_molecules_list) const
get the active atom given the screen centre
is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g. “2:3:4”- Returns:
the molecule index and the atom cid. On failure (no molecules with atoms in them, say) then return -1 and a blank string.
int import_cif_dictionary(const std::string &cif_file_name, int imol_enc)
import a dictionary cif - imol_enc is used to specify to which molecule this dictionary should apply. Use IMOL_ENC_ANY to mean “it applies to all molecules.”
IMOL_ENC_ANY = -999999
- Returns:
1 on success and 0 on failure
std::string get_cif_file_name(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc) const
get the cif file name
- Returns:
the dictionary read for the give residue type, return an empty string on failure to lookup the residue type
std::string get_cif_restraints_as_string(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc) const
get the cif restraints as a string
- Returns:
a string that is the contents of a dictionary cif file
bool copy_dictionary(const std::string &monomer_name, int imol_current, int imol_new)
copy the dictionary that is specific for imol_current so that it can be used with imol_new
int get_monomer(const std::string &monomer_name)
get a monomer
- Parameters:
monomer_name – [in] the name of the monomer
- Returns:
the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure
int get_monomer_from_dictionary(const std::string &comp_id, int imol, bool idealised_flag)
get a monomer for a particular molecule - use -999999 (IMOL_ENC_ANY) if no molecule-specific dictionary is needed.
- Returns:
the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure
int get_monomer_and_position_at(const std::string &comp_id, int imol, float x, float y, float z)
get monomer and place it at the given position for a particular molecule - use -999999 if no molecule-specific dictionary is needed
- Returns:
the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure
std::vector<std::string> get_groups_for_monomers(const std::vector<std::string> &residue_names) const
get the groups for a vector of monomers
- Returns:
the group for the given list of residue names as a vector of strings
std::string get_group_for_monomer(const std::string &residue_name) const
get the group for a particlar monomer
- Returns:
the group for the given residue name
std::string get_hb_type(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc, const std::string &atom_name) const
get the hydrogen bond type of a particular atom in a given residue type
- Returns:
the hb_type for the given atom. On failure return an empty string. Valid types are: “HB_UNASSIGNED” ,”HB_NEITHER”, “HB_DONOR”, “HB_ACCEPTOR”, “HB_BOTH”, “HB_HYDROGEN”.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_gphl_chem_comp_info(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc)
get the GPhL extra restraint information (from the input cif file)
- Returns:
a vector of string pairs that were part of a gphl_chem_comp_info. return an empty vector on failure to find any such info.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_acedrg_atom_types(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc) const
get a list of atom names and their associated atedrg atom types
- Returns:
a list of atom names and their associated atedrg atom types, return an empty list on failure (atoms types are not in the dictionary or atom failure to look up the compound id)l
coot::acedrg_types_for_residue_t get_acedrg_atom_types_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid) const
get acedrg types for ligand bonds
- Returns:
a vector of
void write_png(const std::string &compound_id, int imol, const std::string &file_name) const
write a PNG for the given compound_id. imol can be IMOL_ENC_ANY
Currently this function does nothing (drawing is done with the not-allowed cairo)
int write_coordinates(int imol, const std::string &file_name) const
write the coordinate to the give file name
- Returns:
1 on success and 0 on failure
void set_draw_missing_residue_loops(bool state)
set the state for drawing missing loops
By default missing loops are drawn. This function allows missing loops to not be drawn. Sometimes that can clarify the representation. This is a lightweight function that sets a flag that is used by subsequent calls to
coot::simple_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
get the bonds mesh
is “COLOUR-BY-CHAIN-AND-DICTIONARY”, “CA+LIGANDS” or “VDW-BALLS”against_a_dark_background
allows the bond colours to be relevant for the background. When the background is dark, the colours should (as a rule) be bright and pastelly. When the background is light/white, the colour darker and more saturated.smoothness_factor
controls the number of triangles used to make the bond cylinders and spheres for the atoms - it rises in powers of 4. 1 is the smallestsmoothness_factor
, 2 looks nice (but maybe is slower to transfer) and 3 is best.bond_width
is the bond width in Angstroms. 0.12 is a reasonable default value.atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio
allows the representation of “ball and stick”. To do so use a value between (say) 1.5 and 3.0. The ratio for “liquorice” representation is 1.0 (of course).- Returns:
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_instanced(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
get the instanced bonds mesh.
The arguments are as above:
is “COLOUR-BY-CHAIN-AND-DICTIONARY” - more modes to followagainst_a_dark_background
allows the bond colours to be relevant for the background. When the background is dark, the colours should (as a rule) be bright and pastelly. When the background is light/white, the colour darker and more saturated.smoothness_factor
controls the number of triangles used to make the bond cylinders and spheres for the atoms - it rises in powers of 4. 1 is the smallestsmoothness_factor
, 2 looks nice and 3 is best. Instancing may mean that smoothness factor 3 should be used by default.bond_width
is the bond width in Angstroms. 0.12 is a reasonable default value.atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio
allows the representation of “ball and stick”. To do so use a value between (say) 1.5 and 3.0. The ratio for “liquorice” representation is 1.0 (of course). 1.7 or 1.8 looks nice.- Returns:
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_for_selection_instanced(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
As above, but only return the bonds for the atom selection. Typically one would call this with a wider bond_with than one would use for standards atoms (all molecule)
- Returns:
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_goodsell_style_mesh_instanced(int imol, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)
get the Goodsell style mesh
- Returns:
void export_map_molecule_as_gltf(int imol, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, float radius, float contour_level, const std::string &file_name)
export map molecule as glTF
(not const because maps might update?)
void export_model_molecule_as_gltf(int imol, const std::string &selection_cid, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops, const std::string &file_name)
export model molecule as glTF
This API will change - we want to specify surfaces and ribbons too.
