Libcootapi’s Documentation

Libcootapi is a new (as of 2022) interface to the functionality of Coot. It is designed to be (is intended to be) a clean, consistent and easy-to-use interface primarily targeting WebAssembly/JavaScript and secondarily, Python.

The previous API for Coot still exists and is available for use with Python and Guile/Scheme (it provides the coot module). That interface is considerably more extensive than this one (consisting of several thousand API functions), but is significantly less easy to use as it embeds OpenGL and GTK libraries (and all of their dependencies, of course).

The Molecules Container

Coot’s molecules are referred to by index and should only be accessed via member functions of the molecules_container_t class.

The functions in this class for the most part return simple types. There are some functions that return a more complex type, such as coot::simple_mesh_t or coot::validation_information_t.

Note: The private types, functions, attributes and members are listed here, but they are not, for the most part, useful for exporting. Which is not to rule out that there may be something there that could usefully be declared as public.

class molecules_container_t
#include <molecules-container.hh>

the container of molecules. The class for all libcootapi functions.

Basic Utilities

bool make_backups_flag

the backup-enable state (raw public if needed/preferred)

inline void set_make_backups(bool state)

Allow the user to disable/enable backups


state – is True to mean that it is enabled. The default is True.

inline bool get_make_backups() const

Get the state of the backups


the backup-enabled state

std::string file_name_to_string(const std::string &file_name) const

File name to string


file_name – is the name of the given file


the string of the contents of the given file-name.

inline unsigned int get_number_of_molecules() const

Get the number of molecules (either map or model)


the number of molecules

void create_empty_molecules(unsigned int n_empty)

Add a number of empty molecules to the internal vector/list of molecules

Note this is not like STL reserve as it will increase the molecule index of the next added molecule by n_empty.


n_empty – the number of empty molecules to create

inline void set_imol_refinement_map(int i)

Set the map used for refinement and fitting


i – the map molecule index used for refinement and fitting

inline void set_map_weight(float w)

Set the map weight


w – the map weight to be used for refinement, e.g. 50.0

inline float get_map_weight() const

Get the map weight


the map weight

coot::atom_spec_t atom_cid_to_atom_spec(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Convert atom cid string to a coot atom specifier

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15 of chain A)


the atom spec., spec.empty() is true on failure.

coot::residue_spec_t residue_cid_to_residue_spec(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Convert residue cid string to a coot residue specifier

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


the residues spec., spec.empty() is true on failure.

inline void set_show_timings(bool s)

Set the show_timings flag

Various (not all) functions in this class can calculate how long they took to run. Setting this will write the time to taken (in milliseconds) to stdout.


s – is True to mean that it is enabled. The default is True.

moorhen::header_info_t get_header_info(int imol) const

Get header info

(the header info is sparce at the moment)


imol – is the model molecule index


an object with header info.

int get_imol_enc_any() const

Get imol_enc_any (enc: encoded)

imol_enc_any refers to the molecule number for dictionary that can be used with any molecule


the value of imol_enc_any

Coordinates Utils

std::vector<coot::lsq_range_match_info_t> lsq_matchers
int read_coordinates(const std::string &file_name)

Read a coordinates file (mmcif or PDB)


file_name – is the name of the coordinates file


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

int read_pdb(const std::string &file_name)

Read a PDB file (or mmcif coordinates file, despite the name)

It does the same job as read_coordinates but has (perhaps) a more familiar name


file_name – is the name of the coordinates file


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

int read_small_molecule_cif(const std::string &file_name)

Read a Small molecule CIF file


file_name – is the cif file-name


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

void print_secondary_structure_info(int imol) const

Print the secondary structure information


imol – is the model molecule index

void replace_molecule_by_model_from_file(int imol, const std::string &pdb_file_name)

Read a PDB file (or mmcif coordinates file, despite the name) to replace the current molecule

This will only work if the molecules is already a model molecule

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • file_name – is the name of the coordinates file

std::vector<int> split_multi_model_molecule(int imol)

Split an NMR model into multiple models


imol – is the model molecule index


the vector/list of new molecule indices

int make_ensemble(const std::string &model_molecules_list)

Make a multi-model molecule given the input molecules


model_molecules_list – is a colon-separated list of molecules, (e.g. “2:3:4”)


the new molecule index, -1 if no models were found in the model molecules list

std::string molecule_to_PDB_string(int imol) const

Get the molecule as a PDB string


imol – is the model molecule index


the model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error

std::string molecule_to_mmCIF_string(int imol) const

Get the molecule as an mmCIF string


imol – is the model molecule index


the model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error

std::pair<int, std::string> get_active_atom(float x, float y, float z, const std::string &displayed_model_molecules_list) const

Get the active atom given the screen centre

  • x – is x position of the centre of the screen

  • y – is y position of the centre of the screen

  • z – is z position of the centre of the screen

  • displayed_model_molecules_list – is a colon-separated list of molecules, (e.g. “2:3:4”)


the molecule index and the atom cid. On failure (no molecules with atoms in them) then return -1 and a blank string.

int import_cif_dictionary(const std::string &cif_file_name, int imol_enc)

Import a dictionary cif


imol_enc – is used to specify to which molecule this dictionary should apply. Use IMOL_ENC_ANY to mean “it applies to all molecules.” IMOL_ENC_ANY = -999999


1 on success and 0 on failure

std::string get_cif_file_name(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc) const

Get the cif file name

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id


the dictionary read for the given residue type, return an empty string on failure

std::string get_cif_restraints_as_string(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc) const

Get the cif restraints as a string

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id


a string that is the contents of a dictionary cif file

bool copy_dictionary(const std::string &monomer_name, int imol_current, int imol_new)

Copy the dictionary that is specific for imol_current so that it can be used with a new molecule

  • monomer_name – is the 3 letter code of the monomer in the dictionary, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_current – is the model molecule index with the dictionary to be copied from

  • imol_new – is the model molecule index the dictionary will be copied into

int get_monomer(const std::string &monomer_name)

Get a monomer


monomer_name – is the 3-letter code of the monomer in the dictionary, e.g. “ALA” for alanine


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

int get_monomer_from_dictionary(const std::string &comp_id, int imol, bool idealised_flag)

Get a monomer for a particular molecule

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol – is the model molecule index, use -999999 (IMOL_ENC_ANY) if no molecule-specific dictionary is needed

  • idealised_flag – means that the coordinates have been minimised with a molecular modelling minimisation algo, usually the value is True


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

int get_monomer_and_position_at(const std::string &comp_id, int imol, float x, float y, float z)

Get monomer and place it at the given position for a particular molecule

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol – is the model molecule index, use -999999 (IMOL_ENC_ANY) if no molecule-specific dictionary is needed

  • x – is the x value of the target position

  • y – is the y value of the target position

  • z – is the z value of the target position


the new molecule index on success and -1 on failure

std::map<std::string, std::string> dictionary_atom_name_map(const std::string &comp_id_1, int imol_1, const std::string &comp_id_2, int imol_2)

Match atom between 2 dictionaries

  • comp_id_1 – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the first model, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_1 – is the model molecule index of the first model

  • comp_id_2 – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the second model, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_2 – is the model molecule index of the second model


the atom name match on superposing the atoms of the given dictionaries

std::vector<std::string> get_groups_for_monomers(const std::vector<std::string> &residue_names) const

Get the groups for a vector/list of monomers

e.g. “NON POLYMER”, “PEPTIDE”, etc


residue_names – is a list of residue names, e.g. [“ALA”, “TRP”]


the group for the given list of residue names

std::string get_group_for_monomer(const std::string &residue_name) const

Get the group for a particular monomer

e.g. “NON POLYMER”, “PEPTIDE”, etc


residue_name – is the is the 3-letter code for the residue, e.g. “ALA” for alanine


the group for the given residue name

std::string get_hb_type(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc, const std::string &atom_name) const

Get the hydrogen bond type of a particular atom in a given residue type

  • compound_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the first model, e.g. “TYR” for tyrosine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id

  • atom_name – is the name of the atom, e.g. “OH”


the hb_type for the given atom. On failure return an empty string. Valid types are: “HB_UNASSIGNED” ,”HB_NEITHER”, “HB_DONOR”, “HB_ACCEPTOR”, “HB_BOTH”, “HB_HYDROGEN”.

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_gphl_chem_comp_info(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc)

Get the GPhL extra restraint information (from the input cif file)

  • compound_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the first model, e.g. “TYR” for tyrosine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id


a vector/list of string pairs that were part of a gphl_chem_comp_info. return an empty vector/list on failure to find any such info.

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_acedrg_atom_types(const std::string &compound_id, int imol_enc) const

Get a list of atom names and their associated AceDRG atom types

  • compound_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the first model, e.g. “TYR” for tyrosine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id


a list of atom names and their associated AceDRG atom types, return an empty list on failure (e.g. when atoms types are not in the dictionary)

coot::acedrg_types_for_residue_t get_acedrg_atom_types_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid) const

Get AceDRG atom types for ligand bonds

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


a coot::acedrg_types_for_residue_t - which contains a vector/list of bond descriptions.

void set_occupancy(int imol, const std::string &cid, float occ_new)

set the occupancy for the given atom selection

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cod – is the atom selection CID

  • is – the new occupancy

void write_png(const std::string &compound_id, int imol, const std::string &file_name) const

Write a PNG for the given compound_id.

Currently this function does nothing (drawing is done with the not-allowed cairo)

  • compound_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand in the first model, e.g. “TYR” for tyrosine

  • imol – is the model molecule index

int write_coordinates(int imol, const std::string &file_name) const

Write the coordinates to the given file name

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • file_name – is the name of the new model


1 on success and 0 on failure

void set_draw_missing_residue_loops(bool state)

Set the state for drawing missing loops

By default missing loops are drawn. This function allows missing loops to not be drawn. Sometimes that can clarify the representation. This is a lightweight function that sets a flag that is used by subsequent calls to get_bonds_mesh()


state – is True to mean it is enabled

coot::simple_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)

Get the bonds mesh


  • against_a_dark_background – allows the bond colours to be relevant for the background. When the background is dark, the colours should (as a rule) be bright and pastelly. When the background is light/white, the colour are darker and more saturated.

  • smoothness_factor – controls the number of triangles used to make the bond cylinders and spheres for the atoms - it rises in powers of 4. 1 is the smallest smoothness_factor, 2 looks nice and 3 is best.

  • bond_width – is the bond width in Angstroms. 0.12 is a reasonable default value.

  • atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio – allows the representation of “ball and stick”. To do so use a value between 1.5 and 3.0. The ratio for “liquorice” representation is 1.0.


a simple_mesh_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_instanced(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, bool show_atoms_as_aniso_flag, bool show_aniso_atoms_as_ortep_flag, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, int smoothness_factor)

Get the instanced bonds mesh.

  • mode – is “COLOUR-BY-CHAIN-AND-DICTIONARY” - more modes to follow

  • against_a_dark_background – allows the bond colours to be relevant for the background. When the background is dark, the colours should (as a rule) be bright and pastelly. When the background is light/white, the colour are darker and more saturated.

  • bond_width – is the bond width in Angstroms. 0.12 is a reasonable default value.

  • atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio – allows the representation of “ball and stick”. To do so use a value between 1.5 and 3.0. The ratio for “liquorice” representation is 1.0.

  • show_atoms_as_aniso_flag – if true, if possible, show the atoms with thermal ellipsoids.

  • show_aniso_atoms_as_ortep_flag – if true, show any anisotropic atoms with ortep style.

  • draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag – if true, bonds to hydrogen atoms should be added.

  • smoothness_factor – controls the number of triangles used to make the bond cylinders and spheres for the atoms - it rises in powers of 4. 1 is the smallest smoothness_factor, 2 looks nice and 3 is best. Instancing may mean that smoothness factor 3 should be used by default.


a instanced_mesh_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_for_selection_instanced(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, bool show_atoms_as_aniso_flag, bool show_aniso_atoms_as_ortep_flag, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, int smoothness_factor)

As get_bonds_mesh_instanced above, but only return the bonds for the atom selection. Typically one would call this with a wider bond width than one would use for standards atoms (all molecule)


atom_selection_cid – e.g. “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


a instanced_mesh_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t get_goodsell_style_mesh_instanced(int imol, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)

Get the Goodsell style mesh

  • colour_wheel_rotation_step' – the amount, in degrees, that the colour wheel advances between different chains. 97 degrees is a reasonable starting value

  • saturation' – a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is grey and 1 is “lego-like” colour scheme. 0.5 is a nice middle value

  • goodselliness – is the degree to which the C-atoms are desaturated, 0.3 is a reasonable value


a instanced_mesh_t

void export_map_molecule_as_gltf(int imol, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, float radius, float contour_level, const std::string &file_name)

Export map molecule as glTF file

glTF files can be imported into Blender or other 3D graphics applications

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • x – x of the center of the screen

  • y – y of the center of the screen

  • z – z of the center of the screen

  • radius – e.g. 12.0 for X-ray map and 100.0 for Cryo-EM map

  • contour_level – e.g. 1.5 sd for X-ray, 5.0 sd for cryo-EM

  • file_name – extension should be .glb

void export_model_molecule_as_gltf(int imol, const std::string &selection_cid, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops, const std::string &file_name)

Export model molecule as glTF file

glTF files can be imported into Blender or other 3D graphics applications

Same parameters as the get_bonds_mesh function. draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag and draw_missing_residue_loops are typically False. This API will change - we want to specify surfaces and ribbons too.

void export_molecular_representation_as_gltf(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag, const std::string &file_name)

Export molecular representation as glTF file

glTF files can be imported into Blender

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – : e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • colour_scheme – is one of “colorRampChainsScheme”, “colorBySecondaryScheme”, “Chain”

  • style – “Ribbon” or “MolecularSurface”

  • secondary_structure_usage_flag – 0 (USE_HEADER), 1 (DONT_USE) or 2 (CALC_SECONDARY_STRUCTURE)

void export_chemical_features_as_gltf(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &file_name) const

export chemical features for the specified residue

std::vector<glm::vec4> get_colour_table(int imol, bool against_a_dark_background) const

Get colour table (for testing)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • against_a_dark_background – allows the bond colours to be relevant for the background.


the colour table

void set_colour_wheel_rotation_base(int imol, float r)

Set the colour wheel rotation base for the specified molecule (in degrees)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • r – is the rotation angle in degrees

void set_base_colour_for_bonds(int imol, float r, float g, float b)

Set the base colour - to be used as a base for colour wheel rotation

RGB colour codes, e.g. green is r:0, g: 255, b:0


imol – is the model molecule index

void add_to_non_drawn_bonds(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid)

Add an atom selection cid for atoms and bonds not to be drawn

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

void clear_non_drawn_bonds(int imol)

Clear the set of non-drawn atoms (so that they can be displayed again)


imol – is the model molecule index

void print_non_drawn_bonds(int imol) const

Print non-drawn bonds


imol – is the model molecule index

void set_user_defined_bond_colours(int imol, const std::map<unsigned int, std::array<float, 4>> &colour_map)

User-defined colour-index to colour.

void set_user_defined_atom_colour_by_selection(int imol, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> &indexed_residues_cids, bool colour_applies_to_non_carbon_atoms_also)

Set the user-defined residue selections (CIDs) to colour index


imol – is the model molecule index

void add_colour_rule(int imol, const std::string &selection_cid, const std::string &colour)

Add a colour rule for M2T representations.

void add_colour_rules_multi(int imol, const std::string &selections_and_colours_combo_string)

Add multiple colour rules


selections_and_colours_combo_string – e.g. “//A/1^#cc0000|//A/2^#cb0002|//A/3^#c00007”, where “|” is the separator for each rule and “^” is the separator for the selection string and the colour string

void delete_colour_rules(int imol)

Delete the colour rules for the given molecule


imol – is the model molecule index

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_colour_rules(int imol) const

Get the colour rules


imol – is the model molecule index

void print_colour_rules(int imol) const

Print the colour rules


imol – is the model molecule index

void set_use_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(int imol, bool state)

Use bespoke carbon atom colour


imol – is the model molecule index

void set_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(int imol, const coot::colour_t &col)

Set bespoke carbon atom colour


imol – is the model molecule index

void M2T_updateFloatParameter(int imol, const std::string &param_name, float value)

Update float parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.

void M2T_updateIntParameter(int imol, const std::string &param_name, int value)

Update int parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.

coot::simple_mesh_t get_molecular_representation_mesh(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)

Get ribbon and molecular surface representation

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • colour_scheme – should be one of “colorRampChainsScheme”, “colorBySecondaryScheme”, “Chain”

  • style – “Ribbon” or “MolecularSurface”

  • secondary_structure_usage_flag – 0 (USE_HEADER), 1 (DONT_USE) or 2 (CALC_SECONDARY_STRUCTURE).


a simple_mesh_t

coot::simple_mesh_t get_gaussian_surface(int imol, float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float b_factor) const

Get a Gaussian surface representation

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • sigma – default 4.4

  • contour_level – default 4.0

  • box_radius – default 5.0

  • grid_scale – default 0.7

  • b_factor – default 100.0 (use 0.0 for no FFT-B-factor smoothing)


a simple_mesh_t composed of a number of Gaussian surfaces (one for each chain)

coot::simple_mesh_t get_chemical_features_mesh(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Get chemical features for the specified residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


a simple_mesh_t

std::vector<double> get_residue_CA_position(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Get the residue CA position

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

std::vector<double> get_residue_average_position(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Get the average residue position

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

std::vector<double> get_residue_sidechain_average_position(int imol, const std::string &cid) const

Get the average residue side-chain position

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

unsigned int get_number_of_atoms(int imol) const

Get number of atoms


imol – is the model molecule index


the number of atoms in the specified model, or 0 on error

float get_molecule_diameter(int imol) const

Get molecule diameter


imol – is the model molecule index


an estimate of the diameter of the model molecule (-1 on failure)

int get_number_of_hydrogen_atoms(int imol) const

Get number of hydrogen atoms


imol – is the model molecule index


the number of hydrogen atoms in the specified model, or -1 on error

std::vector<std::string> get_chains_in_model(int imol) const

Get the chain IDs in the given molecule


imol – is the model molecule index


vector/list of chain-ids for the given molecule

Get the chains that are related by NCS or molecular symmetry


imol – is the model molecule index


a vector/list of vector/list of chain ids, e.g. [[A,C], [B,D]] (for hemoglobin).

std::vector<std::pair<coot::residue_spec_t, std::string>> get_single_letter_codes_for_chain(int imol, const std::string &chain_id) const

Get the single letter codes for the residues in the specified chain

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A


vector/list of single letter codes - in a pair with the given residue spec

std::vector<std::string> get_residue_names_with_no_dictionary(int imol) const

Get a list of residues that don’t have a dictionary


imol – is the model molecule index


a list of residue names (compound_ids) for which there is no dictionary in the geometry store

std::string get_residue_name(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code) const

Get residue name

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


the residue name, return a blank string on residue not found.

std::string get_SMILES_for_residue_type(const std::string &residue_name, int imol_enc) const

Get the SMILES string for the give residue type

  • residue – name the compound-id

  • is – the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id


the SMILES string if the residue type can be foound in the dictionary store or the empty string on a failure.

std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> residues_with_missing_atoms(int imol)

Get residues with missing atoms


imol – is the model molecule index


an object that has information about residues without dictionaries and residues with missing atom in the the specified molecule

std::vector<coot::residue_range_t> get_missing_residue_ranges(int imol) const

get missing residue ranges


imol – is the model molecule index


missing residue ranges

std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> get_residues_near_residue(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, float dist) const

Get a list of residues specs that have atoms within distance of the atoms of the specified residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • dist – is the distance in Angstrom


a list of residue specs

superpose_results_t SSM_superpose(int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int imol_mov, const std::string &chain_id_mov)

Superposition (using SSM)

The specified chain of the moving molecule is superposed onto the chain in the reference molecule (if possible).

  • imol_ref – the reference model molecule index

  • chain_id_ref – the chain ID for the reference chain

  • imol_mov – the moving model molecule index

  • chain_id_mov – the chain ID for the moving chain

void add_lsq_superpose_match(const std::string &chain_id_ref, int res_no_ref_start, int res_no_ref_end, const std::string &chain_id_mov, int res_no_mov_start, int res_no_mov_end, int match_type)

Superpose using LSQ - setup the matches

  • chain_id_ref – the chain ID for the reference chain

  • res_no_ref_start – the starting residue number in the reference chain

  • res_no_ref_end – the ending residue number in the reference chain

  • chain_id_mov – the chain ID for the moving chain

  • res_no_mov_start – the starting residue number in the moving chain

  • res_no_mov_end – the ending residue number in the moving chain

  • match_type – 0: all, 1: main, 2: CAs, 3: N, CA, C, 4: N, CA, CB, C

void add_lsq_superpose_atom_match(const std::string &chain_id_ref, int res_no_ref, const std::string &atom_name_ref, const std::string &chain_id_mov, int res_no_mov, const std::string &atom_name_mov)

Superpose using LSQ for a scpecific atom - setup the matches

  • chain_id_ref – the chain ID for the reference chain

  • res_no_ref – the residue number in the reference chain

  • atom_name_ref – the name of the reference atom

  • chain_id_mov – the chain ID for the moving chain

  • res_no_mov – the residue number in the moving chain

  • atom_name_mov – the name of the moving atom

void clear_lsq_matches()

Clear any existing lsq matchers.

void lsq_superpose(int imol_ref, int imol_mov)

Apply the superposition using LSQ

  • imol_ref – the reference model molecule index

  • imol_mov – the moving model molecule index

int transform_map_using_lsq_matrix(int imol_map, lsq_results_t lsq_matrix, float x, float y, float z, float radius)

Transform a map and create a new map

  • imol_map – map molecule index

  • lsq_matrix – is an object of type lsq_results_t, is the object returned by get_lsq_matrix()

  • x – is the point in the map about which the map is transformed

  • y – is the point in the map about which the map is transformed

  • z – is the point in the map about which the map is transformed

  • radius – the radius of the transformed map, typically between 10 and 100 A


the molecule index of the new map, -1 for failure

lsq_results_t get_lsq_matrix(int imol_ref, int imol_mov, bool summary_to_screen) const

Get LSQ matrix

don’t apply it to the coordinates

  • imol_ref – the reference model molecule index

  • imol_mov – the moving model molecule index

  • summary_to_screen – if True, write a summary of the statistics to the output


the transformation matrix in a simple class

coot::symmetry_info_t get_symmetry(int imol, float symmetry_search_radius, float centre_x, float centre_y, float centre_z) const

Get symmetry

now comes in a simple container that also includes the cell

::api::cell_t get_cell(int imol) const

Get the cell

Check that is_set is true before use.


imol – is the model molecule index


a cell_t

coot::util::map_molecule_centre_info_t get_map_molecule_centre(int imol) const

Get the middle of the “molecule blob” in cryo-EM reconstruction maps


imol – is the map molecule index


a coot::util::map_molecule_centre_info_t

int undo(int imol)



imol – is the model molecule index


1 on successful undo, return 0 on failure

int redo(int imol)



imol – is the model molecule index


1 on successful redo, return 0 on failure

std::pair<int, double> get_torsion(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::vector<std::string> &atom_names)

Get the torsion of the specified atom in the specified residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID, e.g. //A/15 (residue 15 in chain A)

  • atom_names – is a list of atom names, e.g. [” CA “, “ CB “, “ CG “, “ CD1”]


a pair, the first of which is a succes status (1 success, 0 failure), the second is the torsion in degrees

Testing functions

ltj_stats_t long_term_job_stats

long term job

bool interrupt_long_term_job
void testing_start_long_term_job(unsigned int n_seconds)

Testing function

start a long-term job.


n_seconds – is the number of seconds, if is 0, then run forever (or until interrupted)

void testing_stop_long_term_job()

Testing function

stop the long-term job runnning

inline ltj_stats_t testing_interrogate_long_term_job()

Testing function

get the stats for the long-term job

inline double get_contouring_time() const

Testing function

get the time for contouring in milliseconds

void set_max_number_of_threads(unsigned int n_threads)

Testing function

set the maximum number of threads for both the thread pool and the vector of threads


n_threads – is the number of threads

void set_max_number_of_threads_in_thread_pool(unsigned int n_threads)

Testing function

Deprecated name for the “set_max_number_of_threads()” function

double test_the_threading(int n_threads)

Testing function

get the time to run a test function in milliseconds


n_threads – is the number of threads

double test_launching_threads(unsigned int n_threads_per_batch, unsigned int n_batches) const

Testing function

  • n_threads_per_batch – is the number of threads per batch

  • n_batches – is the number batches


the time per batch in microseconds

double test_thread_pool_threads(unsigned int n_threads)

Testing function


n_threads – is the number of threads


time in microseconds

int mmcif_tests(bool last_test_only)

Testing function

a test for mmdb/gemmi/mmcif functionality


last_test_only – is True to mean that only that last test should be run. The default is False. This is useful to set to True while a test is being developed.


the success status: 1 means that all the tests passed.

Generic Utils

std::string get_molecule_name(int imol) const

Get the molecule name


imol – is the model molecule index


the name of the molecule

void set_molecule_name(int imol, const std::string &new_name)

Set the molecule name

  • imol – is the model or map molecule index

  • new_name – is the new name of the model or map

void display_molecule_names_table() const

Debugging function: display the table of molecule and names.

bool is_valid_model_molecule(int imol) const

Check if the model index is valid

e.g. if the molecule is a map you will have an invalid model


imol – is the model molecule index


True or False

bool is_valid_map_molecule(int imol_map) const

Check if the map index is valid

e.g. if the map is a model you will have an invalid map


imol_map – is the map molecule index


True or False

bool is_a_difference_map(int imol_map) const

Check if it the map is a difference map


imol_map – is the map molecule index


True or False

int new_molecule(const std::string &name)

Create an empty molecule


the index of the new molecule

int close_molecule(int imol)

Close the molecule (and delete dynamically allocated memory)


imol – is the model molecule index


1 on successful closure and 0 on failure to close

void end_delete_closed_molecules()

Delete the most recent/last closed molecule in the molecule vector, until the first non-closed molecule is found (working from the end)

void pop_back()

Delete the most recent/last molecule in the molecule vector.

void clear()

Delete all molecules.

std::vector<double> get_eigenvalues(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Get the eigenvalues of the specified residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


the eigenvalues of the atoms in the specified residue

coot::simple_mesh_t test_origin_cube() const

Get a simple test mesh


the mesh of a unit solid cube at the origin

inline void fill_rotamer_probability_tables()

Fill the rotamer probability tables (currently not ARG and LYS)

void accept_rotamer_probability_tables_compressed_data(const std::string &data_stream)

Access to a compressed file that contains the rotamer probabilities

libcootapi will fill the rotamer probabilities tables from this compressed data stream (placeholder only)

Backup and Saving

inline bool contains_unsaved_models() const

Check if there are unsaved changes for this model

e.g. as yet not written to disk


a flag of unsaved models state - e.g. if any of them are unsaved, then this returns True.

inline void save_unsaved_model_changes()

Save the unsaved model - this function has not yet been written!

Geometry and Dictionaries

void geometry_init_standard()

Read the standard list of residues.

std::vector<std::string> non_standard_residue_types_in_model(int imol) const

Get a list of non-standard residues in the given molecule


imol – is the model molecule index


a vector/list of non-standard residues

Map Utils

inline float get_map_sampling_rate()

Get map sampling rate


the map sampling rate, the default is 1.8

inline void set_map_sampling_rate(float msr)

Set the map sampling rate

Higher numbers mean smoother maps, but they take longer to generate, longer to transfer, longer to parse and longer to draw


msr – is the map sampling rate to set, the default is 1.8

int read_mtz(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &f, const std::string &phi, const std::string &weight, bool use_weight, bool is_a_difference_map)

Read the given mtz file

  • file_name – is the name of the MTZ file

  • f – F column, “FWT”

  • phi – phi column, “PHWT”

  • weight – weight column, “W”

  • use_weight – flag for weights usage, False

  • is_a_difference_map – False


the new molecule number or -1 on failure

int replace_map_by_mtz_from_file(int imol, const std::string &file_name, const std::string &f, const std::string &phi, const std::string &weight, bool use_weight)

Replace map by mtz

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • f – F column, “FWT”

  • phi – phi column, “PHWT”

  • weight – weight column, “W”

  • use_weight – flag for weights usage, False

std::vector<auto_read_mtz_info_t> auto_read_mtz(const std::string &file_name)

Auto read the given mtz file


file_name – is the name of the MTZ file


a vector of the maps created from reading the file

int read_ccp4_map(const std::string &file_name, bool is_a_difference_map)

Read a CCP4 (or MRC) map

There is currently a size limit of 1000 pixels per edge.

  • file_name – is the name of the map file

  • is_a_difference_map – False


the new molecule number or -1 on failure

int write_map(int imol, const std::string &file_name) const

Write a map

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • file_name – is the name of the new map file


1 on a successful write, return 0 on failure.

float get_map_mean(int imol) const

Get map mean


imol – is the map molecule index


the mean of the map or -1 if imol is not a valid map molecule index

float get_map_rmsd_approx(int imol_map) const

Get map rmsd approx

the function is approximate because the epsilon factor is not taken into account


imol_map – is the map molecule index


the map rmsd. -1 is returned if imol_map is not a valid map molecule index.

coot::molecule_t::histogram_info_t get_map_histogram(int imol, unsigned int n_bins, float zoom_factor) const

Get map histogram

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • n_bins – is the number of bins - 200 is a reasonable default.

  • zoom_factor – (reduces the range by the given factor) centred around the median (typically 1.0 but usefully can vary until ~20.0).


the map histogram

float get_suggested_initial_contour_level(int imol) const

imol – is the map molecule index


the suggested initial contour level. Return -1 on not-a-map

bool is_EM_map(int imol) const

Check if a map is an EM map or not


imol – is the map molecule index


the “EM” status of this molecule. Return false on not-a-map.

int sharpen_blur_map(int imol_map, float b_factor, bool in_place_flag)

Create a new map that is blurred/sharpened

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • b_factor – e.g. 100.0

  • in_place_flag – True if you want to replace the current map, False if you want to create a new map


the molecule index of the new map or -1 on failure or if in_place_flag was true.

int sharpen_blur_map_with_resample(int imol_map, float b_factor, float resample_factor, bool in_place_flag)

Create a new map that is blurred/sharpened and resampling

Note that resampling can be slow, a resample_factor of 1.5 is about the limit of the trade of of prettiness for speed.

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • b_factor – e.g. 100.0

  • resample_factor – e.g. 1.4

  • in_place_flag – True if you want to replace the current map, False if you want to create a new map


the molecule index of the new map or -1 on failure or if in_place_flag was true.

int mask_map_by_atom_selection(int imol_coords, int imol_map, const std::string &cid, float atom_radius, bool invert_flag)

Mask map by atom selection

(note the argument order is reversed compared to the coot api).

  • imol_coords – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • atom_radius – is the atom radius. Use a negative number to mean “default”.

  • invert_flag – changes the parts of the map that are masked, so to highlight the density for a ligand one would pass the cid for the ligand and invert_flag as true, so that the parts of the map that are not the ligand are suppressed.


the index of the new map or -1 on failure

std::vector<int> partition_map_by_chain(int imol_map, int imol_model)

Partition the input map

Each voxel in the map is assigned to the chain to which it is nearest. Unlike masking, the generated maps are not restricted to be “close” to the atoms in the atom selection.

e.g. maskChains for ChimeraX - JiangLab

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index


a vector/list of the molecules indices of the newly created maps

int make_mask(int imol_map_ref, int imol_model, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, float radius)

Make a masked map

  • imol_map_ref – is the map molecule index

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • radius – is the radius of the map, e.g. 12.0 for X-ray map and 100.0 for Cryo-EM map


the index of the newly created mask. Return -1 on failure.

int flip_hand(int imol_map)

Generate a new map which is the hand-flipped version of the input map


imol_map – is the map molecule index


the molecule index of the new map, or -1 on failure.

std::vector<int> make_masked_maps_split_by_chain(int imol, int imol_map)

Make a vector/list of maps that are split by chain-id of the input imol

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


a vector/list of the map molecule indices.

void set_map_colour(int imol, float r, float g, float b)

Set the map colour

The next time a map mesh is requested, it will have this colour. This does not affect the colour of the difference maps.

RGB colour codes, e.g. green is r:0, g: 255, b:0


imol – is the model molecule index

void set_map_is_contoured_with_thread_pool(bool state)

Set the state of the mode of the threading in map contouring


state – is True to mean that it is enabled. The default is True.

coot::simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh(int imol, double position_x, double position_y, double position_z, float radius, float contour_level)

Get the mesh for the map contours

This function is not const because the internal state of a coot_molecule_t is changed.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • position_x – is the x coordinate of the target position

  • position_y – is the y coordinate of the target position

  • position_z – is the z coordinate of the target position

  • radius – is the radius of the map, e.g. 12.0 for X-ray map and 100.0 for Cryo-EM map

  • contour_level – e.g. 1.5 sd for X-ray, 5.0 sd for cryo-EM


a simple_mesh_t for the map contours of the specified map

coot::simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh_using_other_map_for_colours(int imol_ref, int imol_map_for_colouring, double position_x, double position_y, double position_z, float radius, float contour_level, float other_map_for_colouring_min_value, float other_map_for_colouring_max_value, bool invert_colour_ramp)

Get the mesh for the map contours using another map for colouring

  • imol_ref – is the reference map index

  • imol_map_for_coloring – is the target map index

  • position_x – is the x coordinate of the target position

  • position_y – is the y coordinate of the target position

  • position_z – is the z coordinate of the target position

  • radius – is the radius of the map, e.g. 12.0 for X-ray map and 100.0 for Cryo-EM map

  • contour_level – e.g. 1.5 sd for X-ray, 5.0 sd for cryo-EM

  • other_map_for_colouring_min_value – e.g. -1.0 in the case of correlation map

  • other_map_for_colouring_max_value – e.g. 1.0 in the case of correlation map

  • invert_colour_ramp – e.g. red to blue rather than blue to red


a simple_mesh_t for the map contours of the specified map

void set_map_colour_saturation(int imol, float s)

Set the map saturation


s – is the map saturation, e.g. a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is grey and 1 is “lego-like” colour scheme. 0.5 is a nice middle value

inline coot::util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t get_latest_sfcalc_stats() const

Get the latest sfcalc stats


a sfcalc_genmap_stats_t object

r_factor_stats get_r_factor_stats()

Get the R-factors


an object r_factor_stats

std::string r_factor_stats_as_string(const r_factor_stats &rfs) const

Get the R factor stats as a string


rfs – is the name of the string


a string with the R-factor stats

int average_map(const std::string &imol_maps, std::vector<float> &scales)

Get the average map

This function does no normalization of the scales, presuming that they are pre-normalized.

  • imol_maps – is a colon-separated list of map indices e.g. “2:3:4”

  • scales – is the list of weights corresponding to the list of maps. The number of scales factors should match the number of maps


the index of the new map, or -1 on failure.

bool regen_map(int imol_map, const std::string &imol_maps, const std::vector<float> &scales)

This function does no normalisation of the scales, presuming that they are pre-normalized.