void export_molecular_represenation_as_gltf(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag, const std::string &file_name)
std::vector<glm::vec4> get_colour_table(int imol, bool against_a_dark_background) const
return the colur table (for testing)
void set_colour_wheel_rotation_base(int imol, float r)
set the colour wheel rotation base for the specified molecule (in degrees)
void set_base_colour_for_bonds(int imol, float r, float g, float b)
set the base colour - to be used as a base for colour wheel rotation
void add_to_non_drawn_bonds(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid)
add a atom selection cid for atoms and bonds not to be drawn
void clear_non_drawn_bonds(int imol)
clear the set of non-drawn atoms (so that they can be displayed again)
void print_non_drawn_bonds(int imol) const
print non-drawn bonds
void set_user_defined_bond_colours(int imol, const std::map<unsigned int, std::array<float, 4>> &colour_map)
user-defined colour-index to colour
void set_user_defined_atom_colour_by_selection(int imol, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> &indexed_residues_cids, bool colour_applies_to_non_carbon_atoms_also)
set the user-defined residue selections (CIDs) to colour index
void add_colour_rule(int imol, const std::string &selection_cid, const std::string &colour)
Add a colour rule for M2T representations.
void add_colour_rules_multi(int imol, const std::string &selections_and_colours_combo_string)
add multiple colour rules, combined like the following “//A/1^#cc0000|//A/2^#cb0002|//A/3^#c00007” i.e. “|” is the separator for each rule and “^” is the separator for the selection string and the colour string
void delete_colour_rules(int imol)
delete the colour rules for the given molecule
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_colour_rules(int imol) const
get the colour rules
void print_colour_rules(int imol) const
print the colour rules
void set_use_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(int imol, bool state)
use bespoke carbon atom colour
void set_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(int imol, const coot::colour_t &col)
set bespoke carbon atom colour
void M2T_updateFloatParameter(int imol, const std::string ¶m_name, float value)
Update float parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.
void M2T_updateIntParameter(int imol, const std::string ¶m_name, int value)
Update int parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.
coot::simple_mesh_t get_molecular_representation_mesh(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)
get ribbon and surface representation
is the model molecule indexecid` is the atom selection CID
should be one of”colorRampChainsScheme”
should be one of”Ribbon”
should be one of0 (USE_HEADER),
1 (DONT_USE) or
Mode 2 was the (implicit) usage mode until now (20240912).
- Returns:
coot::simple_mesh_t get_gaussian_surface(int imol, float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float b_factor) const
get a Gaussian surface representation
These values seem to give a reasonable quite smooth surface:
= 4.4contour_level
= 4.0box_radius
= 5.0grid_scale
= 0.7b_factor
= 100.0 (use 0.0 for no FFT-B-factor smoothing)
- Returns:
composed of a number of Gaussian surfaces (one for each chain)
coot::simple_mesh_t get_chemical_features_mesh(int imol, const std::string &cid) const
get chemical feaatures for the specified residue
- Returns:
unsigned int get_number_of_atoms(int imol) const
- Returns:
the number of atoms in the specified model, or 0 on error
float get_molecule_diameter(int imol) const
- Returns:
an estimate of the diameter of the model molecule (-1 on failure)
int get_number_of_hydrogen_atoms(int imol) const
- Returns:
the number of hydrogen atoms in the specified model, or -1 on error
std::vector<std::string> get_chains_in_model(int imol) const
- Returns:
vector of chain-ids for the given molecule
Get the chains that are related by NCS or molecular symmetry:
- Returns:
a vector of vector of chain ids, e.g. [[A,C], [B,D]] (for hemoglobin).
std::vector<std::pair<coot::residue_spec_t, std::string>> get_single_letter_codes_for_chain(int imol, const std::string &chain_id) const
- Returns:
vector of single letter codes - in a pair with the given residue spec
std::vector<std::string> get_residue_names_with_no_dictionary(int imol) const
- Returns:
a list of residue that don’t have a dictionary
std::string get_residue_name(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code) const
get residue name
- Returns:
the residue name, return a blank string on residue not found.
std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> residues_with_missing_atoms(int imol)
- Returns:
an object that has information about residues without dictionaries and residues with missing atom in the the specified molecule
coot::util::missing_atom_info missing_atoms_info_raw(int imol)
Ths function is not const because missing_atoms() takes a non-const pointer to the geometry.
- Returns:
an object that has information about residues without dictionaries and residues with missing atom in the the specified molecule
std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> get_residues_near_residue(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, float dist) const
- Returns:
a list of residues specs that have atoms within dist of the atoms of the specified residue
superpose_results_t SSM_superpose(int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int imol_mov, const std::string &chain_id_mov)
superposition (using SSM)
The specified chain of the moving molecule is superposed onto the chain in the reference molecule (if possible). There is some alignment screen output that would be better added to the return value.
void add_lsq_superpose_match(const std::string &chain_id_ref, int res_no_ref_start, int res_no_ref_end, const std::string &chain_id_mov, int res_no_mov_start, int res_no_mov_end, int match_type)
superpose using LSQ - setup the matches @params
0: all, 1: main, 2: CAs, 3: N, CA, C
void clear_lsq_matches()
clear any existing lsq matchers
void lsq_superpose(int imol_ref, int imol_mov)
apply the superposition using LSQ
lsq_results_t get_lsq_matrix(int imol_ref, int imol_mov) const
return the transformation matrix in a simple class - dont apply it to the coordinates
std::pair<short int, clipper::RTop_orth> get_lsq_matrix_internal(int imol_ref, int imol_mov) const
make this private
coot::symmetry_info_t get_symmetry(int imol, float symmetry_search_radius, float centre_x, float centre_y, float centre_z) const
symmetry now comes in a simple container that also includes the cell
::api::cell_t get_cell(int imol) const
Get the cell
Check that
is true before use.- Returns:
coot::util::map_molecule_centre_info_t get_map_molecule_centre(int imol) const
Get the middle of the “molecule blob” in cryo-EM reconstruction maps
- Returns:
int undo(int imol)
- Returns:
1 on successful undo, return 0 on failure
int redo(int imol)
- Returns:
1 on successful redo, return 0 on failure
Map Utils
float map_sampling_rate
- Return:
the map sampling rate (default is 1.8)
inline void set_map_sampling_rate(float msr)
set the map sampling rate (default is 1.8). Higher numbers mean smoother maps, but they take longer to generate, longer to transfer, longer to parse and longer to draw
int read_mtz(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &f, const std::string &phi, const std::string &weight, bool use_weight, bool is_a_difference_map)
Read the given mtz file.
- Returns:
the new molecule number or -1 on failure
int replace_map_by_mtz_from_file(int imol, const std::string &file_name, const std::string &f, const std::string &phi, const std::string &weight, bool use_weight)
replace map
std::vector<auto_read_mtz_info_t> auto_read_mtz(const std::string &file_name)
Read the given mtz file.
- Returns:
a vector of the maps created from reading the file
int read_ccp4_map(const std::string &file_name, bool is_a_difference_map)
- Returns:
the new molecule number or -1 on failure
int write_map(int imol, const std::string &file_name) const
write a map. This function was be renamed from
- Returns:
1 on a successful write, return 0 on failure.
float get_map_mean(int imol) const
- Returns:
the mean of the map or -1 is
is not a map molecule index
float get_map_rmsd_approx(int imol_map) const
- Returns:
the map rmsd (epsilon testing is not used). -1 is returned if
is not a map molecule index.
coot::molecule_t::histogram_info_t get_map_histogram(int imol, unsigned int n_bins, float zoom_factor) const
- Returns:
the map histogram The caller should select the number of bins - 200 is a reasonable default. The caller should also set the zoom factor (which reduces the range by the given factor) centred around the median (typically 1.0 but usefully can vary until ~20.0).
float get_suggested_initial_contour_level(int imol) const
- Returns:
the suggested initial contour level. Return -1 on not-a-map
bool is_EM_map(int imol) const
check if a map is an EM map or not
- Returns:
the “EM” status of this molecule. Return false on not-a-map.
int sharpen_blur_map(int imol_map, float b_factor, bool in_place_flag)
create a new map that is blurred/sharpened
- Returns:
the molecule index of the new map or -1 on failure or if
was true.
int sharpen_blur_map_with_resample(int imol_map, float b_factor, float resample_factor, bool in_place_flag)
create a new map that is blurred/sharpened and resampling. Note that resampling can be slow, a resample_factor of 1.5 is about the limit of the trade of of prettiness for speed.
- Returns:
the molecule index of the new map or -1 on failure or if
was true.
int mask_map_by_atom_selection(int imol_coords, int imol_map, const std::string &cid, float atom_radius, bool invert_flag)
mask map by atom selection (note the argument order is reversed compared to the coot api).
is the atom radius (funnily enough). Use a negative number to mean “default”.the
changes the parts of the map that are masked, so to highlight the density for a ligand one would pass thecid
for the ligand and invert_flag as true, so that the parts of the map that are not the ligand are suppressed.- Returns:
the index of the new map - or -1 on failure
std::vector<int> partition_map_by_chain(int imol_map, int imol_model)
Partition the input map. Each voxel in the map is assigned to the chain to which it is nearest. Unlike masking, the generated maps are not restricted to be “close” to the atoms in the atom selection.
c.f. maskChains for ChimeraX - JiangLab
- Returns:
a vector/list of the molecules indices of the newly created maps
int make_mask(int imol_map_ref, int imol_model, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, float radius)
make a masked map
- Returns:
the index of the newly created mask. Return -1 on failure.
int flip_hand(int imol_map)
generate a new map which is the hand-flipped version of the input map.
- Returns:
the molecule index of the new map, or -1 on failure.
std::vector<int> make_masked_maps_split_by_chain(int imol, int imol_map)
Make a vector of maps that are split by chain-id of the input imol
- Returns:
a vector of the map molecule indices.
void set_map_colour(int imol, float r, float g, float b)
set the map colour. The next time a map mesh is requested, it will have this colour. This does not affect the colour of the difference maps.
void set_map_is_contoured_with_thread_pool(bool state)
set the state of the mode of the threading in map contouring
coot::simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh(int imol, double position_x, double position_y, double position_z, float radius, float contour_level)
get the mesh for the map contours.
This function is not const because the internal state of a
is changed.- Returns:
for the map contours of the specified map
coot::simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh_using_other_map_for_colours(int imol_ref, int imol_map_for_colouring, double position_x, double position_y, double position_z, float radius, float contour_level, float other_map_for_colouring_min_value, float other_map_for_colouring_max_value, bool invert_colour_ramp)
get the mesh for the map contours using another map for colouring
- Returns:
for the map contours of the specified map
void set_map_colour_saturation(int imol, float s)
set the map saturation
inline coot::util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t get_latest_sfcalc_stats() const
get the latest sfcalc stats
- Returns:
a sfcalc_genmap_stats_t object
r_factor_stats get_r_factor_stats()
get the R-factors
- Returns:
a r_factor_stats object
std::string r_factor_stats_as_string(const r_factor_stats &rfs) const
get the R factor stats as a string
- Returns:
a string with the R-factor stats
int average_map(const std::string &imol_maps, std::vector<float> &scales)
bool regen_map(int imol_map, const std::string &imol_maps, const std::vector<float> &scales)
Testing functions
ltj_stats_t long_term_job_stats
long term job
bool interrupt_long_term_job
void testing_start_long_term_job(unsigned int n_seconds)
start a long-term job.
is 0, then run forever (or until interrupted)
void testing_stop_long_term_job()
stop the long-term job runnning (testing function)
inline ltj_stats_t testing_interrogate_long_term_job()
get the stats for the long-term job (testing function)
inline double get_contouring_time() const
get the time for conntouring in milliseconds
void set_max_number_of_threads(unsigned int n_threads)
set the maximum number of threads for both the thread pool and the vector of threads
void set_max_number_of_threads_in_thread_pool(unsigned int n_threads)
deprecated name for the above function
double test_the_threading(int n_threads)
get the time to run a test function in milliseconds
double test_launching_threads(unsigned int n_threads_per_batch, unsigned int n_batches) const
- Returns:
the time per batch in microseconds
double test_thread_pool_threads(unsigned int n_threads)
- Returns:
time in microsections
Generic Utils
std::string get_molecule_name(int imol) const
- Returns:
the name of the molecule
void set_molecule_name(int imol, const std::string &new_name)
set the molecule name
void display_molecule_names_table() const
debugging function: display the table of molecule and names
bool is_valid_model_molecule(int imol) const
- Returns:
is this a valid model?
bool is_valid_map_molecule(int imol_map) const
- Returns:
is this a valid map?
bool is_a_difference_map(int imol_map) const
- Returns:
is this a difference map?
int new_molecule(const std::string &name)
create an empty molecule
- Returns:
the index of the new molecule
int close_molecule(int imol)
close the molecule (and delete dynamically allocated memory)
- Returns:
1 on successful closure and 0 on failure to close
void end_delete_closed_molecules()
void pop_back()
delete the most recent/last molecule in the molecule vector
void clear()
delete all molecules
std::vector<double> get_eigenvalues(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
- Returns:
the eigenvalues of the atoms in the specified residue
coot::simple_mesh_t test_origin_cube() const
- Returns:
the mesh of a unit solid cube at the origin
inline void fill_rotamer_probability_tables()
fill the rotamer probability tables (currently not ARG and LYS)
void accept_rotamer_probability_tables_compressed_data(const std::string &data_stream)
the caller has access to a compressed file that contains the rotamer probabilities. libcootapi will fill the rotamer probabilities tables from this compressed data stream. (placeholder only)
Backup and Saving
inline bool contains_unsaved_models() const
- Returns:
a flag of unsaved models state - i.e. if any of them are unsaved, then this returns true.
inline void save_unsaved_model_changes()
Save the unsaved model - this function has not yet been written!