The number of maps in imol_maps should match the size of the scale vector. If not, nothing will happen and False will be returned

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • imol_maps – is a colon-separated list of map indices e.g. “2:3:4”

  • scales – is the list of weights corresponding to the list of maps


the success status

Coordinates Modelling

int auto_fit_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, int imol_map)

Auto-fit rotamer

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


1 on successful modification, return 0 on failure

coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_next_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)

Change to the next rotamer (rotamer cycling is implicit if needed)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


the change information.

coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_previous_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)

Change to the previous rotamer (rotamer cycling is implicit if needed)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


the change information.

coot::molecule_t::rotamer_change_info_t change_to_first_rotamer(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)

Change to the first (0th) rotamer

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


the change information.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &scope)

Delete item

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)

  • scope – is one of the strings: [“ATOM”, “WATER”, “RESIDUE”,” CHAIN”,” MOLECULE”, “LITERAL”]


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_atom(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &atom_name, const std::string &alt_conf)

Delete atom

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”

  • atom_name – is the name of the atom, e.g. “OH”

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_atom_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete atom using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15 of chain A)


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Delete residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete residue using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_atoms_with_alt_conf(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf)

Delete residue atoms using alt_conf

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_residue_atoms_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete residue atoms using cid

This is the same as delete_atom_using_cid. It will be deleted in the future


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_side_chain(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Delete side chain

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_side_chain_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete side chain using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (all the atoms in residue 15 of chain A)


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_chain_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete chain using chain cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A” (chain A), “//*” (all chains)


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

std::pair<int, unsigned int> delete_literal_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Delete the atoms specified in the cid selection

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15)


1 on successful deletion, return 0 on failure to delete.

int change_alt_locs(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &change_mode)

(I should have) change(d) that stupid (alt) loc (I should have made you leave your key)

Note that thus function only deals with (swaps) alt confs “A” and “B” - any alt-conf other than that is ignored.


change_mode – is either “residue”, “main-chain”, “side-chain” or a comma-separated atom-name pairs (e.g “N,CA”) - you can (of course) specify just one atom, e.g.: “N”.


the success status (1 is done, 0 means failed to do)

std::pair<int, std::string> add_terminal_residue_directly(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Add a residue onto the end of the chain by fitting to density

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


first: 1 on success, second is failure message

int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Add a residue onto the end of the chain by fitting to density using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15)


success status (1 for good, 0 for not done)

int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_bucca_ml_growing_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Add a residue onto the end of the chain by fitting to density using Buccaneer building and cid

This function has been removed - is is now a noop.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15)

int add_terminal_residue_directly_using_bucca_ml_growing(int imol, const coot::residue_spec_t &spec)

Add a residue onto the end of the chain by fitting to density using Buccaneer building

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • spec – is the residue specifier, residue_spec_t(“A”, 10, “”)

inline void set_add_waters_water_to_protein_distance_lim_min(float d)

Parameter for add_waters function


d – is the min distance, default 2.4

inline void set_add_waters_water_to_protein_distance_lim_max(float d)

Parameter for add_waters function


d – is the max distance, default 3.4

inline void set_add_waters_variance_limit(float d)

Parameter for add_waters function


d – is the variance limit, default is 0.1

inline void set_add_waters_sigma_cutoff(float d)

Parameter for add_waters function


d – is the sigma cutoff, default is 1.75

int add_waters(int imol_model, int imol_map)

Add waters

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


the number of waters added on a success, -1 on failure.

int flood(int imol_model, int imol_map, float n_rmsd)

Flood with dummy atoms

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


the number of waters added on a success, -1 on failure.

int add_hydrogen_atoms(int imol_model)

Add hydrogen atoms


imol_model – is the model molecule index


1 on success, 0 on failure.

int delete_hydrogen_atoms(int imol_model)

Delete hydrogen atoms


imol_model – is the model molecule index


1 on a successful deletion, 0 on failure.

int add_alternative_conformation(int imol_model, const std::string &cid)

Add an alternative conformation for the specified residue

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 in chain A)


1 on a successful addition, 0 on failure.

int fill_partial_residue(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Fill the specified residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”


1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.

int fill_partial_residue_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid)

Fill the specified residue using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 in chain A)


1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.

int fill_partial_residues(int imol)

Fill all the the partially-filled residues in the molecule


imol – is the model molecule index


1 on a successful fill, 0 on failure.

int flip_peptide(int imol, const coot::atom_spec_t &atom_spec, const std::string &alt_conf)

Flip peptide

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_spec – is the atom specifier, atom_spec_t(“A”, 10, “”, “ CA “, “”)

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


1 on a successful flip

int flip_peptide_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, const std::string &alt_conf)

Flip peptide using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH in residue 15 of chain A)

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”


1 on a successful flip

void eigen_flip_ligand(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code)

Eigen-flip the specified ligand

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”

void eigen_flip_ligand_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid)

Eigen-flip ligand using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

int mutate(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &new_residue_type)

Mutate residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • new_residue_type – is the 3-letter code of the new residue, e.g. “TYR” for tyrosine


1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.

int side_chain_180(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)

Rotate last chi angle of the side chain by 180 degrees

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH of residue 15 of chain A)


1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.

std::string jed_flip(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, bool invert_selection)

JED-Flip the ligand (or residue) at the specified atom

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • invert_selection – is True if you want to use the larger fragment


a non-blank message if there is a problem

int move_molecule_to_new_centre(int imol, float x, float y, float z)

Move the molecule to the given centre

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • x – is the x coordinate of the new centre of the screen

  • y – is the y coordinate of the new centre of the screen

  • z – is the z coordinate of the new centre of the screen


1 on a successful move, 0 on failure.

void multiply_residue_temperature_factors(int imol, const std::string &cid, float factor)

Interactive B-factor refinement

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • factor – might typically be 0.9 or 1.1

coot::Cartesian get_molecule_centre(int imol) const

Get molecule centre


imol – is the model molecule index


the molecule centre

int copy_molecule(int imol)

Copy the molecule


imol – the specified molecule


the new molecule number

int copy_fragment_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid)

Copy a fragment given the multi_cid selection string

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • multi_cids – is a “||”-separated list of residues CIDs, e.g. “//A/12-52||//A/14-15||/B/56-66”


the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)

int copy_fragment_for_refinement_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid)

Copy a fragment given the multi_cid selection string for refinement

Use this in preference to copy_fragment_using_cid when copying a molecule fragment to make a molten zone for refinement. That is because this version quietly also copies the residues near the residues of the selection, so that those residues can be used for links and non-bonded contact restraints.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • multi_cids – is a “||”-separated list of residues CIDs, e.g. “//A/12-52||//A/14-15||/B/56-66”


the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)

int copy_fragment_using_residue_range(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no_start, int res_no_end)

Copy a residue-range fragment

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A”

  • res_no_start – the starting residue number

  • res_no_ref_end – the ending residue number


the new molecule number (or -1 on no atoms selected)

int apply_transformation_to_atom_selection(int imol, const std::string &atoms_selection_cid, int n_atoms, float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22, float c0, float c1, float c2, float t0, float t1, float t2)

Apply transformation to atom selection in the given molecule


the number of atoms moved.

int new_positions_for_residue_atoms(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, std::vector<coot::api::moved_atom_t> &moved_atoms)

Update the positions of the atoms in the residue

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • moved_atoms – is a list of the atoms moved in the specified residue, e.g. moved_atom_t(” CA “, 1, 2, 3)

int new_positions_for_atoms_in_residues(int imol, const std::vector<coot::api::moved_residue_t> &moved_residues)

Update the positions of the atoms in the residues

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • moved_residue – is a list of the residues with moved atoms, e.g. moved_residue_t(“A”, 10, “”)

std::pair<int, std::vector<merge_molecule_results_info_t>> merge_molecules(int imol, const std::string &list_of_other_molecules)

Merge molecules

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • list_of_other_molecules – is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g. “2:3:4”


the first is a flag set to 1 if a merge occurred (and 0 if it did not) the second is a vector of merge results, i.e. if you merged a ligand, what is the new residue spec of the ligand, and if you merged a (polymer) chain, what is the new chain-id of that chain.

int cis_trans_convert(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)

Convert a cis peptide to a trans or vice versa

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the atom selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH residue 15 of chain A)


1 on a successful conversion.

void replace_residue(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &new_residue_type, int imol_enc)

Replace a residue

This has a different meaning of “replace” to replace_fragment(). In this function the atoms are not merely moved/”slotted in to place”, but the residue type is changed - new atoms are introduce and others are deleted (typically).

Change the type of a residue (for example, “TYR” to “CYS”) The algorithm will superpose the mainchain CA, C and N and try to set matching torsion to the angle that they were in the reference structure.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • new_residue_type – is the 3-letter code of the new residue, e.g “CYS”

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id

int replace_fragment(int imol_base, int imol_reference, const std::string &atom_selection)

Replace a fragment

  • imol_base – is the base model index

  • imol_reference – is the reference model index

  • atom_selection – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15-17” (residue 15, 16 and 17 of chain A)


the success status

int rigid_body_fit(int imol, const std::string &multi_cid, int imol_map)

Rigid-body fitting

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • multi_cids – is a “||”-separated list of residues CIDs, e.g. “//A/12-52||//A/14-15||/B/56-66”

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

int rotate_around_bond(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &atom_name_1, const std::string &atom_name_2, const std::string &atom_name_3, const std::string &atom_name_4, double torsion_angle)

Rotate atoms around torsion

the bond is presumed to be between atom-2 and atom-3. Atom-1 and atom-4 are used to define the absolute torsion angle.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the residue selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • atom_name_1 – e.g. “ CA “

  • atom_name_2 – e.g. “ CB “

  • atom_name_3 – e.g. “ CG “

  • atom_name_4 – e.g. “ CD1”

  • torsion_angle – e.g. 12.3 degrees


status 1 if successful, 0 if not.

std::pair<int, std::string> change_chain_id(int imol, const std::string &from_chain_id, const std::string &to_chain_id, bool use_resno_range, int start_resno, int end_resno)

Change the chain ID

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • from_chain_id – e.g. “A”

  • to_chain_id – e.g. “C”

  • use_resno_range – use residue number range, typically True

  • start_resno – the starting residue number of the range

  • end_resno – the ending residue number of the range


-1 on a conflict, 1 on good, 0 on did nothing, return also an information/error message

int split_residue_using_map(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, int imol_diff_map)

split a residue into alt-confs

do nothing if the residue already has alt-confs.

  • imol – the modified model

  • residue_cid – the modified residue

  • the – difference map that is used to determine the residue split


split success status

void associate_sequence(int imol, const std::string &name_or_chain_id, const std::string &sequence)

Associate a sequence with a molecule

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • name_or_chain_id – e.g. “A”

  • sequence – is the model sequence

void assign_sequence(int imol_model, int imol_map)

Assign a sequence to a molecule

Often one might copy out a fragment from a more complete molecule (and then copy it back after the sequence has been added). This runs backrub_rotamer() on the newly assigned residues

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

Coordinates Refinement

int refine_residues_using_atom_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &mode, int n_cycles)

Refine the residues using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • mode – is the mode of real space refinement e.g. “SINGLE”, “TRIPLE”, “QUINTUPLE”, “HEPTUPLE”, “SPHERE”, “BIG_SPHERE”, “CHAIN”, “ALL”

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles


a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.

int refine_residues(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, const std::string &mode, int n_cycles)

Refine the residues

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no – is the residue number, e.g. 12

  • ins_code – is the insertion code, e.g. “A”

  • alt_conf – is the alternate conformation, e.g. “A” or “B”

  • mode – is the mode of real space refinement e.g. “SINGLE”, “TRIPLE”, “QUINTUPLE”, “HEPTUPLE”, “SPHERE”, “BIG_SPHERE”, “CHAIN”, “ALL”

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles


a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.

int refine_residue_range(int imol, const std::string &chain_id, int res_no_start, int res_no_end, int n_cycles)

Refine residue range

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

  • res_no_start – the starting residue number

  • res_no_ref_end – the ending residue number

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles


a value of 1 if the refinement was performed and 0 if it was not.

std::pair<int, coot::instanced_mesh_t> minimize_energy(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, int n_cycles, bool do_rama_plot_restraints, float rama_plot_weight, bool do_torsion_restraints, float torsion_weight, bool refinement_is_quiet)

Minimise/optimise the geometry of the specified residue(s)

The use of “energy” should not be taken literally here

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – is the selection CID e.g. “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles. If you pass n_cycles = 100 (or some such) then you can get the mesh for the partially optimized ligand/residues

  • do_rama_plot_restraints – is the flag for the usage of Ramachandran plot restraints

  • rama_plot_weight – is the flag to set the Ramachandran plot restraints weight

  • do_torsion_restraints – is the flag for the usage of torsion restraints

  • torsion_weight – is the flag to set the torsion restraints weight

  • refinement_is_quiet – is used to reduce the amount of diagnostic text written to the output


the success status 1 if the minimization was performed and 0 if it was not.

float minimize(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid, int n_cycles, bool do_rama_plot_restraints, float rama_plot_weight, bool do_torsion_restraints, float torsion_weight, bool refinement_is_quiet)
  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – is the selection CID e.g. “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles. If you pass n_cycles = 100 (or some such) then you can get the mesh for the partially optimized ligand/residues

  • do_rama_plot_restraints – is the flag for the usage of Ramachandran plot restraints

  • rama_plot_weight – is the flag to set the Ramachandran plot restraints weight

  • do_torsion_restraints – is the flag for the usage of torsion restraints

  • torsion_weight – is the flag to set the torsion restraints weight

  • refinement_is_quiet – is used to reduce the amount of diagnostic text written to the output


the function value at termination

void fix_atom_selection_during_refinement(int imol, const std::string &atom_selection_cid)

Fix atoms during refinement

Does nothing at the moment

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_selection_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH of residue 15 of chain A)

void add_target_position_restraint(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z)

Add or update restraint (if it has a pull restraint already)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH of residue 15 of chain A)

  • pos_x – is the x coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

  • pos_y – is the y coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

  • pos_z – is the z coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

void clear_target_position_restraint(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid)

Clear target_position restraint

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH of residue 15 of chain A)

void turn_off_when_close_target_position_restraint(int imol)

Clear target_position restraint if it is (or they are) close to their target position


imol – is the model molecule index

inline void set_use_rama_plot_restraints(bool state)

Turn on or off rama restraints


state – is True to mean that it is enabled

inline bool get_use_rama_plot_restraints() const

Get the state of the rama plot restraints usage in refinement


the state

inline void set_rama_plot_restraints_weight(float f)

Set the Ramachandran plot restraints weight


f – is the weight to set, default 1.0

inline float get_rama_plot_restraints_weight() const

Get the Ramachandran plot restraints weight


the Ramachandran plot restraints weight

inline void set_use_torsion_restraints(bool state)

Turn on or off torsion restraints


state – is True to mean that it is enabled

inline bool get_use_torsion_restraints() const

Get the state of the rama plot restraints usage in refinement


the state

inline void set_torsion_restraints_weight(float f)

Set the torsiont restraints weight


f – is the weight to set, default value is 1.0

inline float get_torsion_restraints_weight() const

Get the torsion restraints weight


the torsion restraints weight

void init_refinement_of_molecule_as_fragment_based_on_reference(int imol_frag, int imol_ref, int imol_map)

Initialise the refinement of (all of) molecule imol_frag

  • imol_frag – is the model molecule index of the fragment

  • imol_ref – is the model molecule index of the reference

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

std::pair<int, coot::instanced_mesh_t> refine(int imol, int n_cycles)

Run some cycles of refinement and return a mesh

That way we can see the molecule animate as it refines

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • n_cycles – is the number of refinement cycles


a pair: the first of which is the status of the refinement: GSL_CONTINUE, GSL_SUCCESS, GSL_ENOPROG (no progress). i.e. don’t call this function again unless the status is GSL_CONTINUE (-2); The second is a coot::instanced_mesh_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t add_target_position_restraint_and_refine(int imol, const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, int n_cycles)

Create a new position for the given atom and create a new bonds mesh based on that

This is currently “heavyweight” as the bonds mesh is calculated from scratch (it is not (yet) merely a distortion of an internally-stored mesh).

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • atom_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15/OH” (atom OH of residue 15 of chain A)

  • pos_x – is the x coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

  • pos_y – is the y coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

  • pos_z – is the z coordinate of the target position of the specified atom

  • n_cycles – specifies the number of refinement cyles to run after the target position of the atom has been applied. If n_cycles is -1 then, no cycles are done and the mesh is bonds merely calculated.


a instanced_mesh_t

void clear_target_position_restraints(int imol)

Clear any and all drag-atom target position restraints


imol – is the model molecule index

void clear_refinement(int imol)

Call this after molecule refinement has finished (say when the molecule molecule is accepted into the original molecule)


imol – is the model molecule index

inline void set_refinement_is_verbose(bool state)

For debugging the refinement - write out some diagnositics - some might be useful.

API change 20240226 - this function now takes a boolean argument


state – is True to mean that it is enabled

inline void set_refinement_geman_mcclure_alpha(float a)

Set the refinement Geman-McClure alpha


a – is the Geman-McClure alpha, e.g. 0.01

inline float get_geman_mcclure_alpha() const

Get the refinement Geman-McClure alpha


the Geman-McClure alpha

int generate_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max)

Generate GM self restraints for the whole molecule

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • local_dist_max – is the maximum distance, e.g. 4.6

void generate_chain_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max, const std::string &chain_id)

Generate GM self restraints for the given chain

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • local_dist_max – is the maximum distance, e.g. 4.6

  • chain_id – e.g. “A” for chain A

void generate_local_self_restraints(int imol, float local_dist_max, const std::string &residue_cids)

Generate GM self restraints for the given residues

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • local_dist_max – is the maximum distance, e.g. 4.6

  • residue_cids – is a “||”-separated list of residues, e.g. “//A/12||//A/14||//B/56”

void add_parallel_plane_restraint(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid_1, const std::string &residue_cid_2)

Generate parallel plane restraints (for RNA and DNA)

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid_1 – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • residue_cid_2 – is the selection CID e.g “//A/17” (residue 17 of chain A)

coot::instanced_mesh_t get_extra_restraints_mesh(int imol, int mode)

Get the mesh for extra restraints

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • mode – is currently unused

void read_extra_restraints(int imol, const std::string &file_name)

Read extra restraints (e.g. from ProSMART)


imol – is the model molecule index

void clear_extra_restraints(int imol)

Clear the extra restraints


imol – is the model molecule index

int servalcat_refine_xray(int imol, int imol_map, const std::string &output_prefix)

External refinement using servalcat, using data that has already been associated.


the imol of the refined model.

Coordinates Validation

coot::simple_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs(int imol)

Get the rotamer dodecs for the model


imol – is the model molecule index


a simple_mesh_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs_instanced(int imol)

Get the rotamer dodecs for the model instanced


imol – is the model molecule index


an instanced_mesh_t

coot::simple_mesh_t get_ramachandran_validation_markup_mesh(int imol) const

Get the Ramachandran validation markup mesh

20221126-PE: the function was renamed from ramachandran_validation_markup_mesh().


imol – is the model molecule index


a simple_mesh_t

std::vector<coot::phi_psi_prob_t> ramachandran_validation(int imol) const

Get the data for Ramachandran validation, which importantly contains probability information


imol – is the model molecule index


a vector/list of phi_psi_prob_t

coot::instanced_mesh_t contact_dots_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &cid, unsigned int smoothness_factor) const

Contact dots for ligand

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • smoothness_factor – is 1, 2 or 3 (3 is the most smooth). Recently added (20230202)


the instanced mesh for the specified ligand

coot::instanced_mesh_t all_molecule_contact_dots(int imol, unsigned int smoothness_factor) const

Contact dots for the whole molecule/model

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • smoothness_factor – is 1, 2 or 3 (3 is the most smooth). Recently added (20230202)


the instanced mesh for the specified molecule.

coot::simple::molecule_t get_simple_molecule(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag)

Get a simple molecule

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • residue_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag – is the flag for drawing H atoms


a simple::molecule_t for the specified residue.

generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t make_exportable_environment_bond_box(int imol, coot::residue_spec_t &spec)

spec – is the residue specifier, e.g. residue_spec_t(“A”, 10, “”)


a vector of lines for non-bonded contacts and hydrogen bonds

std::vector<moorhen::h_bond> get_h_bonds(int imol, const std::string &cid_str, bool mcdonald_and_thornton_mode) const

Get hydrogen bonds

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

  • mcdonald_and_thornton_mode – turns on the McDonald & Thornton algorithm - using explicit hydrogen atoms


a vector of hydrogen bonds around the specified residue (typically a ligand)

coot::simple_mesh_t get_mesh_for_ligand_validation_vs_dictionary(int imol, const std::string &ligand_cid)

Get the mesh for ligand validation vs dictionary, coloured by badness

Greater then 3 standard deviations is fully red. Less than 0.5 standard deviations is fully green

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • ligand_cid – is the ligand selection CID e.g “//A/15” (ligand 15 of chain A)

std::vector<coot::geometry_distortion_info_container_t> get_ligand_validation_vs_dictionary(int imol, const std::string &ligand_cid, bool include_non_bonded_contacts)

Ligand validation

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • ligand_cid – is the ligand selection CID e.g “//A/15” (ligand 15 of chain A)

  • include_non_bonded_contacts – is the flag to include non bonded contacts


a vector/list of interesting geometry - one for each chain involved

std::vector<coot::geometry_distortion_info_container_t> get_validation_vs_dictionary_for_selection(int imol, const std::string &selection_cid, bool include_non_bonded_contacts)

General fragment distortion analysis

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • selection_cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15-23”

  • include_non_bonded_contacts – is the flag to include non bonded contacts


a vector/list of interesting geometry - one for each chain involved

std::pair<int, double> get_ligand_distortion(int imol, const std::string &ligand_cid, bool include_non_bonded_contacts)

Get ligand distortion

a more simple interface to the above


a pair: the first is the status (1 for OK, 0 for failed to determine the distortion)

bool match_ligand_torsions(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)

Match ligand torsions

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • imol_ref – is the reference model molecule index

  • chain_id_ref – is the reference chain, e.g. “A”

  • resno_ref – is the reference residue number, e.g. 12


the success status

bool match_ligand_position(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)

Match ligand positions

i.e. do a least-squares superposition of the atoms that match in the graphs of the two specified ligands - typically one would use this function after matching ligand torsions.

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • imol_ref – is the reference model molecule index

  • chain_id_ref – is the reference chain, e.g. “A”

  • resno_ref – is the reference residue number, e.g. 12


the success status

bool match_ligand_torsions_and_position(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &chain_id_ref, int resno_ref)

Match ligand torsions and positions

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • imol_ref – is the reference model molecule index

  • chain_id_ref – is the reference chain, e.g. “A”

  • resno_ref – is the reference residue number, e.g. 12


the success status.

bool match_ligand_torsions_and_position_using_cid(int imol_ligand, int imol_ref, const std::string &cid)

Match ligand torsions and positions using cid

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • imol_ref – is the reference model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID e.g “//A/15” (residue 15 of chain A)

coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots(int imol)

imol – is the model molecule index

coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &cid_ligand)

This function not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid_ligand – is the ligand selection CID e.g “//A/15” (ligand 15 of chain A)

std::vector<coot::plain_atom_overlap_t> get_overlaps(int imol)

imol – is the model molecule index

std::vector<coot::plain_atom_overlap_t> get_overlaps_for_ligand(int imol, const std::string &cid_ligand)
  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid_ligand – is the ligand selection CID e.g “//A/15” (ligand 15 of chain A)

Coordinates and Map Validation

coot::validation_information_t density_fit_analysis(int imol_model, int imol_map) const

Density fit validation information

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


an object validation_information_t

double get_sum_density_for_atoms_in_residue(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::vector<std::string> &atom_names, int imol_map)

the sum of the density of the given atoms in the specified CID return -1001 on failure to find the residue or any atoms in the residue or if imol_map is not a map

coot::validation_information_t density_correlation_analysis(int imol_model, int imol_map) const

Get the density correlation validation information

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


an object validation_information_t

coot::validation_information_t rotamer_analysis(int imol_model) const

Get the rotamer validation information


imol_model – is the model molecule index


an object validation_information_t

coot::validation_information_t ramachandran_analysis(int imol_model) const

Get the ramachandran validation information (formatted for a graph, not 3D)


imol_model – is the model molecule index


an object validation_information_t

coot::validation_information_t ramachandran_analysis_for_chain(int imol_model, const std::string &chain_id) const

Get the ramachandran validation information (formatted for a graph, not 3D) for a given chain in a given molecule

This function does not exist yet (20230127-PE)

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • chain_id – e.g. “A”


an object validation_information_t

coot::validation_information_t peptide_omega_analysis(int imol_model) const

Peptide omega validation information


imol_model – is the model molecule index


an object validation_information_t

float get_median_temperature_factor(int imol) const

Get the median temperature factor for the model


imol – is the model molecule index


a negative number on failure

std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> get_interesting_places(int imol, const std::string &mode) const

Get interesting places

This function does not work yet


a vector/list of validation_information_t

std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> difference_map_peaks(int imol_map, int imol_protein, float n_rmsd) const

Get difference map peaks

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • imol_protein – is the model molecule index

  • n_rmsd – number of sd, e.g. 4.8


a vector/list of validation_information_t

std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> pepflips_using_difference_map(int imol_coords, int imol_difference_map, float n_sigma) const

Get pepflips based on the difference map

  • imol_coords – is the model molecule index

  • imol_difference_map – is the difference map molecule index

  • n_sigma – number of sd, e.g. 4.8


a vector/list of validation_information_t

std::vector<coot::molecule_t::interesting_place_t> unmodelled_blobs(int imol_model, int imol_map) const

Unmodelled blobs

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


a vector/list of validation_information_t

std::vector<coot::atom_spec_t> find_water_baddies(int imol_model, int imol_map, float b_factor_lim, float outlier_sigma_level, float min_dist, float max_dist, bool ignore_part_occ_contact_flag, bool ignore_zero_occ_flag)

Check waters, using implicit logical OR

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • b_factor_lim – typical value is 60.0

  • outlier_sigma_level – typical value is 0.8

  • min_dist – typical value is 2.3

  • max_dist – typical value is 3.5

  • ignore_part_occ_contact_flag – typical value is False

  • ignore_zero_occ_flag – typical value is False


a vector/list of atom specifiers

std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> fourier_shell_correlation(int imol_map_1, int imol_map_2) const

Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between maps

  • imol_map_1 – is the first map molecule index

  • imol_map_2 – is the second map molecule index


a vector/list or pairs of graph points (resolution, correlation). The resolution is in inverse Angstroms squared. An empty list is returned on failure

int make_power_scaled_map(int imol_ref, int imol_map_for_scaling)

Make a FSC-scaled map

  • imol_ref – is the reference map molecule index

  • imol_map_for_scaling – is the second map molecule index


the molecule index of the new map

coot::validation_information_t get_q_score(int imol_model, int imol_map) const

Get the Q Score (Pintilie et al.)

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index


a validation_information_t object

coot::validation_information_t get_q_score_for_cid(int imol_model, const std::string &cid, int imol_map) const

Get the Pintile et al. Q Score for a particular residue (typically a ligand)


cid – If the cid matches more than one residue the score will be returned for all of the residues covered in the cid. Typically, of course the cid will be something like “//A/301”.


a validation_information_t object

Rail Points!

int calculate_new_rail_points()

Calling this adds to the rail_points history. Make this pairs when we add model scoring


the new rail points (since last modification)

int rail_points_total() const

The total rail points


the sum of all rail points accumulated since the maps were connected.

Updating Maps

void associate_data_mtz_file_with_map(int imol, const std::string &data_mtz_file_name, const std::string &f_col, const std::string &sigf_col, const std::string &free_r_col)

Associate a data mtz file with a molecule

This function is called before calling “connect_updating_maps()”

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • data_mtz_file_name – is the name of the mtz file

  • f_col – is the F column, e.g. “FOBS”

  • sigf_col – e.g. “SIGFOBS”

  • free_r_col – e.g. “RFREE”

int connect_updating_maps(int imol_model, int imol_with_data_info_attached, int imol_map_2fofc, int imol_map_fofc)

Connect updating maps

Reset the rail_points (calls “reset_the_rail_points()”), updates the maps (using internal/clipper SFC). Update your contour lines meshes after calling this function.

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_with_data_info_attached – is the map index with the data have been attached by the previous function (associate_data_mtz_file_with_map)

  • imol_map_2fofc – is the map molecule index of the 2FO-FC map

  • imol_map_fofc – is the map molecule index of the FO-FC map


1 if the connection was successful

void sfcalc_genmap(int imol_model, int imol_map_with_data_attached, int imol_updating_difference_map)

Calculate SF and re-generate maps

This is a low-level function - generally one would use the updating maps method rather than this

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map_with_data_attached – is the map index with the data have been attached by the previous function (associate_data_mtz_file_with_map)

  • imol_updating_difference_map – is the index of the difference map that you want to update when the model updates

coot::util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t sfcalc_genmaps_using_bulk_solvent(int imol_model, int imol_2fofc_map, int imol_updating_difference_map, int imol_map_with_data_attached)

Calculate SF and re-generate maps using bulk solvent

This is a low-level function. Call this function after connecting maps for updating maps to set the initial R-factor and store the initial map flatness.

  • imol_model – is the model molecule index

  • imol_2fofc_map – is the map molecule index of the 2FO-FC map

  • imol_updating_difference_map – is the index of the difference map that you want to update when the model updates

  • imol_map_with_data_attached – is the map index with the data have been attached by the previous function (associate_data_mtz_file_with_map)


a class of interesting statistics. On failure to calculate SFs and generate the maps the returned r_factor in the returned stats will be set to -1.

bool shift_field_b_factor_refinement(int imol, int imol_with_data_attached)

Shift-field B-factor refinement

This function presumes that the Fobs, sigFobs and RFree data have been filled in the imol_map_with_data_attached molecule

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map_with_data_attached – is the map index with the data have been attached by the previous function (associate_data_mtz_file_with_map)


success status

float get_density_at_position(int imol_map, float x, float y, float z) const

Get density at position

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • x – is the x coordinate of the target position

  • y – is the y coordinate of the target position

  • z – is the z coordinate of the target position


the density value

std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, float>> get_diff_diff_map_peaks(int imol_diff_map, float screen_centre_x, float screen_centre_y, float screen_centre_z) const
  • imol_diff_map – is the map molecule index of the difference map

  • screen_centre_x – is the position x of the center of the screen

  • screen_centre_y – is the position y of the center of the screen

  • screen_centre_z – is the position z of the center of the screen


a vector of the position where the difference map has been flattened. The associated float value is the amount that the map has been flattened.

std::string get_data_set_file_name(int imol) const

Get the stored data set file name


imol – is the model molecule index

Go to Blob

std::pair<bool, clipper::Coord_orth> go_to_blob(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float contour_level)

Given a point on the front clipping plane (x1, y1, z1) and a point on the back clipping plane (x2, y2, z2) this function searches imol_refinement_map (if set) to find a the centre of a blob above the contour level. Blobs at the “front” are selected in preference to blobs at the back. If no blob is found, then the first of the pair is false. If it is found, then the second is the centre of the blob.

In future, this function should/will be provided with a list of displayed maps and their contour levels - but for now, it uses (only) imol_refinement_map.

Use a string to pass the map information (map index and contour level), something like “0 0.45:1 1.2:2 0.1”

  • x1 – is the x point of the front clipping plane

  • y1 – is the y point of the front clipping plane

  • z1 – is the z point of the front clipping plane

  • x2 – is the x point of the back clipping plane

  • y2 – is the y point of the back clipping plane

  • z2 – is the z point of the back clipping plane

Ligand Functions

std::vector<int> fit_ligand_right_here(int imol_protein, int imol_map, int imol_ligand, float x, float y, float z, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)

Fit the ligand at specified position. You can expect this to take about 20 seconds. For trivial (i.e non-flexible) ligands you should instead use the jiggle-fit algorithm, which takes a fraction of a second. (That is the algorithm used for “Add Other Solvent Molecules” in Coot.)

  • imol_protein – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • x – is the x position of the blob

  • y – is the y position of the blob

  • z – is the z position of the blob

  • n_rmsd – number of sd, e.g. 4.8

  • use_conformers – is True for flexible ligands

  • n_conformers – set the number of conformers


a vector/list of indices of molecules for the best fitting ligands to this blob.

std::vector<fit_ligand_info_t> fit_ligand(int imol_protein, int imol_map, int imol_ligand, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)

Fit ligand

  • imol_protein – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • imol_ligand – is the ligand molecule index

  • n_rmsd – number of sd, e.g. 4.8

  • use_conformers – is True for flexible ligands

  • n_conformers – set the number of conformers


a vector/list of interesting information about the fitted ligands

std::vector<fit_ligand_info_t> fit_ligand_multi_ligand(int imol_protein, int imol_map, const std::string &multi_ligand_molecule_number_list, float n_rmsd, bool use_conformers, unsigned int n_conformers)

Fit multiple ligands (place-holder)

  • imol_protein – is the model molecule index

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • multi_ligand_molecule_number_list – is a colon-separated list of molecules, e.g. “2:3:4”

  • n_rmsd – is number of sd, e.g. 4.8

  • use_conformers – is True for flexible ligands

  • n_conformers – set the number of conformers


an empty vector (at the moment)

float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle(int imol, const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)

Jiggle-Fit Ligand

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • res_spec – is the residue specifier, e.g. residue_spec_t(“A”, 10, “”)

  • n_trials – is the number of trials, if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used.

  • translation_scale_factor – if is negative then a sensible default value will be used.


a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.

float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle_using_cid(int imol, const std::string &cid, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)

Jiggle-Fit Ligand using cid

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID, e.g “//A/15” (ligand 15 of chain A)

  • n_trials – is the number of trials, if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used.

  • translation_scale_factor – if is negative then a sensible default value will be used.


a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.

float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle_with_blur_using_cid(int imol, int imol_map, const std::string &cid, float b_factor, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)

Jiggle-Fit an atom selection, typically a whole molecule or a chain

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cid – is the selection CID, e.g. “//A” (chain A)

  • b_factor – e.g. 100.0

  • n_trials – is the number of trials, if n_trials is 0, then a sensible default value will be used.

  • translation_scale_factor – if is negative then a sensible default value will be used.


a value less than -99.9 on failure to fit.

std::string get_svg_for_residue_type(int imol, const std::string &comp_id, bool use_rdkit_svg, bool dark_background_flag)

Get svg for residue type

It won’t work unless the dictionary for that ligand has been imported. The output renderings are not very good at the moment.

  • imol – is the model molecule index, except for unusual cases, it will be IMOL_ENC_ANY (-999999)

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • use_rdkit_svg – is the flag for using the rdkit svg renderer

  • dark_background_flag – returns a representation suitable for rendering on a dark background


the string for the SVG representation.

int add_compound(int imol, const std::string &tlc, int imol_dict, int imol_map, float x, float y, float z)

This function is for adding compounds/molecules like buffer agents and precipitants or anions and cations. e.g. those ligands that can be positioned without need for internal torsion angle manipulation.

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • tlc – is the 3-letter-code/compound-id

  • imol_dict – is the molecule to which the ligand is attached (if any). Typically this will be IMOL_ENC_ANY (-999999).

  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • x – is the x position

  • y – is the y position

  • z – is the z position


the success status, 1 for good, 0 for not good.

std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> get_non_standard_residues_in_molecule(int imol) const

Get non-standard residues in a model


imol – is the model molecule index


a vector/list of residue specifiers - the residue name is encoded in the string_user_data data item of the residue specifier

std::vector<int> get_dictionary_conformers(const std::string &comp_id, int imol_enc, bool remove_internal_clash_conformers)

Get the conformers that can be generated by variation around rotatable bonds as described in the dictionary.

Torsions that are marked as “const” are excluded from the variation, as are pyranose ring torsions and torsions that rotate hydrogen atoms

  • comp_id – is the 3-letter code for the residue/ligand, e.g. “ALA” for alanine

  • imol_enc – is the molecule index for the residue type/compound_id

  • remove_internal_clash_conformers – is the flag for removing internal clash


a vector/list of indices of the new molecules

texture_as_floats_t get_map_section_texture(int imol, int section_id, int axis, float data_value_for_bottom, float data_value_for_top) const

The new arguments, data_value_for_bottom, data_value_for_top should be pre-calculated (don’t calculate them for every call to this function).

  • imol – is the map molecule index

  • section_id – e.g. 2

  • axis – e.g. 0 for X-axis, 1 for Y-axis, 2 for Z-axis


a texture_as_floats_t object for the given section. On failure, the image_data vector is empty.

int get_number_of_map_sections(int imol_map, int axis_id) const
  • imol_map – is the map molecule index

  • axis_id – is 0 for X-axis, 1 for Y-axis, 2 for Z-axis


the number of sections in the map along the given axis, -1 on failure.