Geometry and Dictionaries
void geometry_init_standard()
read the stardard list of residues
std::vector<std::string> non_standard_residue_types_in_model(int imol) const
- Returns:
a vector of non-standard residues (so that they can be used for auxiliary dictionary import)
Coordinates Modelling
int auto_fit_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, int imol_map)
auto-fit rotamer
- Returns:
1 on successful modification, return 0 on failure
coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_next_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)
change to the next rotamer (rotamer cycling is implicit if needed)
- Returns:
the change information.
coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_previous_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)
change to the next rotamer (rotamer cycling is implicit if needed)
- Returns:
the change information.
coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_first_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)
change to the first (0th) rotamer
- Returns:
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &scope)
delete item
is one of the strings: [“ATOM”,”WATER”,”RESIDUE”,”CHAIN”,”MOLECULE”, “LITERAL”]- Returns:
1 on successful modification, return 0 on failure
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_atom(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &atom_name, const std::string &alt_conf)
delete atom
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_atom_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete atom using atom cid
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
delete residue
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete residue using cid
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_atoms_with_alt_conf(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf)
delete residue atoms using alt_conf
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_atoms_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete residue atoms using cid
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_side_chain(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
delete side chain
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_side_chain_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete side chain
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_chain_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete chain.
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_literal_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
delete the atoms specified in the CID selection
- Returns:
1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.
std::pair<int, std::string> add_terminal_residue_directly(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
add a residue onto the end of the chain by fitting to density
- Returns:
a first of 1 on success. Return a useful message in second if the addition did not work
int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
the cid is for an atom. This used to return a pair, but I removed it so that I could compile the binding.
- Returns:
an status.
int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_bucca_ml_growing_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
the cid is for an atom. buccaneer building
int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_bucca_ml_growing(int imol, const coot::residue_spec_t &spec)
buccaneer building, called by the above
inline void set_add_waters_water_to_protein_distance_lim_min(float d)
parameter for
default 2.4
inline void set_add_waters_water_to_protein_distance_lim_max(float d)
parameter for
default 3.4
inline void set_add_waters_variance_limit(float d)
parameter for
- default 0.1
inline void set_add_waters_sigma_cutoff(float d)
parameter for
- default 1.75
int add_waters(int imol_model, int imol_map)
add waters, updating imol_model (of course)
- Returns:
the number of waters added on a success, -1 on failure.
int add_hydrogen_atoms(int imol_model)
add hydrogen atoms, updating imol_model (of course)
- Returns:
1 on success, 0 on failure.
int delete_hydrogen_atoms(int imol_model)
delete hydrogen atoms, updating imol_model (of course)
- Returns:
1 on a successful deletion, 0 on failure.
int add_alternative_conformation(int imol_model, const std::string &cid)
add an alternative conformation for the specified residue
- Returns:
1 on a successful addition, 0 on failure.
int fill_partial_residue(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
fill the specified residue
- Returns:
1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.
int fill_partial_residue_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)
fill the specified residue
- Returns:
1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.
int fill_partial_residues(int imol)
fill all the the partially-filled residues in the molecule
- Returns:
1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.
int flip_peptide(int imol, const coot::atom_spec_t &atom_spec, const std::string &alt_conf)
flip peptide
- Returns:
1 on a successful flip
int flip_peptide_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)
flip peptide using an atom CID
- Returns:
1 on a successful flip
void eigen_flip_ligand(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)
eigen-flip ligand
void eigen_flip_ligand_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid)
eigen-flip ligand using CID
int mutate(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &new_residue_type)
mutate residue
- Returns:
1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.
int side_chain_180(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)
rotate last chi angle of the side chain by 180 degrees
- Returns:
1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.
std::string jed_flip(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, bool invert_selection)
JED-Flip the ligand (or residue) at the specified atom.
- Returns:
a non-blank message if there is a problem
int move_molecule_to_new_centre(int imol, float x, float y, float z)
move the molecule to the given centre
- Returns:
1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.
void multiply_residue_temperature_factors(int imol, const std::string &cid, float factor)
Interactive B-factor refinement (fun). “factor” might typically be say 0.9 or 1.1
coot::Cartesian get_molecule_centre(int imol) const
get molecule centre
- Returns:
the molecule centre
int copy_fragment_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid)
copy a fragment given the multi_cid selection string.
- Returns:
the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)
int copy_fragment_for_refinement_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid)
copy a fragment - use this in preference to
when copying a molecule fragment to make a molten zone for refinement. That is because this version quietly also copies the residues near the residues of the selection. so that those residues can be used for links and non-bonded contact restraints. `multi_cids” is a “||”-separated list of residues CIDs, e.g. “//A/12-52||//A/14-15||/B/56-66”- Returns:
the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)
int copy_fragment_using_residue_range(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no_start, int res_no_end)
copy a residue-range fragment
- Returns:
the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)
int apply_transformation_to_atom_selection(int imol, const std::string &atoms_selection_cid, int n_atoms, float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22, float c0, float c1, float c2, float t0, float t1, float t2)
apply transformation to atom selection in the given molecule.
- Returns:
the number of atoms moved.
int new_positions_for_residue_atoms(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, std::vector<coot::molecule_t::moved_atom_t> &moved_atoms)
update the positions of the atoms in the residue
int new_positions_for_atoms_in_residues(int imol, const std::vector<coot::molecule_t::moved_residue_t> &moved_residues)
update the positions of the atoms in the residues
std::pair<int, std::vector<merge_molecule_results_info_t>> merge_molecules(int imol, const std::string &list_of_other_molecules)
is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g. “2:3:4”- Returns:
the first is a flag set to 1 if a merge occurred (and 0 if it did not) the second is a vector of merge results, i.e. if you merged a ligand, what is the new residue spec of the ligand, and if you merged a (polymer) chain, what is the new chain-id of that chain.
std::pair<int, std::vector<merge_molecule_results_info_t>> merge_molecules(int imol, std::vector<mmdb::Manager*> mols)
this is called by the above function and is useful for other non-api functions (such as add_compound()).
int cis_trans_convert(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)
Convert a cis peptide to a trans or vice versa.
- Returns:
1 on a successful conversion.
void replace_residue(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &new_residue_type, int imol_enc)
Replace a residue.
This has a different meaning of “replace” to
. In this function the atoms are not note merely moved/”slotted in to place”, but the residue type is changed - new atoms are introduce and others are deleted (typically).Change the type of a residue (for example, “TYR” to “PTY”) The algorithm will superpose the mainchain CA, C and N and try to set matching torsion to the angle that they were in the reference structure.
int replace_fragment(int imol_base, int imol_reference, const std::string &atom_selection)
replace a fragment
i.e. replace the atoms of
by those of the atom selectionatom_selection
is the molecule that is modified).- Returns:
the success status
int rigid_body_fit(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid, int imol_map)
Rigid-body fitting
`multi_cids” is a “||”-separated list of residues CIDs, e.g. “//A/12-52||//A/14-15||/B/56-66”
std::pair<int, std::string> change_chain_id(int imol, const std::string &from_chain_id, const std::string &to_chain_id, bool use_resno_range, int start_resno, int end_resno)
change the chain id
- Returns:
-1 on a conflict 1 on good. 0 on did nothing return also an information/error message
void associate_sequence(int imol, const std::string &name_or_chain_id, const std::string &sequence)
associate a sequence with a molecule
void assign_sequence(int imol_model, int imol_map)
assign a sequence to a molecule. Often one might copy out a fragment from a more complete molecule (and then copy it back after the sequence has been added). This runs backrub_rotamer() on the newly assigned residues.
Coordinates Refinement
int refine_residues_using_atom_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &mode, int n_cycles)
refine the residues
a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.
int refine_residues(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, const std::string &mode, int n_cycles)
refine the residues
- Returns:
a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.
int refine_residue_range(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no_start, int res_no_end, int n_cycles)
refine residue range
- Returns:
a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.
std::pair<int, coot::instanced_mesh_t> minimize_energy(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, int n_cycles, bool do_rama_plot_restraints, float rama_plot_weight, bool do_torsion_restraints, float torsion_weight, bool refinement_is_quiet)
void fix_atom_selection_during_refinement(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid)
fix atoms during refinement. Does nothing at the moment.
void add_target_position_restraint(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z)
add or update (if it has a pull restraint already)
void clear_target_position_restraint(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)
clear target_position restraint
void turn_off_when_close_target_position_restraint(int imol)
clear target_position restraint if it is (or they are) close to their target position
inline void set_use_rama_plot_restraints(bool state)
turn on or off rama restraints
inline bool get_use_rama_plot_restraints() const
get the state of the rama plot restraints usage in refinement.
- Returns:
the state
inline void set_rama_plot_restraints_weight(float f)
set the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
inline float get_rama_plot_restraints_weight() const
get the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
- Returns:
the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
inline void set_use_torsion_restraints(bool state)
turn on or off torsion restraints
inline bool get_use_torsion_restraints() const
get the state of the rama plot restraints usage in refinement.
- Returns:
the state
inline void set_torsion_restraints_weight(float f)
set the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
inline float get_torsion_restraints_weight() const
get the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
- Returns:
the Ramachandran plot restraints weight
void init_refinement_of_molecule_as_fragment_based_on_reference(int imol_frag, int imol_ref, int imol_map)
initialise the refinement of (all of) molecule
std::pair<int, coot::instanced_mesh_t> refine(int imol, int n_cycles)
Run some cycles of refinement and return a mesh. That way we can see the molecule animate as it refines
- Returns:
a pair: the first of which is the status of the refinement: GSL_CONTINUE, GSL_SUCCESS, GSL_ENOPROG (no progress). i.e. don’t call thus function again unless the status is GSL_CONTINUE (-2); The second is a
coot::instanced_mesh_t add_target_position_restraint_and_refine(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, int n_cycles)
Create a new position for the given atom and create a new bonds mesh based on that. This is currently “heavyweight” as the bonds mesh is calculated from scratch (it is not (yet) merely a distortion of an internally-stored mesh).
specifies the number of refinement cyles to run after the target position of the atom has been applied. If n_cycles is -1 then, no cycles are done and the mesh is bonds merely calculated.- Returns:
void clear_target_position_restraints(int imol)
clear any and all drag-atom target position restraints
void clear_refinement(int imol)
call this after molecule refinement has finished (say when the molecule molecule is accepted into the original molecule)
inline void set_refinement_is_verbose(bool state)
for debugging the refinement - write out some diagnositics - some might be useful. API change 20240226 - this function now takes a boolean argument
inline void set_refinement_geman_mcclure_alpha(float a)
set the refinement Geman-McClure alpha
inline float get_geman_mcclure_alpha() const
set the refinement Geman-McClure alpha
int generate_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max)
generate GM self restraints for the whole molecule
- Returns:
nothing useful.
void generate_chain_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max, const std::string &chain_id)
generate GM self restraints for the given chain
void generate_local_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max, const std::string &residue_cids)
generate GM self restraints for the given residues. `residue_cids” is a “||”-separated list of residues, e.g. “//A/12||//A/14||/B/56”
void add_parallel_plane_restraint(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid_1, const std::string &residue_cid_2)
generate parallel plane restraints (for RNA and DNA)
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_extra_restraints_mesh(int imol, int mode)
get the mesh for extra restraints currently mode is unused.
void read_extra_restraints(int imol, const std::string &file_name)
read extra restraints (e.g. from ProSMART)
void clear_extra_restraints(int imol)
clear the extra restraints
Coordinates Validation
coot::simple_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs(int imol)
get the rotamer dodecs for the model, not const because it regenerates the bonds.
- Returns:
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs_instanced(int imol)
get the rotamer dodecs for the model, not const because it regenerates the bonds.