Other Features

coot::simple_mesh_t make_mesh_from_gltf_file(const std::string &file_name)

file_name – is the glTF file name


a simple_mesh_t from the given file.

coot::simple_mesh_t get_octahemisphere(unsigned int n_divisions) const

Get octahemisphere


n_divisions – is a number divisible by 2, at least 4 (typically 16)


a unit-vector end-cap octohemisphere mesh

std::string pae_png(const std::string &pae_file_name) const

Predicted alignment error (AlphaFold)


a string of a png

Functions for Blender Interface

void make_mesh_for_map_contours_for_blender(int imol, float x, float y, float z, float level, float radius)

Function for Blender interface.

void make_mesh_for_bonds_for_blender(int imol, const std::string &mode, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)

Function for Blender interface.

void make_mesh_for_molecular_representation_for_blender(int imol, const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)

Function for Blender interface

Make an (internal) mesh

This function doesn’t return a value, instead it stores a blender_mesh_t blender_mesh in this model. One then (shortly later) uses get_triangles_for_blender(imol) (etc) to import this mesh into blender.

@modifies internal state to fill the internal blender_mesh object

void make_mesh_for_gaussian_surface_for_blender(int imol, float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float b_factor)

Function for Blender interface.

void make_mesh_for_goodsell_style_for_blender(int imol, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)


Function for Blender interface

std::vector<float> get_colour_table_for_blender(int imol)

Function for Blender interface.

std::vector<float> get_vertices_for_blender(int imol)

Function for Blender interface.

std::vector<int> get_triangles_for_blender(int imol)

Function for Blender interface.

Public Functions

inline explicit molecules_container_t(bool verbose = true)

the one and only constructor

Real space refinement.

the n_cycles parameter allows partial refinement - so for an animated representation one would call this with a small number (10, 20, 100?) and call it again if the refine status is still yet to reach completion GSL_CONTINUE (-2). And then make a call to get the bonds mesh (or other molecular representation). If n_cycles is negative, this means “refine to completion.”


success/progress status

inline void set_use_gemmi(bool state)

Set the state of using GEMMI for coordinates parsing


state – is True to mean that it is enabled. The default is True.

inline bool get_use_gemmi()

Get the state of using GEMMI for coordinates parsing.

Public Members

int imol_refinement_map

the refinement map - direct access. When refinement is performed, this is the map that will be used. Many (indeed most) of thesee functions explicity take a map. If the map is not known by the calling function then this map can be used as the map molecule index

int imol_difference_map

the difference map - direct access

I am not sure that this is needed - or will ever be.

bool use_gemmi

Private Types

enum moving_atoms_asc_t


enumerator NEW_COORDS_ADD

Private Functions

std::string adjust_refinement_residue_name(const std::string &resname) const

resname – is the 3 letter code for the residue, e.g. “ALA” for alanine


the state of having found restraints

Private Members

std::vector<coot::molecule_t> molecules
coot::protein_geometry geom
coot::rotamer_probability_tables rot_prob_tables
ramachandrans_container_t ramachandrans_container
bool draw_missing_residue_loops_flag
std::vector<rail_points_t> rail_point_history
float map_weight
float geman_mcclure_alpha
bool use_rama_plot_restraints
float rama_plot_restraints_weight
bool use_torsion_restraints
float torsion_restraints_weight
ctpl::thread_pool thread_pool
bool show_timings
coot::restraints_container_t *last_restraints
bool continue_threaded_refinement_loop
bool refinement_is_quiet
int cif_dictionary_read_number
bool refinement_immediate_replacement_flag = true
int imol_moving_atoms
short int moving_atoms_asc_type

Private Static Attributes

static std::atomic<bool> on_going_updating_map_lock
static clipper::Xmap<float> *dummy_xmap
class auto_read_mtz_info_t
#include <molecules-container.hh>

class for the information about columns extracted from auto-reading the given mtz file

Public Functions

inline auto_read_mtz_info_t()
inline auto_read_mtz_info_t(int index, const std::string &F_in, const std::string &phi_in)
inline void set_fobs_sigfobs(const std::string &f, const std::string &s)

Public Members

int idx

molecule index

std::string F

F column.

std::string phi

phi column

std::string w

weights column

bool weights_used

flag for weights usage

std::string F_obs

F_obs column. There were not available if the return value is empty.

std::string sigF_obs

sigF_obs column

std::string Rfree

R-Free column. There were not available if the return value is empty.

class fit_ligand_info_t
#include <molecules-container.hh>

Ligand Fitting


a vector of indices of molecules for the best fitting ligands each of the “possible ligand” blobs.

Public Functions

inline fit_ligand_info_t(int i, int c, int l)
inline fit_ligand_info_t()
inline float get_fitting_score() const

the fitting score

inline float get_cluster_volume() const

Public Members

int imol
int cluster_idx
int ligand_idx
float fitting_score
float cluster_volume
class ltj_stats_t

Public Functions

inline ltj_stats_t()
inline void update_timer()

This function is called by the long-term job, udating the timer and count.

inline double time_difference()

This function is called by the interrogation function - and is to help the uer know how the job is going.

20230127-PE A nice graph of the change of the function value seems like a good idea

Public Members

unsigned int count
float function_value
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> timer_start
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> timer
class r_factor_stats

Public Members

float r_factor
float free_r_factor
int rail_points_total
int rail_points_new
class rail_points_t

Public Functions

inline explicit rail_points_t(float rmsd)
inline rail_points_t(float rmsd_diff_map_current, const rail_points_t &rail_points_prev)
inline int rail_points_delta(const rail_points_t &prev)

Public Members

int model_rail_points_delta
int map_rail_points_delta
float rmsd_of_difference_map

Public Static Functions

static inline int total(const std::vector<rail_points_t> &rail_point_history)
class updating_maps_info_f

Public Functions

inline updating_maps_info_f()

Public Members

bool maps_need_an_update
int imol_model
int imol_2fofc
int imol_fofc
int imol_with_data_info_attached

Mesh Objects


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const g_triangle &t)
class g_triangle
#include <g_triangle.hh>

g_triangle is the container for the vertices of a triangles (indexing into the vertices vector).

Subclassed by g_triangle_with_colour_index

Public Functions

inline g_triangle(const unsigned int &a0, const unsigned int &a1, const unsigned int &a2)


inline g_triangle()
inline unsigned int &operator[](const unsigned int &i)

int colour_index;

inline const unsigned int &operator[](const unsigned int &i) const
inline void rebase(const unsigned int &idx_base)

use rebase() when adding more vertices and triangles into a mesh.

inline void reverse_winding()

in-place reverse the winding of this triangle

Public Members

unsigned int point_id[3]


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const g_triangle &t)
class g_triangle_with_colour_index : public g_triangle
#include <g_triangle.hh>

a triangle with a colour index - helpful, I think when transfering colour/material information to Blender.

Public Functions

inline g_triangle_with_colour_index(const unsigned int &a0, const unsigned int &a1, const unsigned int &a2)

Public Members

int colour_index
namespace coot
namespace api
class vertex_with_rotation_translation
#include <vertex.hh>

20230108-PE copied from generic-vertex.hh (then edited).

vertex with rotation and translation (e.g. for oriented bonds)

Public Functions

inline vertex_with_rotation_translation(const glm::vec3 &p, const glm::vec3 &n, const glm::vec4 &c)


inline vertex_with_rotation_translation(const vnc_vertex &v, const glm::vec3 &atom_position, float scale)


inline vertex_with_rotation_translation()


Public Members

glm::mat3 model_rotation_matrix
glm::vec3 model_translation
glm::vec3 pos
glm::vec3 normal
glm::vec4 colour
class vn_vertex
#include <vertex.hh>

a vertex with (only) postion and normal. Useful for instancing, perhaps

Public Functions

inline vn_vertex(const glm::vec3 &pos_in, const glm::vec3 &norm_in)
inline vn_vertex()

Public Members

glm::vec3 pos
glm::vec3 normal
class vnc_vertex
#include <vertex.hh>

a vertex with postion, normal and colour

Public Functions

inline vnc_vertex(const glm::vec3 &pos_in, const glm::vec3 &norm_in, const glm::vec4 &col_in)
inline explicit vnc_vertex(const vn_vertex &vn)
inline vnc_vertex(const vn_vertex &vn, const glm::vec4 &c)
inline vnc_vertex()

Public Members

glm::vec3 pos
glm::vec3 normal
glm::vec4 color
namespace coot
class simple_mesh_t
#include <simple-mesh.hh>

The basic mesh for transfering mesh geometry and colours.

Public Functions

inline simple_mesh_t()

constructor (for vectors)

inline explicit simple_mesh_t(const std::string &name_in)

constructor with name

inline simple_mesh_t(const std::vector<api::vnc_vertex> &vertices_in, const std::vector<g_triangle> &triangles_in)
inline explicit simple_mesh_t(const cylinder &cyl)
void translate(const glm::vec3 &t)
void add_submesh(const simple_mesh_t &submesh)

utilty function

void fill_colour_map()

if the colour map is empty then go through the vector of vertices findling colours and putting them into a colour table. This is for Blender - where the colour are assigned to a Material, and a Material is assigned to a face

void export_to_gltf(const std::string &file_name, bool use_binary_format) const

export to glTF

inline void set_name(const std::string &n)
void scale(float scale_factor)
void change_colour(const glm::vec4 &c)
void clear()
std::string vandt() const

Public Members

int status

check this status before using a simple_mesh_t. 1 is good, 0 is bad (0 is set when when we get a bad_alloc)

std::vector<api::vnc_vertex> vertices


std::vector<g_triangle> triangles

vertex index triples

std::string name

mesh name

std::map<int, glm::vec4> colour_index_to_colour_map

Public Static Functions

static simple_mesh_t make_sphere()
namespace coot


simple_mesh_t instanced_mesh_to_simple_mesh(const instanced_mesh_t &im)
class instanced_geometry_t
#include <instancing.hh>

instancing container for vertices, triangles and instancing data

Public Functions

inline instanced_geometry_t()
inline explicit instanced_geometry_t(const std::string &n)
inline instanced_geometry_t(const std::vector<api::vn_vertex> &v, const std::vector<g_triangle> &t)
inline bool empty()

Public Members

std::vector<api::vn_vertex> vertices

vertices (containing positions and normals)

std::vector<g_triangle> triangles

triangle indices

std::string name
std::vector<instancing_data_type_A_t> instancing_data_A

a vector of type A instancing

std::vector<instancing_data_type_B_t> instancing_data_B

a vector of type B instancing

class instanced_mesh_t
#include <instancing.hh>

a simple container for instancing containers - for multiple geometries that are instanced. (e.g. balls and sticks).

Public Functions

inline instanced_mesh_t()
inline void add(const instanced_geometry_t &ig)
inline void clear()


void export_to_glTF(const std::string &file_name, bool use_binary_format) const

Public Members

std::vector<instanced_geometry_t> geom
simple_mesh_t markup

cis-peptide markup can’t be drawn instanced

class instancing_data_type_A_t
#include <instancing.hh>

class for A type instancing data - this does not contain an orientation matrix

Public Functions

inline instancing_data_type_A_t(const glm::vec3 &position_in, const glm::vec4 &colour_in, const glm::vec3 &size_in)
inline instancing_data_type_A_t()

Public Members

glm::vec3 position
glm::vec4 colour
glm::vec3 size
class instancing_data_type_B_t
#include <instancing.hh>

class for B type instancing data - this does contain an orientation matrix

Public Functions

inline instancing_data_type_B_t(const glm::vec3 &position_in, const glm::vec4 &colour_in, const glm::vec3 &size_in, const glm::mat4 &ori)
inline instancing_data_type_B_t()

Public Members

glm::vec3 position
glm::vec4 colour
glm::vec3 size
glm::mat4 orientation

the orientation matrix rotates the vector away from “z is up”

Atom and Residue Specifiers

namespace coot


bool compare_atom_specs_user_float(const atom_spec_t &a1, const atom_spec_t &a2)
bool compare_atom_specs_user_float_in_pair(const std::pair<atom_spec_t, std::string> &a, const std::pair<atom_spec_t, std::string> &b)
class atom_spec_t

Public Functions

inline atom_spec_t()
inline atom_spec_t(const std::string &chain_in, int resno_in, const std::string &insertion_code_in, const std::string &atom_name_in, const std::string &alt_conf_in)
inline explicit atom_spec_t(mmdb::Atom *at)
inline atom_spec_t(mmdb::Atom *at, const std::string &user_data_string)
inline bool empty() const
inline void selectatoms(mmdb::Manager *mol, int SelHnd)
bool matches_spec(mmdb::Atom *atom) const
std::string format() const
std::string label() const
std::string label(const std::string &residue_name) const
std::string simple_label(const std::string &residue_name = "") const
inline bool is_same(const atom_spec_t &matcher) const
mmdb::Atom *get_atom(mmdb::Manager *mol) const

Public Members

std::string chain_id
int res_no
std::string ins_code
std::string atom_name
std::string alt_conf
int int_user_data
float float_user_data
std::string string_user_data
int model_number
class residue_spec_t

Public Functions

inline explicit residue_spec_t(int r)
inline residue_spec_t(const std::string &chain_in, int r)
inline residue_spec_t(int model_number_in, const std::string &chain_in, int r, const std::string &ins_code_in)
inline residue_spec_t(const std::string &chain_in, int r, const std::string &ins_code_in)
inline explicit residue_spec_t(mmdb::Residue *res)
inline explicit residue_spec_t(const atom_spec_t &atom_spec)
inline residue_spec_t()
inline bool unset_p() const
inline bool empty() const
inline residue_spec_t next() const
inline residue_spec_t previous() const
std::string format() const
std::string label() const
std::string label(const std::string &residue_name) const
mmdb::Residue *get_residue(mmdb::Manager *mol) const
int select_atoms(mmdb::Manager *mol, int selhnd, mmdb::SELECTION_KEY selection_key)

Public Members

int model_number
std::string chain_id
int res_no
std::string ins_code
int int_user_data
float float_user_data
std::string string_user_data

Validation Information

namespace coot


enum graph_data_type


enumerator UNSET
enumerator DENSITY
enumerator DISTORTION
enumerator ENERGY
enumerator PROBABILITY
enumerator CORRELATION
enumerator TORSION_ANGLE
class chain_validation_information_t

Public Functions

inline chain_validation_information_t()
inline explicit chain_validation_information_t(const std::string &chain_id_in)
inline void add(const residue_validation_information_t &rvi)
inline void add_residue_validation_information(const residue_validation_information_t &rvi)

Public Members

std::string chain_id
std::vector<residue_validation_information_t> rviv
class validation_information_min_max_t

Public Functions

inline validation_information_min_max_t()
inline validation_information_min_max_t(const double &min_in, const double &max_in)

Public Members

bool is_set
double min
double max
class validation_information_t

Public Functions

inline validation_information_t()
inline validation_information_t(graph_data_type gdt, const validation_information_min_max_t &min_max_in)
inline unsigned int get_index_for_chain(const std::string &chain_id)
inline void add_residue_validation_information(const residue_validation_information_t &rvi, const std::string &chain_id)
inline void add(const chain_validation_information_t &cvi)
inline bool empty() const

return true of there are no data

inline void set_min_max()

set the min and max for the graph - internal use.

inline stats::single get_stats() const

get the stats for the data in this validation container

Public Members

std::string name
validation_information_min_max_t min_max
std::vector<chain_validation_information_t> cviv
enum graph_data_type type
namespace coot
class residue_validation_information_t

Public Functions

inline residue_validation_information_t()
inline residue_validation_information_t(const coot::residue_spec_t &rs, const coot::atom_spec_t &atom_spec_in, double d, const std::string &l)

Public Members

residue_spec_t residue_spec
atom_spec_t atom_spec
double function_value
std::string label
namespace coot


enum map_stats_t


enumerator SIMPLE
namespace util
class correlation_parts_t

Public Members

double top
double var_x
double var_y
class density_correlation_stats_info_t
#include <coot-density-stats.hh>

density correlation state - between map and model typically.