- Returns:
coot::simple_mesh_t get_ramachandran_validation_markup_mesh(int imol) const
get the ramachandran validation markup mesh
20221126-PE: the function was renamed from
.- Returns:
std::vector<coot::phi_psi_prob_t> ramachandran_validation(int imol) const
get the data for Ramachandran validation, which importantly contains probability information
- Returns:
a vector of
coot::instanced_mesh_t contact_dots_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &cid, unsigned int smoothness_factor) const
Recently (20230202) the smoothness factor has been added as an extra argument
is 1, 2 or 3 (3 is the most smooth).- Returns:
the instanced mesh for the specified ligand
coot::instanced_mesh_t all_molecule_contact_dots(int imol, unsigned int smoothness_factor) const
Recently (20230202) the smoothness factor has been added as an extra argument
is 1, 2 or 3 (3 is the most smooth).- Returns:
the instanced mesh for the specified molecule.
coot::simple::molecule_t get_simple_molecule(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag)
- Returns:
for the specified residue. this function is not const because we pass a pointer to the protein_geometry geom.
generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t make_exportable_environment_bond_box(int imol, coot::residue_spec_t &spec)
- Returns:
a vector of lines for non-bonded contacts and hydrogen bonds
std::vector<moorhen::h_bond> get_h_bonds(int imol, const std::string &cid_str, bool mcdonald_and_thornton_mode) const
turns on the McDonald & Thornton algorithm - using explicit hydrogen atoms- Returns:
a vector of hydrogen bonds around the specified residue (typically a ligand)
coot::simple_mesh_t get_mesh_for_ligand_validation_vs_dictionary(int imol, const std::string &ligand_cid)
get the mesh for ligand validation vs dictionary, coloured by badness. greater then 3 standard deviations is fully red. Less than 0.5 standard deviations is fully green.
void get_ligand_validation_vs_dictionary(int imol, const std::string &ligand_cid, bool include_non_bonded_contacts)
ligand validation
- Returns:
a vector of interesting geometry
bool match_ligand_torsions(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)
match ligand torsions - return the success status
bool match_ligand_position(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)
match ligand positions - return the success status
bool match_ligand_torsions_and_position(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)
match ligand torsions and positions
- Returns:
the success status.
bool match_ligand_torsions_and_position_using_cid(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &cid)
match ligand torsions and positions, different api
coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots(int imol)
not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries
coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &cid_ligand)
not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries
Coordinates and Map Validation
coot::validation_information_t density_fit_analysis(int imol_model, int imol_map) const
density fit validation information
- Returns:
coot::validation_information_t density_correlation_analysis(int imol_model, int imol_map) const
Get the density correlation validation information
- Returns:
coot::validation_information_t rotamer_analysis(int imol_model) const
Get the rotamer validation information
- Returns:
coot::validation_information_t ramachandran_analysis(int imol_model) const
Get the ramachandran validation information (formatted for a graph, not 3d)
- Returns:
coot::validation_information_t ramachandran_analysis_for_chain(int imol_model, const std::string &chain_id) const
ramachandran validation information (formatted for a graph, not 3d) for a given chain in a given molecule 20230127-PE This function does not exist yet.
- Returns:
coot::validation_information_t peptide_omega_analysis(int imol_model) const
peptide omega validation information
- Returns:
float get_median_temperature_factor(int imol) const
get the median temperature factor for the model
- Returns:
a negative number on failure.
std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> get_interesting_places(int imol, const std::string &mode) const
get interesting places (does not work yet)
- Returns:
a vector of
std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> difference_map_peaks(int imol_map, int imol_protein, float n_rmsd) const
get difference map peaks
- Returns:
a vector of
std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> pepflips_using_difference_map(int imol_coords, int imol_difference_map, float n_sigma) const
get pepflips based on the difference map
- Returns:
a vector of
std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> unmodelled_blobs(int imol_model, int imol_map) const
unmodelled blobs
- Returns:
a vector of
std::vector<coot::atom_spec_t> find_water_baddies(int imol_model, int imol_map, float b_factor_lim, float outlier_sigma_level, float min_dist, float max_dist, bool ignore_part_occ_contact_flag, bool ignore_zero_occ_flag)
Check waters, using implicit logical OR
typical values for
is 60.0 typical values foroutlier_sigma_level
is 0.8 typical values formin_dist
is 2.3 typical values formax_dist
is 3.5- Returns:
a vector of atom specifiers Use the string_user_data of the spec for the button label
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> fourier_shell_correlation(int imol_map_1, int imol_map_2) const
Calculate the MMRRCC for the residues in the chain Multi Masked Residue Range Corellation Coefficient calculate the MMRRCC for the residues in the chain Multi Masked Residue Range Corellation Coefficient Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between maps
- Returns:
a vector or pairs of graph points (resolution, correlation). The resolution is in inverse Angstroms squared. An empty list is returned on failure
int make_power_scaled_map(int imol_ref, int imol_map_for_scaling)
Make a FSC-scaled map
- Returns:
the molecule index of the new map
coot::validation_information_t get_q_score(int imol_model, int imol_map) const
Get the Pintile et al. Q Score
- Returns:
a coot::validation_information_t object
Rail Points!
int calculate_new_rail_points()
calling this adds to the rail_points history. Make this pairs when we add model scoring.
- Returns:
the new rail points (since last modification)
int rail_points_total() const
the total rail points
- Returns:
the sum of all rail points accumulated since the maps were connected.
Updating Maps
void associate_data_mtz_file_with_map(int imol, const std::string &data_mtz_file_name, const std::string &f_col, const std::string &sigf_col, const std::string &free_r_col)
associate a data mtz file with a molecule
call this before calling connect_updating_maps().
int connect_updating_maps(int imol_model, int imol_with_data_info_attached, int imol_map_2fofc, int imol_map_fofc)
reset the rail_points (calls reset_the_rail_points()), updates the maps (using internal/clipper SFC) so, update your contour lines meshes after calling this function.
- Returns:
1 if the connection was successful.
void sfcalc_genmap(int imol_model, int imol_map_with_data_attached, int imol_updating_difference_map)
sfcalc and re-generate maps. This is a low-level function - generally one would use the updating maps method rather than this
coot::util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t sfcalc_genmaps_using_bulk_solvent(int imol_model, int imol_2fofc_map, int imol_updating_difference_map, int imol_map_with_data_attached)
sfcalc and re-generate maps (low-level function). This functions uses bulk solvent.
Call this function after connecting maps for updating maps to set the initial R-factor and store the initial map flatness.
On failure to calculate SFS and generate the maps the returned r_factor in the returned stats will be set to -1.
- Returns:
a class of interesting statistics.
bool shift_field_b_factor_refinement(int imol, int imol_with_data_attached)
shift_field B-factor refinement. This function presumes that the Fobs,sigFobs and RFree data have been filled in the
molecule.- Returns:
success status
float get_density_at_position(int imol_map, float x, float y, float z) const
get density at position
- Returns:
density value
std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, float>> get_diff_diff_map_peaks(int imol_diff_map, float screen_centre_x, float screen_centre_y, float screen_centre_z) const
This is a light-weight fetch, the values have already been computed, here were are merely copying them.
- Returns:
a vector the position where the differenc map has been flattened. The associated float value is the ammount that the map has been flattened.
std::string get_data_set_file_name(int imol) const
the stored data set file name
Go to Blob
std::pair<bool, clipper::Coord_orth> go_to_blob(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float contour_level)
Given a point on the front clipping plane (x1, y1, z1) and a point on the back clipping plane (x2, y2, z2) this function searches imol_refinement_map (if set) to find a the centre of a blob above the contour level. Blobs at the “front” are selected in preference to blobs at the back. If no blob is found, then the first of the pair is false. If it is found, then the second is (obviously) the centre of the blob.
20221022-PE: in future, this function should/will be provided with a list of displayed maps and their contour levels - but for now, it uses (only) imol_refinement_map. Use a string to pass the map information (map index and contour level), something like “0 0.45:1 1.2:2 0.1”
Ligand Functions
std::vector<int> fit_ligand_right_here(int imol_protein, int imol_map, int imol_ligand, float x, float y, float z, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)
Ligand Fitting
I am not yet clear what extra cut-offs and flags need to be added here. You can expect this to take about 20 seconds.
For trivial (i.e non-flexible) ligands you should instead use the jiggle-fit algorithm, which takes a fraction of a second. (That is the algorithm used for “Add Other Solvent Molecules” in Coot.)
- Returns:
a vector of indices of molecules for the best fitting ligands to this blob.
std::vector<fit_ligand_info_t> fit_ligand(int imol_protein, int imol_map, int imol_ligand, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)
Fit ligand
- Returns:
a vector of interesting information about the fitted ligands
std::vector<fit_ligand_info_t> fit_ligand_multi_ligand(int imol_protein, int imol_map, const std::string &multi_ligand_molecule_number_list, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)
Fit ligands (place-holder)
is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g. “2:3:4”- Returns:
an empty vector (at the moment)
float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle(int imol, const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)
“Jiggle-Fit Ligand” if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used. if translation_scale_factor is negative then a sensible default value will be used.
- Returns:
a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.
float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)
“Jiggle-Fit Ligand” with a different interface - one that can use any atom selection (instead of just a ligand). As above, if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used. if translation_scale_factor is negative then a sensible default value will be used.
- Returns:
a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.
float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle_with_blur_using_cid(int imol, int imol_map, const std::string &cid, float b_factor, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)
Jiggle fit an atom selection, typically a whole molecule or a chain As above, if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used. if translation_scale_factor is negative then a sensible default value will be used.
- Returns:
a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.
std::string get_svg_for_residue_type(int imol, const std::string &comp_id, bool use_rdkit_svg, bool dark_background_flag)
This is a ligand function, not really a ligand-fitting function.
It won’t work unless the dictionary for that ligand has been imported. The output renderings are not very good at the moment.
Except for unusual cases,
will be IMOL_ENC_ANY (-666666)dark_background_flag
returns a representation suitable for rendering on a dark background (funnily enough).This function is not const because it caches the svgs if it can.
- Returns:
the string for the SVG representation.
int add_compound(int imol, const std::string &tlc, int imol_dict, int imol_map, float x, float y, float z)
This function is for adding compounds/molecules like buffer agents and precipitants or anions and cations. i.e. those ligands that can be positioned without need for internal torsion angle manipulation.
is the three-letter-code/compound-idimol_dict
is the molecule to which the ligand is attached (if any). Typically this will be IMOL_ENC_ANY (-666666).imol_map
is the molecule number of the map that will be used for fitting.- Returns:
the success status, 1 or good, 0 for not good.
std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> get_non_standard_residues_in_molecule(int imol) const
- Returns:
a vector of residue specifiers for the ligand residues - the residue name is encoded in the
data item of the residue specifier
std::vector<int> get_dictionary_conformers(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc, bool remove_internal_clash_conformers)
Get the conformers that can be generated by variation around rotatable bonds as described in the dictionary. Torsions that are marked as “const” are excluded from the variation, as are pyranose ring torsions and torsions that rotate hydrogen atoms.
- Returns:
a vector of indices of the new molecules
texture_as_floats_t get_map_section_texture(int imol, int section_id, int axis, float data_value_for_bottom, float data_value_for_top) const
The new arguments,
should be pre-calculated (don’t calculate them for every call to this function).- Returns:
a texture_as_floats_t object for the given section On failure, the image_data vector is empty.
int get_number_of_map_sections(int imol_map, int axis_id) const
- Returns:
the number of section in the map along the give axis. (0 for X-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for Z-axis). return -1 on failure.
Other Features
coot::simple_mesh_t make_mesh_from_gltf_file(const std::string &file_name)
- Returns:
from the give file.
coot::simple_mesh_t get_octahemisphere(unsigned int n_divisions) const
is a number divisble by 2, at least 4 (typically 16)- Returns:
a unit-vector end-cap octohemisphere mesh
std::string pae_png(const std::string &pae_file_name) const
- Returns:
a string of a png
Functions for Blender Interface
void make_mesh_for_map_contours_for_blender(int imol, float x, float y, float z, float level, float radius)
void make_mesh_for_bonds_for_blender(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
void make_mesh_for_molecular_representation_for_blender(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)
void make_mesh_for_gaussian_surface_for_blender(int imol, float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float b_factor)
void make_mesh_for_goodsell_style_for_blender(int imol, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)
std::vector<float> get_colour_table_for_blender(int imol)
std::vector<float> get_vertices_for_blender(int imol)
std::vector<int> get_triangles_for_blender(int imol)
Public Functions
inline explicit molecules_container_t(bool verbose = true)
the one and only constructor
inline void set_use_gemmi(bool state)
Set the state of using gemmi for coordinates parsing. The default is true.