Public Functions

inline density_correlation_stats_info_t()


inline density_correlation_stats_info_t(double n_in, double sum_xy_in, double sum_sqrd_x_in, double sum_sqrd_y_in, double sum_x_in, double sum_y_in)


inline double var_x() const
inline double var_y() const
inline void add(const double &x, const double &y)
inline double correlation() const

the correlation

inline correlation_parts_t correlation_by_parts() const

the correlation by parts

inline bool operator<(const density_correlation_stats_info_t &dcsi) const

Public Members

double n
double sum_xy
double sum_sqrd_x
double sum_sqrd_y
double sum_x
double sum_y
std::vector<double> density_values
class density_stats_info_t

Public Functions

inline density_stats_info_t()
inline void add(const double &v)
inline void add(const double &v, const double &weight)
inline std::pair<double, double> mean_and_variance() const

Public Members

double n
double sum_sq
double sum
double sum_weight


class superpose_results_t
#include <superpose-results.hh>

superposition results

Public Members

std::string superpose_info

the JSON string with the superposition statistics

std::pair<std::string, std::string> alignment

the superposition alignment

std::vector<coot::validation_information_t> alignment_info_vec

post-alignment distances between aligned residues encoded as validation information for the reference sequence

std::vector<std::pair<coot::residue_validation_information_t, coot::residue_validation_information_t>> aligned_pairs

Molecule Internals

namespace coot



class molecule_t

Public Functions

inline molecule_t(const std::string &name_in, int mol_no_in)


inline molecule_t(const std::string &name_in, int mol_no_in, short int is_em_map)

constructor, when we know we are giving it an em map

inline molecule_t(const std::string &name_in, int mol_no_in, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, bool is_em_map_flag)


inline explicit molecule_t(atom_selection_container_t asc, int imol_no_in, const std::string &name_in)


float get_median_temperature_factor() const
int close_yourself()
inline bool is_closed() const
inline void set_really_do_backups(bool state)
void add_neighbor_residues_for_refinement_help(mmdb::Manager *mol)
void fill_fobs_sigfobs()
inline clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> *get_original_fobs_sigfobs() const
inline clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> *get_original_rfree_flags() const
int sfcalc_genmap(const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> &fobs, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> &free, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p)
util::sfcalc_genmap_stats_t sfcalc_genmaps_using_bulk_solvent(const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> &fobs, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> &free, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_2fofc_p, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_fofc_p)
std::pair<std::string, std::string> make_import_datanames(const std::string &fcol, const std::string &phi_col, const std::string &weight_col, int use_weights) const
inline std::string Refmac_fobs_col() const
inline std::string Refmac_sigfobs_col() const
inline std::string Refmac_mtz_filename() const
void associate_data_mtz_file_with_map(const std::string &data_mtz_file_name, const std::string &f_col, const std::string &sigf_col, const std::string &r_free_col)
util::map_molecule_centre_info_t get_map_molecule_centre() const
void replace_molecule_by_model_from_file(const std::string &pdb_file_name)
inline std::string get_name() const
inline void set_molecule_name(const std::string &n)
inline int get_molecule_index() const
bool is_valid_model_molecule() const
bool is_valid_map_molecule() const
unsigned int get_number_of_atoms() const
int get_number_of_hydrogen_atoms() const
float get_molecule_diameter() const
mmdb::Residue *cid_to_residue(const std::string &cid) const
std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> cid_to_residues(const std::string &cid) const
mmdb::Atom *cid_to_atom(const std::string &cid) const
std::pair<bool, residue_spec_t> cid_to_residue_spec(const std::string &cid) const
std::pair<bool, atom_spec_t> cid_to_atom_spec(const std::string &cid) const
std::vector<std::string> get_residue_names_with_no_dictionary(const protein_geometry &geom) const
int insert_waters_into_molecule(const minimol::molecule &water_mol, const std::string &res_name)
std::vector<residue_range_t> get_missing_residue_ranges() const

get missing residue ranges


imol – is the model molecule index


missing residue ranges

void make_bonds(protein_geometry *geom, rotamer_probability_tables *rot_prob_tables_p, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_loops_flag)
std::vector<glm::vec4> make_colour_table(bool against_a_dark_background) const

useful for debugging, perhaps

std::vector<glm::vec4> make_colour_table_for_goodsell_style(float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness) const
void print_colour_table(const std::string &debugging_label) const
void print_secondary_structure_info() const
mmdb::Atom *get_atom(const atom_spec_t &atom_spec) const
mmdb::Residue *get_residue(const residue_spec_t &residue_spec) const
mmdb::Residue *get_residue(const std::string &residue_cid) const
std::string get_residue_name(const residue_spec_t &residue_spec) const
inline bool have_unsaved_changes() const
int undo()
int redo()
int write_coordinates(const std::string &file_name) const
std::string molecule_to_PDB_string() const

a model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error

std::string molecule_to_mmCIF_string() const

a model molecule imol as a string. Return emtpy string on error

std::vector<atom_spec_t> get_fixed_atoms() const
std::vector<std::string> chains_in_model() const
std::vector<std::pair<residue_spec_t, std::string>> get_single_letter_codes_for_chain(const std::string &chain_id) const
residue_spec_t get_residue_closest_to(mmdb::Manager *mol, const clipper::Coord_orth &co) const
std::vector<std::string> get_chain_ids() const

Get the chains that are related by NCS:

bool copy_ncs_chain(const std::string &from_chain_id, const std::string &to_chain_id)

copy chain using NCS matrix

std::vector<double> get_residue_CA_position(const std::string &cid) const

get the residue CA position


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

std::vector<double> get_residue_average_position(const std::string &cid) const

get the avarge residue position


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

std::vector<double> get_residue_sidechain_average_position(const std::string &cid) const

get the avarge residue side-chain position


a vector. The length of the vector is 0 on failure, otherwise it is the x,y,z values

void set_occupancy(const std::string &cid, float occ_new)

set occupancy

set the occupancy for the given atom selection

  • imol – is the model molecule index

  • cod – is the atom selection CID

simple_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh(const std::string &mode, protein_geometry *geom, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops)
simple_mesh_t get_goodsell_style_mesh(protein_geometry *geom_p, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)
instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_instanced(const std::string &mode, protein_geometry *geom, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, bool render_atoms_as_aniso, bool render_aniso_atoms_as_ortep, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops)
instanced_mesh_t get_bonds_mesh_for_selection_instanced(const std::string &mode, const std::string &selection_cid, protein_geometry *geom, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, bool render_atoms_as_aniso, bool render_aniso_atoms_as_ortep, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops)
instanced_mesh_t get_goodsell_style_mesh_instanced(protein_geometry *geom_p, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)
void set_user_defined_bond_colours(const std::map<unsigned int, std::array<float, 4>> &colour_map)

user-defined colour-index to colour (internallly, this converts the colour_map to the above vector of colour holders, so it’s probably a good idea if the colour (index) keys are less than 200 or so.

void set_user_defined_atom_colour_by_selections(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> &indexed_residues_cids, bool colour_applies_to_non_carbon_atoms_also, mmdb::Manager *mol)

user-defined atom selection to colour index.

void store_user_defined_atom_colour_selections(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> &indexed_residues_cids, bool colour_applies_to_non_carbon_atoms_also)
void apply_user_defined_atom_colour_selections(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> &indexed_residues_cids, bool colour_applies_to_non_carbon_atoms_also, mmdb::Manager *mol)
void set_colour_wheel_rotation_base(float r)

set the colour wheel rotation base for the specified molecule

void set_base_colour_for_bonds(float r, float g, float b)

set the base colour - to be used as a base for colour wheel rotation

void add_to_non_drawn_bonds(const std::string &atom_selection_cid)
inline void clear_non_drawn_bonds()
void print_non_drawn_bonds() const
void fill_default_colour_rules()
void add_colour_rule(const std::string &selection, const std::string &colour_name)

Add a colour rule: eg. (“//A”, “red”)

void delete_colour_rules()

delete all the colour rules

void print_colour_rules() const
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_colour_rules() const

get the colour rules. Preferentially return the user-defined colour rules.


If there are no user-defined colour rules, then return the stand-in rules

void M2T_updateFloatParameter(const std::string &param_name, float value)

Update float parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.

void M2T_updateFloatParameter(const std::string &param_name, int value)

Update int parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.

void print_M2T_FloatParameters() const
void print_M2T_IntParameters() const
void M2T_updateIntParameter(const std::string &param_name, int value)

Update int parameter for MoleculesToTriangles molecular mesh.

simple_mesh_t get_molecular_representation_mesh(const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondaryStructureUsageFlag) const
simple_mesh_t get_gaussian_surface(float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float fft_b_factor) const
simple_mesh_t get_chemical_features_mesh(const std::string &cid, const protein_geometry &geom) const
inline bool hydrogen_atom_should_be_drawn() const
inline void set_use_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(bool state)
inline void set_bespoke_carbon_atom_colour(const colour_t &col)
void export_map_molecule_as_gltf(clipper::Coord_orth &position, float radius, float contour_level, const std::string &file_name)

export map molecule as glTF

void export_model_molecule_as_gltf(const std::string &mode, const std::string &selection_cid, protein_geometry *geom, bool against_a_dark_background, float bonds_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_residue_loops, const std::string &file_name)

export model molecule as glTF - this is the bonds and atoms API

void export_molecular_representation_as_gltf(const std::string &atom_selection_cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag, const std::string &file_name)
void export_chemical_features_as_gltf(const std::string &cid, const protein_geometry &geom, const std::string &file_name) const
inline void set_show_symmetry(bool f)
inline bool get_show_symmetry()
void transform_by(mmdb::mat44 SSMAlign_TMatrix)
void transform_by(const clipper::RTop_orth &rtop, mmdb::Residue *res)
void transform_by(const clipper::RTop_orth &rtop)
symmetry_info_t get_symmetry(float symmetry_search_radius, const Cartesian &symm_centre) const
std::vector<std::string> non_standard_residue_types_in_model() const
std::vector<phi_psi_prob_t> ramachandran_validation(const ramachandrans_container_t &rc) const
simple_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs(protein_geometry *geom_p, rotamer_probability_tables *rpt)
instanced_mesh_t get_rotamer_dodecs_instanced(protein_geometry *geom_p, rotamer_probability_tables *rpt)
omega_distortion_info_container_t peptide_omega_analysis(const protein_geometry &geom, const std::string &chain_id, bool mark_cis_peptides_as_bad_flag) const
std::vector<residue_spec_t> get_non_standard_residues_in_molecule() const
instanced_mesh_t contact_dots_for_ligand(const std::string &cid, const protein_geometry &geom, unsigned int num_subdivisions) const

the instanced mesh for the specified ligand

instanced_mesh_t all_molecule_contact_dots(const coot::protein_geometry &geom, unsigned int num_subdivisions) const

the instanced mesh for the specified molecule

generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t make_exportable_environment_bond_box(coot::residue_spec_t &spec, coot::protein_geometry &geom) const
simple::molecule_t get_simple_molecule(int imol, const std::string &residue_cid, const bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, coot::protein_geometry *geom_p)

we pass the imol because we use that to look up the residue type in the dictionary annoyingly, we pass a non-const pointer to the protein-geometry because that is what is passed in the Bond_lines_container. Think about changin that one day.

simple::molecule_t get_simple_molecule(int imol, mmdb::Residue *residue_p, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, coot::protein_geometry *geom_p)
coot::simple_mesh_t get_mesh_for_ligand_validation_vs_dictionary(const std::string &ligand_cid, coot::protein_geometry &geom, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)

get the mesh for ligand validation vs dictionary, coloured by badness. greater then 3 standard deviations is fully red. Less than 0.5 standard deviations is fully green.

std::vector<coot::geometry_distortion_info_container_t> geometric_distortions_for_one_residue_from_mol(const std::string &ligand_cid, bool with_nbcs, coot::protein_geometry &geom, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)

this function is another version of the above function, but returns distortion values

this function returns a vector of the wrong type (it has pointers to expired molecules).

std::vector<coot::geometry_distortion_info_container_t> geometric_distortions_for_selection_from_mol(const std::string &selection_cid, bool with_nbcs, coot::protein_geometry &geom, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)

this function is another version of the above function, but returns distortion values

this function returns a vector of the wrong type (it has pointers to expired molecules).

std::pair<int, double> simple_geometric_distortions_from_mol(const std::string &ligand_cid, bool with_nbcs, coot::protein_geometry &geom, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)
coot::instanced_mesh_t get_extra_restraints_mesh(int mode) const
std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> residues_near_residue(const std::string &residue_cid, float dist) const

a list of residues specs that have atoms within dist of the atoms of the specified residue

std::vector<plain_atom_overlap_t> get_overlaps(protein_geometry *geom_p)

not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries

std::vector<plain_atom_overlap_t> get_overlaps_for_ligand(const std::string &cid_ligand, protein_geometry *geom_p)

not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries

coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots(protein_geometry *geom_p)

not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries

coot::atom_overlaps_dots_container_t get_overlap_dots_for_ligand(const std::string &cid_ligand, protein_geometry *geom_p)

not const because it can dynamically add dictionaries

int move_molecule_to_new_centre(const coot::Cartesian &new_centre)
coot::Cartesian get_molecule_centre() const
int flip_peptide(const atom_spec_t &rs, const std::string &alt_conf)
int auto_fit_rotamer(const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
std::pair<bool, float> backrub_rotamer(mmdb::Residue *residue_p, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
std::pair<bool, float> backrub_rotamer(const std::string &chain_id, int res_no, const std::string &ins_code, const std::string &alt_conf, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
int delete_atoms(const std::vector<atom_spec_t> &atoms)
int delete_atom(atom_spec_t &atom_spec)
int delete_residue(residue_spec_t &residue_spec)
int delete_residue_atoms_with_alt_conf(coot::residue_spec_t &residue_spec, const std::string &alt_conf)
int delete_chain_using_atom_cid(const std::string &cid)
int delete_literal_using_cid(const std::string &cid)
int change_alt_locs(const std::string &cid, const std::string &change_mode)
std::pair<int, std::string> add_terminal_residue_directly(const residue_spec_t &spec, const std::string &new_res_type, const protein_geometry &geom, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)
int add_compound(const dictionary_residue_restraints_t &monomer_restraints, const Cartesian &position, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_rmsd)
int add_alternative_conformation(const std::string &cid)

add an alternative conformation for the specified residue

int fill_partial_residue(const residue_spec_t &res_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const protein_geometry &geom)

add atoms to a partially-filled side chaain

int fill_partial_residues(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, protein_geometry *geom)

add atoms to a partially-filled side chaain

int mutate(const residue_spec_t &spec, const std::string &new_res_type)
int side_chain_180(const residue_spec_t &residue_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, coot::protein_geometry *geom_p)
int delete_side_chain(const residue_spec_t &residue_spec)
std::string jed_flip(coot::residue_spec_t &spec, const std::string &atom_name, const std::string &alt_conf, bool invert_selection, protein_geometry *geom)
std::string jed_flip_internal(coot::atom_tree_t &tree, const std::vector<coot::dict_torsion_restraint_t> &interesting_torsions, const std::string &atom_name, bool invert_selection)
std::string jed_flip_internal(coot::atom_tree_t &tree, const dict_torsion_restraint_t &torsion, const std::string &atom_name, bool invert_selection)
int match_torsions(mmdb::Residue *res_ref, const std::vector<coot::dict_torsion_restraint_t> &tr_ligand, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
coot::minimol::molecule eigen_flip_residue(const residue_spec_t &residue_spec)
int apply_transformation_to_atom_selection(const std::string &atom_selection_cid, int n_atoms_in_selection, clipper::Coord_orth &rotation_centre, clipper::RTop_orth &rtop)
void multiply_residue_temperature_factors(const std::string &cid, float factor)

Interactive B-factor refinement (fun). “factor” might typically be say 0.9 or 1.1

int add_hydrogen_atoms(protein_geometry *geom)

1 on a successful additions, 0 on failure.

int delete_hydrogen_atoms()

1 on a successful additions, 0 on failure.

std::pair<int, std::string> change_chain_id(const std::string &from_chain_id, const std::string &to_chain_id, bool use_resno_range, int start_resno, int end_resno)
std::pair<int, std::string> change_chain_id_with_residue_range(const std::string &from_chain_id, const std::string &to_chain_id, int start_resno, int end_resno)
void change_chain_id_with_residue_range_helper_insert_or_add(mmdb::Chain *to_chain_p, mmdb::Residue *new_residue)
int new_positions_for_residue_atoms(const std::string &residue_cid, const std::vector<api::moved_atom_t> &moved_atoms)

set new positions for the atoms in the specified residue

int new_positions_for_atoms_in_residues(const std::vector<api::moved_residue_t> &moved_residues)

set new positions for the atoms of the specified residues

int new_positions_for_residue_atoms(mmdb::Residue *residue_p, const std::vector<api::moved_atom_t> &moved_atoms, bool do_backup)

not for wrapping (should be private). We don’t want this function to backup if the backup happens in the calling function (i.e. new_positions_for_atoms_in_residues).

int merge_molecules(const std::vector<mmdb::Manager*> &mols)

merge molecules - copy the atom of mols into this molecule


the number of atoms added.

float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle(const residue_spec_t &res_spec, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_rmsd, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)
float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle_using_atom_selection(const std::string &cid, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_rmsd, int n_trials, float translation_scale_factor)

My ligands don’t jiggle-jiggle…

Hey, what do you know, they actually do.

int cis_trans_conversion(const std::string &atom_cid, mmdb::Manager *standard_residues_mol)
int replace_residue(const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &new_residue_type, int imol_enc, const protein_geometry &geom)
int mutate_by_overlap(mmdb::Residue *residue_p, const dictionary_residue_restraints_t &restraints)
int replace_fragment(atom_selection_container_t asc)

the success status

int replace_fragment(mmdb::Manager *mol_ref, int old_atom_index_handle, int SelHnd)
rotamer_change_info_t change_to_next_rotamer(const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)

change rotamers

rotamer_change_info_t change_to_previous_rotamer(const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
rotamer_change_info_t change_to_first_rotamer(const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
rotamer_change_info_t change_rotamer_number(const coot::residue_spec_t &res_spec, const std::string &alt_conf, int rotamer_change_direction, const coot::protein_geometry &pg)
void associate_sequence_with_molecule(const std::string &chain_id, const std::string &sequence)
void assign_sequence(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)

try to fit all of the sequences to all of the chains

bool is_het_residue(mmdb::Residue *residue_p) const
std::pair<short int, int> next_residue_number_in_chain(mmdb::Chain *w, bool new_res_no_by_hundreds = false) const
mmdb::Residue *copy_and_add_residue_to_chain(mmdb::Chain *this_model_chain, mmdb::Residue *add_model_residue, bool new_resno_by_hundreds_flag = true)
void copy_and_add_chain_residues_to_chain(mmdb::Chain *new_chain, mmdb::Chain *this_molecule_chain)
std::vector<std::string> map_chains_to_new_chains(const std::vector<std::string> &adding_model_chains, const std::vector<std::string> &this_model_chains) const
std::string suggest_new_chain_id(const std::string &current_chain_id) const
std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::string>> try_add_by_consolidation(mmdb::Manager *adding_mol)
bool merge_molecules_just_one_residue_homogeneous(atom_selection_container_t molecule_to_add)
bool merge_molecules_just_one_residue_at_given_spec(atom_selection_container_t molecule_to_add, residue_spec_t target_spec)
std::pair<bool, coot::residue_spec_t> merge_ligand_to_near_chain(mmdb::Manager *mol)
std::pair<int, std::vector<merge_molecule_results_info_t>> merge_molecules(const std::vector<atom_selection_container_t> &add_molecules)
void read_extra_restraints(const std::string &file_name)

read extra restraints (e.g. from ProSMART)

std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> select_residues(const residue_spec_t &spec, const std::string &mode) const

refinement tool

std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> select_residues(const std::string &chain_id, int resno_start, int resno_end) const

resno_start and resno_end are inclusive

std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> select_residues(const std::string &multi_cid, const std::string &mode) const

select residues given a multi-cid

int refine_direct(std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> rv, const std::string &alt_loc, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, unsigned int max_number_of_threads, float map_weight, int n_cycles, const coot::protein_geometry &geom, bool do_rama_plot_restraints, float rama_plot_weight, bool do_torsion_restraints, float torsion_weight, bool refinement_is_quiet)

real space refinement

int minimize(const std::string &atom_selection_cid, int n_cycles, bool do_rama_plot_restraints, float rama_plot_weight, bool do_torsion_restraints, float torsion_weight, bool refinement_is_quiet, coot::protein_geometry *geom_p)
bool shiftfield_b_factor_refinement(const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> &F_sigF, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> &free_flag)
void fix_atom_selection_during_refinement(const std::string &atom_selection_cid)
void init_all_molecule_refinement(int imol_ref_mol, coot::protein_geometry &geom, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_weight, ctpl::thread_pool *thread_pool)
void add_target_position_restraint(const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z)
void turn_off_when_close_target_position_restraint()
instanced_mesh_t add_target_position_restraint_and_refine(const std::string &atom_cid, float pos_x, float pos_y, float pos_z, int n_cyles, coot::protein_geometry *geom_p)
void clear_target_position_restraint(const std::string &atom_cid)


int refine_using_last_restraints(int n_steps)

refine (again).


the status of the refinement: GSL_CONTINUE, GSL_SUCCESS, GSL_ENOPROG (no progress). i.e. don’t call thus function again unless the status is GSL_CONTINUE (-2);

inline restraints_container_t *get_last_restraints()
void clear_target_position_restraints()

clear any and all drag-atom target position restraints

void clear_refinement()

call this after molecule refinement has finished (say when the molecule molecule is accepted into the original molecule)

void generate_self_restraints(float local_dist_max, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
void generate_chain_self_restraints(float local_dist_max, const std::string &chain_id, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
void generate_local_self_restraints(float local_dist_max, const std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> &residue_specs, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
void generate_local_self_restraints(float local_dist_max, const std::string &multi_selection_cid, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
void generate_local_self_restraints(int selHnd, float local_dist_max, const coot::protein_geometry &geom)
void add_parallel_plane_restraint(coot::residue_spec_t spec_1, coot::residue_spec_t spec_2)
std::vector<std::string> nucelotide_residue_name_to_base_atom_names(const std::string &rn) const
std::vector<std::string> residue_name_to_plane_atom_names(const std::string &rn) const
void clear_extra_restraints()
int rigid_body_fit(const std::string &mult_cids, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
int rotate_around_bond(const std::string &residue_cid, const std::string &alt_conf, coot::atom_name_quad quad, double torsion_angle, protein_geometry &geom)
bool is_EM_map() const
float get_density_at_position(const clipper::Coord_orth &pos) const
float get_map_mean() const
float get_map_rmsd_approx() const
int write_map(const std::string &file_name) const
void set_map_is_difference_map(bool flag)
bool is_difference_map_p() const
inline void set_updating_maps_diff_diff_map_peaks(const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, float>> &v)
std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, float>> get_updating_maps_diff_diff_map_peaks(const clipper::Coord_orth &screen_centre) const

does the peaks-move operation.

float get_suggested_initial_contour_level() const

the suggested initial contour level. Return -1 on not-a-map

simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh(clipper::Coord_orth position, float radius, float contour_level, bool use_thread_pool, ctpl::thread_pool *thread_pool_p)
simple_mesh_t get_map_contours_mesh_using_other_map_for_colours(const clipper::Coord_orth &position, float radius, float contour_level, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
histogram_info_t get_map_histogram(unsigned int n_bins, float zoom_factor) const

the map histogram The caller should select the number of bins - 200 is a reasonable default. The caller should also set the zoom factor (which reduces the range by the given factor) centred around the median (typically 1.0 but usefully can vary until ~20.0).

void set_map_colour(colour_holder holder)
inline void set_map_colour_saturation(float s)
void set_other_map_for_colouring_min_max(float min_v, float max_v)

Set the limit for the colour range for the values from the other map. If the other map were, for example, a map of correlation values, then you’d pass -1.0 and 1.0.

inline void set_other_map_for_colouring_invert_colour_ramp(bool state)
double sum_density_for_atoms_in_residue(const std::string &cid, const std::vector<std::string> &atom_names, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap) const
std::vector<interesting_place_t> difference_map_peaks(mmdb::Manager *mol, float n_rmsd) const
texture_as_floats_t get_map_section_texture(int section_index, int axis, float data_value_for_bottom, float data_value_for_top) const
int get_number_of_map_sections(int axis_id) const

the number of section in the map along the give axis. (0 for X-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for Z-axis). return -1 on failure.

std::vector<float> get_vertices_for_blender() const
std::vector<int> get_triangles_for_blender() const
std::vector<float> get_colour_table_for_blender() const
void make_mesh_for_bonds_for_blender(const std::string &mode, protein_geometry *geom, bool against_a_dark_background, float bond_width, float atom_radius_to_bond_width_ratio, int smoothness_factor)
void make_mesh_for_molecular_representation_for_blender(const std::string &cid, const std::string &colour_scheme, const std::string &style, int secondary_structure_usage_flag)

Make an (internal) mesh

this function doesn’t return a value, instead it stores a blender_mesh_t blender_mesh in this model

@modifies internal state to fill the internal blender_mesh object

void make_mesh_for_goodsell_style_for_blender(protein_geometry *geom_p, float colour_wheel_rotation_step, float saturation, float goodselliness)
void make_mesh_for_map_contours_for_blender(Cartesian position, float contour_level, float radius)
void make_mesh_for_gaussian_surface_for_blender(float sigma, float contour_level, float box_radius, float grid_scale, float b_factor)

Public Members

atom_selection_container_t atom_sel
float default_temperature_factor_for_new_atoms
std::vector<std::pair<bool, mmdb::Residue*>> neighbouring_residues
std::string refmac_fobs_col
std::string refmac_sigfobs_col
std::string refmac_mtz_filename
std::string refmac_r_free_col
bool refmac_r_free_flag_sensible
clipper::Xmap<float> xmap
std::map<unsigned int, colour_holder> user_defined_bond_colours
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> indexed_user_defined_colour_selection_cids
bool indexed_user_defined_colour_selection_cids_apply_to_non_carbon_atoms_also
colour_holder base_colour_for_bonds
std::set<int> no_bonds_to_these_atom_indices
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> colour_rules

If any colour rule has been set for this molecule, then we will use these (and that his its internal colour-by-chain colouring scheme).

the colour_rules is a vector of things like: (“//A”, “red”)

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float>> M2T_float_params
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> M2T_int_params
coot::extra_restraints_t extra_restraints
std::vector<std::pair<mmdb::Atom*, clipper::Coord_orth>> atoms_with_position_restraints
clipper::Xmap<float> updating_maps_previous_difference_map
std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, float>> updating_maps_diff_diff_map_peaks
blender_mesh_t blender_mesh

Public Static Attributes

static std::atomic<bool> draw_vector_sets_lock

Private Functions

void makebonds(protein_geometry *geom, rotamer_probability_tables *rotamer_tables_p, const std::set<int> &no_bonds_to_these_atoms, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_loops_flag)
void make_bonds_type_checked(protein_geometry *geom, const char *s = 0)
void make_bonds_type_checked(protein_geometry *geom, rotamer_probability_tables *rot_prob_tables_p, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_loops_flag, const char *s = 0)
inline api_bond_colour_t get_bonds_box_type() const
void make_colour_by_chain_bonds(protein_geometry *geom, const std::set<int> &no_bonds_to_these_atoms, bool change_c_only_flag, bool goodsell_mode, bool draw_hydrogen_atoms_flag, bool draw_missing_loops_flag, bool do_rota_markup = false, rotamer_probability_tables *rotamer_tables_p = nullptr, bool force_rebonding = true)
void make_ca_bonds()
glm::vec4 get_bond_colour_by_colour_wheel_position(int icol, api_bond_colour_t bonds_box_type) const
colour_t get_bond_colour_by_mol_no(int colour_index, bool against_a_dark_background) const
colour_t get_bond_colour_basic(int colour_index, bool against_a_dark_background) const
void update_map_triangles(float radius, Cartesian centre, float contour_level)
void update_map_triangles_using_thread_pool(float radius, Cartesian centre, float contour_level, ctpl::thread_pool *thread_pool_p)
short int is_em_map_cached_state()
inline bool has_xmap() const
glm::vec4 position_to_colour_using_other_map(const clipper::Coord_orth &position, const clipper::Xmap<float> &other_map_for_colouring) const
glm::vec4 fraction_to_colour(float f) const
void clear_draw_vecs()
void clear_diff_map_draw_vecs()
void replace_coords(const atom_selection_container_t &asc, bool change_altconf_occs_flag, bool replace_coords_with_zero_occ_flag)
bool movable_atom(mmdb::Atom *mol_atom, bool replace_coords_with_zero_occ_flag) const
bool moving_atom_matches(mmdb::Atom *at, int this_mol_index_maybe) const
void adjust_occupancy_other_residue_atoms(mmdb::Atom *at, mmdb::Residue *residue, short int force_sum_1_flag)
int full_atom_spec_to_atom_index(const atom_spec_t &atom_spec) const
int full_atom_spec_to_atom_index(const std::string &chain, int resno, const std::string &insertion_code, const std::string &atom_name, const std::string &alt_conf) const
std::string name_for_display_manager() const
std::string dotted_chopped_name() const
std::string make_backup(const std::string &modification_type)
void save_history_file_name(const std::string &file)
void restore_from_backup(int mod_index, const std::string &cwd)
std::pair<int, mmdb::Residue*> find_serial_number_for_insert(int seqnum_for_new, const std::string &ins_code_for_new, const std::string &chain_id) const
void remove_TER_internal(mmdb::Residue *res_p)
void remove_TER_on_last_residue(mmdb::Chain *chain_p)
std::pair<bool, std::string> unused_chain_id() const
int append_to_molecule(const minimol::molecule &water_mol)
glm::vec4 colour_holder_to_glm(const colour_holder &ch) const
std::pair<bool, Cartesian> get_HA_unit_vector(mmdb::Residue *r) const
void setup_cylinder_clashes(instanced_mesh_t &im, const atom_overlaps_dots_container_t &c, float ball_size, unsigned int num_subdivisions, const std::string &molecule_name_stub) const

modify the im

void setup_dots(instanced_mesh_t &im, const atom_overlaps_dots_container_t &c, float ball_size, unsigned int num_subdivisions, const std::string &molecule_name_stub) const

modify the im

std::pair<int, std::string> write_shelx_ins_file(const std::string &filename) const
int read_shelx_ins_file(const std::string &filename)
int add_shelx_string_to_molecule(const std::string &str)
inline bool is_from_shelx_ins() const
void trim_atom_label_table()
void delete_ghost_selections()
void update_symmetry()

this doesn’t do a backup - the calling function is in charge of that

void delete_link(mmdb::Link *link, mmdb::Model *model_p)
bool sanity_check_atoms(mmdb::Manager *mol) const
int set_residue_to_rotamer_move_atoms(mmdb::Residue *res, mmdb::Residue *moving_res)
float fit_to_map_by_random_jiggle(mmdb::PPAtom atom_selection, int n_atoms, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_sigma, int n_trials, float jiggle_scale_factor, bool use_biased_density_scoring, std::vector<mmdb::Chain*> chains_for_moving)
minimol::molecule rigid_body_fit(const minimol::molecule &mol_in, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float map_sigma) const
std::vector<coot::geometry_distortion_info_container_t> geometric_distortions_from_mol(const atom_selection_container_t &asc, bool with_nbcs, coot::protein_geometry &geom, ctpl::thread_pool &static_thread_pool)
inline void init()

Private Members

modification_info_t modification_info
bool use_gemmi
int imol_no
bool is_closed_flag
int ligand_flip_number
std::string name
bool is_from_shelx_ins_flag
ShelxIns shelxins
std::map<residue_spec_t, int> current_rotamer_map
bool really_do_backups
api_bond_colour_t bonds_box_type
graphical_bonds_container bonds_box
float bonds_colour_map_rotation
bool use_bespoke_grey_colour_for_carbon_atoms
colour_t bespoke_carbon_atoms_colour
short int is_em_map_cached_flag
ghost_molecule_display_t map_ghost_info
bool xmap_is_diff_map
colour_holder map_colour
float other_map_for_colouring_min_value
float other_map_for_colouring_max_value
bool radial_map_colour_invert_flag
float radial_map_colour_saturation
bool original_fphis_filled
bool original_fobs_sigfobs_filled
bool original_fobs_sigfobs_fill_tried_and_failed
clipper::HKL_data<clipper::datatypes::F_phi<float>> *original_fphis_p
clipper::HKL_data<clipper::datatypes::F_sigF<float>> *original_fobs_sigfobs_p
clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> *original_r_free_flags_p
std::vector<density_contour_triangles_container_t> draw_vector_sets
std::vector<density_contour_triangles_container_t> draw_diff_map_vector_sets
std::vector<std::pair<int, TRIANGLE>> map_triangle_centres
std::vector<std::string> history_filename_vec
std::string save_time_string
std::vector<atom_spec_t> fixed_atom_specs
bool show_symmetry
coot::restraints_container_t *last_restraints
coot::fasta_multi multi_fasta_seq

Private Static Functions

static std::string file_to_string(const std::string &fn)
class difference_map_peaks_info_t
#include <coot-molecule.hh>

difference maps peaks class

Public Functions

inline difference_map_peaks_info_t(const clipper::Coord_orth &p, float ph)

Public Members

clipper::Coord_orth pos
float peak_height
class histogram_info_t
#include <coot-molecule.hh>

map histogram class

Public Functions

inline histogram_info_t()
inline histogram_info_t(float min_density, float bw, const std::vector<int> &c)

Public Members

float base


float bin_width

bin width

std::vector<int> counts


float mean


float variance


class interesting_place_t
#include <coot-molecule.hh>

The container class for an interesting place.

This documentation doesn’t work and I don’t know why.

Public Functions

inline interesting_place_t()


inline interesting_place_t(const std::string &feature_type, const residue_spec_t &rs, const clipper::Coord_orth &pt, const std::string &bl)


inline interesting_place_t(const std::string &feature_type, const clipper::Coord_orth &pt, const std::string &button_label)


inline void set_feature_value(const float &f)

internal to libcootapi function to set the values

inline void set_badness_value(const float &b)

Public Members

std::string feature_type


residue_spec_t residue_spec

Residue specifier.

float x


float y
float z
std::string button_label

button label

float feature_value

actual value of the feature

float badness

synthetic badness (for “score by badness”)

class modification_info_t

Public Functions

inline modification_info_t()
inline modification_info_t(const std::string &mol_name_for_backup, bool is_mmcif)
bool have_unsaved_changes() const
inline void set_molecule_name(const std::string &molecule_name, bool is_mmcif)
inline std::string get_index_string(int idx) const
std::string get_backup_file_name_from_index(int idx) const
std::string make_backup(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::string &modification_info_string)

a string that when non-empty is the error message

mmdb::Manager *undo(mmdb::Manager *mol)

non-null on success

mmdb::Manager *redo()

success status

Public Members

std::string backup_dir
std::string mol_name
bool is_mmcif_flag
std::vector<save_info_t> save_info
int modification_index
int max_modification_index

Private Functions

inline void init()
void print_save_info() const
class save_info_t

Public Functions

inline save_info_t(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &mis)
mmdb::Manager *get_mol()

Public Members

std::string file_name
std::string modification_info_string
class molecule_save_info_t

Public Functions

inline molecule_save_info_t()
inline void new_modification(const std::string &mod_string)
inline void made_a_save()
inline bool have_unsaved_changes() const
inline std::string index_string(int idx) const
inline void set_modification_index(int idx)
inline int get_previous_modification_index() const
inline int get_next_modification_index() const

Public Members

std::pair<time_t, int> last_saved
int modification_index
int max_modification_index
class rotamer_change_info_t
#include <coot-molecule.hh>

a container class for information about changing rotamers

Public Functions

inline rotamer_change_info_t(int rank, const std::string &name, float rp, int status)
inline rotamer_change_info_t()

Public Members

int rank

the rank of the new rotamer

std::string name

new rotamer name

float richardson_probability

Richardson probability.

int status

status: did the change take place?

class residue_range_t

Public Functions

inline residue_range_t()
inline residue_range_t(const std::string &c, int r1, int r2)

Public Members

std::string chain_id
int res_no_start
int res_no_end

Hydrogen Bonds

namespace moorhen
class h_bond

Public Functions

inline h_bond()

Public Members

h_bond_atom hb_hydrogen
h_bond_atom donor
h_bond_atom acceptor
h_bond_atom donor_neigh
h_bond_atom acceptor_neigh
double angle_1
double angle_2
double angle_3
double dist
bool ligand_atom_is_donor
bool hydrogen_is_ligand_atom
bool bond_has_hydrogen_flag
class h_bond_atom

Public Functions

inline h_bond_atom()

Public Members

int serial
float x
float y
float z
float charge
float occ
float b_iso
std::string element
std::string name
int model
std::string chain
int res_no
std::string residue_name
std::string altLoc

3D lines

class generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t
#include <generic-3d-lines.hh>

This class is for generic line set information. When used for environment distances, the indexing is important/useful - index 0 is for non-bonded contacts and index 1 is for hydrogen bonds (or other interesting bonds).