inline bool get_use_gemmi()
get the state of using GEMMI for coordinates parsing
Public Members
int imol_refinement_map
the refinement map - direct access. When refinement is performed, this is the map that will be used. Many (indeed most) of thesee functions explicity take a map. If the map is not known by the calling function then this map can be used as the map molecule index
int imol_difference_map
the difference map - direct access
I am not sure that this is needed - or will ever be.
bool use_gemmi
Private Types
Private Functions
void set_updating_maps_need_an_update(int imol)
void update_updating_maps(int imol)
update the updating maps without generating a mesh
std::string adjust_refinement_residue_name(const std::string &resname) const
bool make_last_restraints(const std::vector<std::pair<bool, mmdb::Residue*>> &local_residues, const std::vector<mmdb::Link> &links, const coot::protein_geometry &geom, mmdb::Manager *mol_for_residue_selection, const std::vector<coot::atom_spec_t> &fixed_atom_specs, coot::restraint_usage_Flags flags, bool use_map_flag, const clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p)
coot::refinement_results_t refine_residues_vec(int imol, const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &residues, const std::string &alt_conf, mmdb::Manager *mol)
int find_serial_number_for_insert(int seqnum_new, const std::string &ins_code_for_new, mmdb::Chain *chain_p) const
atom_selection_container_t make_moving_atoms_asc(mmdb::Manager *residues_mol, const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &residues) const
std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string>> check_dictionary_for_residue_restraints(int imol, mmdb::PResidue *SelResidues, int nSelResidues)
std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string>> check_dictionary_for_residue_restraints(int imol, const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &residues)
std::pair<mmdb::Manager*, std::vector<mmdb::Residue*>> create_mmdbmanager_from_res_vector(const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &residues, int imol, mmdb::Manager *mol_in, std::string alt_conf)
coot::refinement_results_t generate_molecule_and_refine(int imol, const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &residues, const std::string &alt_conf, mmdb::Manager *mol, bool use_map_flag = true)
std::vector<std::pair<mmdb::Residue*, std::vector<coot::dict_torsion_restraint_t>>> make_rotamer_torsions(const std::vector<std::pair<bool, mmdb::Residue*>> &local_residues) const
int refine_direct(int imol, std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> rv, const std::string &alt_loc, int n_cycles)
Real space refinement.
parameter allows partial refinement - so for an animated representation one would call this with a small number (10, 20, 100?) and call it again if the refine status is still yet to reach completion GSL_CONTINUE (-2). And then make a call to get the bonds mesh (or other molecular representation). If n_cycles is negative, this means “refine to completion.”- Returns:
success/progress status
double phi_psi_probability(const coot::util::phi_psi_t &phi_psi, const ramachandrans_container_t &rc) const
void read_standard_residues()
read the standard protein, RNA, and DNA dictionaries.
int install_model(const coot::molecule_t &m)
coot::graph_match_info_t overlap_ligands_internal(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref, bool apply_rtop_flag)
superpose_results_t superpose_with_atom_selection(atom_selection_container_t asc_ref, atom_selection_container_t asc_mov, int imol_mov, std::string moving_mol_name, std::string referennce_mol_name, bool move_copy_of_imol2_flag)
int valid_labels(const std::string &mtz_file_name, const std::string &f_col, const std::string &phi_col, const std::string &weight_col, int use_weights) const
inline void init()
void debug() const
Private Members
std::vector<coot::molecule_t> molecules
ramachandrans_container_t ramachandrans_container
bool draw_missing_residue_loops_flag
std::vector<rail_points_t> rail_point_history
updating_maps_info_f updating_maps_info
coot::util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t latest_sfcalc_stats
float map_weight
float geman_mcclure_alpha
bool use_rama_plot_restraints
float rama_plot_restraints_weight
bool use_torsion_restraints
float torsion_restraints_weight
ctpl::thread_pool thread_pool
bool show_timings
bool continue_threaded_refinement_loop
bool refinement_is_quiet
int cif_dictionary_read_number
bool refinement_immediate_replacement_flag = true
int imol_moving_atoms
short int moving_atoms_asc_type
bool particles_have_been_shown_already_for_this_round_flag
std::map<svg_store_key_t, std::string> ligand_svg_store
atom_selection_container_t standard_residues_asc
float ligand_water_to_protein_distance_lim_max
float ligand_water_to_protein_distance_lim_min
float ligand_water_variance_limit
float ligand_water_sigma_cut_off
bool map_is_contoured_using_thread_pool_flag
double contouring_time
Private Static Functions
static void thread_for_refinement_loop_threaded()
static void get_restraints_lock(const std::string &calling_function_name)
static void release_restraints_lock(const std::string &calling_function_name)
static void all_atom_pulls_off()
static void atom_pull_off(const coot::atom_spec_t &spec)
static void atom_pulls_off(const std::vector<coot::atom_spec_t> &specs)
Private Static Attributes
static std::atomic<bool> on_going_updating_map_lock
static clipper::Xmap<float> *dummy_xmap
static std::atomic<bool> restraints_lock
static std::string restraints_locking_function_name
static std::vector<atom_pull_info_t> atom_pulls
class auto_read_mtz_info_t
- #include <molecules-container.hh>
class for the information about columns extracted from auto-reading the given mtz file
Public Functions
inline auto_read_mtz_info_t()
inline auto_read_mtz_info_t(int index, const std::string &F_in, const std::string &phi_in)
inline void set_fobs_sigfobs(const std::string &f, const std::string &s)
Public Members
int idx
molecule index
std::string F
F column.
std::string phi
phi column
std::string w
weights column
bool weights_used
flag for weights usage
std::string F_obs
F_obs column. There were not avaliable if the return value is empty.
std::string sigF_obs
sigF_obs column
std::string Rfree
R-Free column. There were not avaliable if the return value is empty.
inline auto_read_mtz_info_t()
class fit_ligand_info_t
- #include <molecules-container.hh>
Ligand Fitting
- Return:
a vector of indices of molecules for the best fitting ligands each of the “possible ligand” blobs.
PyObject *simple_mesh_to_pythonic_mesh(const coot::simple_mesh_t &mesh, int mesh_mode)