Public Functions

inline generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t()
inline explicit generic_3d_lines_bonds_box_t(const graphical_bonds_container &gbc)

the bonds gnerator makes a graphical_bonds_container and libcootapi uses that to convert to this simple container

Public Members

std::vector<std::vector<coot::CartesianPair>> line_segments

a vector of line position pairs

Map Utils

namespace coot
namespace util


typedef std::pair<double, double> phitheta


clipper::RTop_orth make_rtop_orth_from(mmdb::mat44 mat)
float density_at_point(const clipper::Xmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_orth &co)
float density_at_point_by_cubic_interp(const clipper::NXmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_map &cm)
float density_at_point_by_linear_interpolation(const clipper::Xmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_orth &co)
float density_at_point_by_nearest_grid(const clipper::Xmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_orth &co)
float density_at_map_point(const clipper::Xmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_map &cg)
clipper::Grad_orth<double> gradient_at_point(const clipper::Xmap<float> &map_in, const clipper::Coord_orth &co)
std::pair<float, float> mean_and_variance(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
density_stats_info_t density_around_point(const clipper::Coord_orth &point, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, float d)
bool map_fill_from_mtz(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap, std::string mtz_file_name, std::string f_col, std::string phi_col, std::string weight_col, short int use_weights, float sampling_rate = 1.5)
bool map_fill_from_mtz(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap, std::string mtz_file_name, std::string f_col, std::string phi_col, std::string weight_col, short int use_weights, float reso_limit_high, short int use_reso_limit_high, float sampling_rate = 1.5)
void filter_by_resolution(clipper::HKL_data<clipper::datatypes::F_phi<float>> *fphidata, const float &reso_low, const float &reso_high)
float max_gridding(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
float map_score(mmdb::PPAtom atom_selection, int n_selected_atoms, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, short int with_atomic_weighting)
float map_score(std::vector<mmdb::Atom*> atoms, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
float map_score_atom(mmdb::Atom *atom, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
float map_score_by_residue_specs(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &res_specs, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, bool main_chain_only_flag = false)
clipper::Xmap<float> sharpen_blur_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float b_factor)
void sharpen_blur_map(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap, float b_factor)
clipper::Xmap<float> sharpen_blur_map_with_resample(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float b_factor, float resample_factor)
clipper::Xmap<float> sharpen_blur_map_with_reduced_sampling(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float b_factor, float resample_factor)
void multi_sharpen_blur_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, const std::vector<float> &b_factors, std::vector<clipper::Xmap<float>> *maps_p)
clipper::Xmap<float> sharpen_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float sharpen_factor)
map_molecule_centre_info_t map_molecule_centre(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
map_molecule_centre_info_t map_molecule_recentre_from_position(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &current_centre)
std::vector<amplitude_vs_resolution_point> amplitude_vs_resolution(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, int n_bins = -1)
float b_factor(const std::vector<amplitude_vs_resolution_point> &fsqrd_data, std::pair<bool, float> reso_low_invresolsq = std::pair<bool, float>(false, -1), std::pair<bool, float> reso_higy_invresolsq = std::pair<bool, float>(false, -1))
clipper::Xmap<float> transform_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, const clipper::Spacegroup &new_space_group, const clipper::Cell &new_cell, const clipper::RTop_orth &rtop, const clipper::Coord_orth &about_pt, float box_size)
clipper::Grid_sampling suggested_grid_sampling(const clipper::Grid_sampling &orig_sampling, const clipper::Cell &orig_cell, const clipper::Spacegroup &new_space_group, const clipper::Cell &new_cell)
clipper::Xmap<float> laplacian_transform(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in)
std::vector<float> density_map_points_in_sphere(clipper::Coord_orth pt, float radius, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in)
clipper::Xmap<float> calc_atom_map(mmdb::Manager *mol, int atom_selection_handle, const clipper::Cell &cell, const clipper::Spacegroup &space_group, const clipper::Grid_sampling &sampling)
clipper::Xmap<float> mask_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, const std::vector<mmdb::Residue*> &neighbs)
clipper::Xmap<float> make_map_mask(const clipper::Spacegroup &space_group, const clipper::Cell &cell, const clipper::Grid_sampling &grid_sampling, mmdb::Manager *mol, int atom_selection_handle, float radius, float smooth)
float map_to_model_correlation(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs_for_correl, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs_for_masking_neighbs, unsigned short int atom_mask_mode, float atom_radius, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_from_sfs)
density_correlation_stats_info_t map_to_model_correlation_stats(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs_for_correl, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs_for_masking_neighbs, unsigned short int atom_mask_mode, float atom_radius, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_from_sfs, map_stats_t map_stats_flag)
std::vector<std::pair<residue_spec_t, float>> map_to_model_correlation_per_residue(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs, unsigned short int atom_mask_mode, float atom_radius, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_from_sfs)
std::map<coot::residue_spec_t, density_stats_info_t> map_to_model_correlation_stats_per_residue(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<residue_spec_t> &specs, unsigned short int atom_mask_mode, float atom_radius, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
std::pair<std::map<coot::residue_spec_t, density_correlation_stats_info_t>, std::map<coot::residue_spec_t, density_correlation_stats_info_t>> map_to_model_correlation_stats_per_residue_run(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::string &chain_id, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, unsigned int n_residues_per_run, bool exclude_CON, float atom_mask_radius = 2.8, float NOC_mask_radius = 1.8)
std::pair<clipper::Coord_frac, clipper::Coord_frac> find_struct_fragment_coord_fracs_v2(const std::pair<clipper::Coord_orth, clipper::Coord_orth> &selection_extents, const clipper::Cell &cell)
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> qq_plot_for_map_over_model(mmdb::Manager *mol, const std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> &specs, const std::vector<coot::residue_spec_t> &nb_residues, int atom_mask_mode, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>, float> difference_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in_1, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in_2, float map_scale)
clipper::Xmap<float> average_map(const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>, float>> &maps_and_scales_vec)
clipper::Xmap<float> variance_map(const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>, float>> &maps_and_scales_vec)
void regen_weighted_map(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_in, const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>*, float>> &maps_and_scales_vec)
std::pair<float, float> spin_search(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, mmdb::Residue *res, coot::torsion tors)
clipper::Xmap<float> reinterp_map_fine_gridding(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
clipper::Xmap<float> reinterp_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float sampling_multiplier)
clipper::Xmap<float> reinterp_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, const clipper::Xmap<float> &reference_xmap)
void reverse_map(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p)
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, clipper::Xmap<float>>> partition_map_by_chain(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, mmdb::Manager *mol, std::string *state_string_p)
bool is_EM_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
std::vector<phitheta> make_phi_thetas(unsigned int n_pts)
float average_of_sample_map_at_sphere_points(clipper::Coord_orth &centre, float radius, const std::vector<phitheta> &phi_thetas, clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Resolution, double>> fsc(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_1, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_2)
clipper::Xmap<float> power_scale(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_ref, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_for_scaling)
void compare_structure_factors(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_1, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_2)
void flip_hand(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p)
clipper::Xmap<float> analyse_map_point_density_change(const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>*, float>> &xmaps, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_for_mask)
clipper::Xmap<float> zero_dose_extrapolation(const std::vector<std::pair<clipper::Xmap<float>*, float>> &xmaps, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_for_mask)
clipper::Xmap<float> real_space_zero_dose_extrapolation(const std::vector<clipper::Xmap<float>*> &xmaps, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_for_mask)
int split_residue_using_map(mmdb::Residue *residue_p, mmdb::Manager *mol, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap)
class backrub_residue_triple_t : public coot::util::residue_triple_t

Public Functions

inline backrub_residue_triple_t(mmdb::Residue *this_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *prev_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *next_residue_in, const std::string &alt_conf_in)
void trim_this_residue_atoms()
void trim_prev_residue_atoms()
void trim_next_residue_atoms()
void trim_residue_atoms_generic(mmdb::Residue *residue_p, std::vector<std::string> keep_atom_vector, bool use_keep_atom_vector)
class map_fragment_info_t

Public Functions

map_fragment_info_t(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre, float radius, bool centre_at_origin = false)
void unshift(clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre)
void simple_origin_shift(const clipper::Xmap<float> &ip_xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre, float radius)
clipper::Grid_map make_grid_map(const clipper::Xmap<float> &input_xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre) const

Public Members

clipper::Xmap<float> xmap
clipper::Coord_grid offset

Private Functions

void init(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre, float radius)
void init_making_map_centred_at_origin(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const clipper::Coord_orth &centre, float radius)

Private Members

float box_radius_a_internal
float box_radius_b_internal
float box_radius_c_internal
class map_molecule_centre_info_t
#include <coot-map-utils.hh>

map molecule centre

Public Functions

inline map_molecule_centre_info_t()

Public Members

bool success

success flag

clipper::Coord_orth updated_centre

new centre

float suggested_contour_level

suggested contour level

float suggested_radius

the suggested radius

double sum_of_densities

sum of densities - for whatever use that may be.

class map_ref_triple_t

Public Functions

inline map_ref_triple_t(const double &d_in, const clipper::Xmap<float>::Map_reference_coord &iw_in, const float &den_in)
inline map_ref_triple_t()
inline bool operator<(const map_ref_triple_t &mrt) const

Public Members

double dist_sq
clipper::Xmap<float>::Map_reference_coord iw
float density
class map_stats_holder_helper_t

Public Functions

inline map_stats_holder_helper_t()
inline void add_xy(const double &x, const double &y)

Public Members

double sum_x
double sum_x_squared
double sum_y
double sum_y_squared
double sum_xy
int n
class residue_triple_t

Subclassed by coot::util::backrub_residue_triple_t

Public Functions

inline residue_triple_t()
inline residue_triple_t(mmdb::Residue *this_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *prev_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *next_residue_in, const std::string &alt_conf_in)
inline ~residue_triple_t()
inline residue_triple_t deep_copy()

Public Members

mmdb::Residue *this_residue
mmdb::Residue *next_residue
mmdb::Residue *prev_residue
std::string alt_conf
class segment_map

Public Functions

inline segment_map()
std::pair<int, clipper::Xmap<int>> segment(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float low_level)
std::pair<int, clipper::Xmap<int>> segment_emsley_flood(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float low_level)
std::pair<int, clipper::Xmap<int>> segment(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in, float low_level, float b_factor_increment, int n_rounds)

Private Types


enumerator UNASSIGNED
enumerator TOO_LOW

Private Functions

void flood_fill_segmented_map(clipper::Xmap<std::pair<bool, int>> *segmented_map, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const clipper::Coord_grid &seed_point, int from_val, int to_val)
std::vector<clipper::Coord_grid> path_to_peak(const clipper::Coord_grid &start_point, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_new)
int find_biggest_segment(const std::map<int, std::vector<clipper::Coord_grid>> &segment_id_map, const std::map<int, int> &segment_id_counter_map) const
int find_smallest_segment(const std::map<int, std::vector<clipper::Coord_grid>> &segment_id_map, const std::map<int, int> &segment_id_counter_map) const
void resegment_watershed_points(clipper::Xmap<int> *xmap_int, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap) const

Private Static Functions

static bool compare_density_values_map_refs(const std::pair<clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index, float> &v1, const std::pair<clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index, float> &v2)
static bool sort_segment_vec(const std::pair<int, int> &a, const std::pair<int, int> &b)
class simple_residue_triple_t

Public Functions

inline simple_residue_triple_t()
inline simple_residue_triple_t(mmdb::Residue *this_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *prev_residue_in, mmdb::Residue *next_residue_in, const std::string &alt_conf_in)

Public Members

mmdb::Residue *this_residue
mmdb::Residue *next_residue
mmdb::Residue *prev_residue
std::string alt_conf
class soi_variance

Public Functions

inline soi_variance(const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap_in)
void proc(float solvent_content_frac)

Public Static Functions

static bool mri_var_pair_sorter(const std::pair<clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index, float> &p1, const std::pair<clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index, float> &p2)

Private Functions

clipper::Xmap<float> make_variance_map() const
clipper::Xmap<float> solvent_treatment_map() const
clipper::Xmap<float> protein_treatment_map() const

Private Members

const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap

Private Static Functions

static void apply_variance_values(clipper::Xmap<float> &variance_map, const clipper::Xmap<float> &xmap, const std::vector<clipper::Coord_grid> &soi_gps, const std::vector<clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index> &grid_indices)
namespace api
class cell_t
#include <api-cell.hh>

POD cell type for moorhen.

the angles are in radians.

Public Functions

inline cell_t()
inline cell_t(float a, float b, float c, float alpha, float beta, float gamma)

Public Members

float a


float b


float c


float alpha


float beta


float gamma


bool is_set



namespace coot


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, colour_t col)
class colour_t

Public Functions

inline colour_t()
inline colour_t(float r, float g, float b)
inline void set(float r, float g, float b)
inline float &operator[](const unsigned int &idx)
inline const float &operator[](const unsigned int &idx) const
void rotate(float f)
inline void average(const colour_t &other)
inline void brighter(float f)
inline glm::vec4 to_glm() const
inline colour_holder to_colour_holder() const

Public Members

std::vector<float> col

Private Functions

inline void init(float r, float g, float b)
std::vector<float> convert_to_hsv() const
void convert_from_hsv(const std::vector<float> &hsv)

Cartesian Coordinates


enum surface_face_data


enumerator NO_FACE
enumerator X_FACE
enumerator Y_FACE
enumerator Z_FACE
namespace coot


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, Cartesian pt)
std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream&, Cartesian pt)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, CartesianPair)
std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream&, CartesianPair)
short int is_an_in_triangle(surface_face_data face, const Cartesian &b, const Cartesian &c)

this should be a boolean

double cos_angle_btwn_vecs(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
float dot_product(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
Cartesian cross_product(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
class Cartesian

Public Functions

inline float get_x() const

get x (disapproved)

inline float get_y() const

get y (disapproved)

inline float get_z() const

get z (disapproved)

inline const float &x() const

get x

inline const float &y() const

get y

inline const float &z() const

get z

inline Cartesian(float xi, float yi, float zi)
inline explicit Cartesian(const clipper::Coord_orth &pt)
inline void set_them(float a, float b, float c)
float amplitude(void) const
inline float amplitude_squared(void) const
inline float length(void) const
short int normalize()
inline Cartesian operator+(const Cartesian &in1) const
inline Cartesian operator-(const Cartesian &in1) const
Cartesian operator*(const float &f) const
void operator+=(const Cartesian&)
void operator-=(const Cartesian&)
void operator*=(float scale)
void operator/=(float scale)
Cartesian by_scalar(float scale)
void invert_z(void)
inline Cartesian &operator=(const Cartesian &in)
inline void unit_vector_yourself()
inline Cartesian unit() const
Cartesian rotate_about_vector(const coot::Cartesian &direction, const coot::Cartesian &origin, double angle) const
float distance_to_line(const Cartesian &front, const Cartesian &back) const
int within_box(const Cartesian &front, const Cartesian &back) const
Cartesian mid_point(const Cartesian &other) const
std::vector<Cartesian> third_points(const Cartesian &other) const

Public Static Functions

static float LineLength(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
static double Angle(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b, const Cartesian &c)
static double DihedralAngle(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b, const Cartesian &c, const Cartesian &d)
static Cartesian GetCartFrom3Carts(const Cartesian &Atom1, double blength, const Cartesian &Atom2, double angle1, const Cartesian &Atom3, double angle2, int chiral = 0)
static Cartesian GetCartFrom3Carts_intermediate(const Cartesian &Atom1, const Cartesian &Atom2, const Cartesian &Atom3, double blength, double angle1, double angle2, int chiral = 0)
static Cartesian position_by_torsion(const Cartesian &Atom_1, const Cartesian &Atom_2, const Cartesian &Atom_3, float theta_2, float torsion, float dist)
static Cartesian CrossProduct(const Cartesian &Atom_1, const Cartesian &Atom_2)
static float lengthsq(const Cartesian &c1, const Cartesian &c2)

Private Members

float x_
float y_
float z_


friend double cos_angle_btwn_vecs(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
friend float dot_product(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
friend Cartesian cross_product(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
friend surface_face_data on_a_face(const Cartesian &a, const Cartesian &b)
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, Cartesian pt)
friend std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream&, Cartesian pt)
class CartesianPair
#include <Cartesian.h>

Cartesian pair.

Public Functions

CartesianPair(const Cartesian &start_, const Cartesian &finish_)


inline void extentsBox(Cartesian centre, float dist)
inline const Cartesian &getStart() const

get the start Cartesian

inline const Cartesian &getFinish() const

get the end Cartesian

float amplitude() const

get the length of the vector between the coordinates

Private Members

Cartesian start
Cartesian finish


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, CartesianPair)
friend std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream&, CartesianPair)
class CartesianPairInfo

Public Functions

inline CartesianPairInfo()

Public Members

CartesianPair *data
int size

Statistics Container

namespace coot
namespace stats


double get_kolmogorov_smirnov_vs_normal(const std::vector<double> &v1, const double &reference_mean, const double &reference_sd)
class pnorm

Public Functions

inline pnorm()
double erf(const double &z) const
inline double get(const double &x) const

Private Functions

inline void init()
class single

Public Functions

inline single()
inline explicit single(const std::vector<double> &v_in)
inline unsigned int size() const
inline bool empty() const
inline void add(const double &a)
inline void add(const single &s)
inline double mean() const
inline double variance() const
inline double skew() const
inline double kurtosis() const
inline std::pair<double, double> median_and_iqr() const
inline double get_ith_highest(unsigned int idx) const
inline double get_ith_lowest(unsigned int idx) const

Public Members

std::vector<double> v



std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const coot::coot_mat44 &m)
std::string to_string(const std::pair<symm_trans_t, Cell_Translation> &sts)
mmdb::PPAtom translated_atoms(atom_selection_container_t AtomSel, symm_trans_t symm_trans)
coot::Cartesian translate_atom(atom_selection_container_t AtomSel, int i, symm_trans_t symm_trans)
coot::Cartesian translate_atom_with_pre_shift(atom_selection_container_t AtomSel, int i, const std::pair<symm_trans_t, Cell_Translation> &symm_trans)
int set_mmdb_cell_and_symm(atom_selection_container_t asc, std::pair<std::vector<float>, std::string> cell_spgr)
class symm_trans_t
#include <mmdb-crystal.h>

A class for symmetry operators.

Public Functions

inline symm_trans_t(int n, int x, int y, int z)
inline explicit symm_trans_t(int idx)
inline symm_trans_t()
inline int isym() const

the operator index (from SYMINFO)

inline int x() const

the x-shift

inline int y() const

the y-shift

inline int z() const

the z-shift

inline void add_shift(int xs, int ys, int zs)
bool is_identity()

true if this symmetry operator is the identity matrix

std::string str(bool expanded_flag) const

symmetry as string

void as_mat44(mmdb::mat44 *mat, mmdb::Manager *mol)

fill mat using mol

inline void fill_mat(mmdb::Manager *mol)

fill m

Public Members

std::string symm_as_string

symmetry as symm

mmdb::mat44 mat

Private Members

int symm_no
int x_shift_
int y_shift_
int z_shift_


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const symm_trans_t &st)
class Cell_Translation
#include <mmdb-crystal.h>

class for the cell translation for generation/application of symmery-related molecules

Public Functions

inline Cell_Translation()


Cell_Translation(int a, int b, int c)


inline Cell_Translation inv() const


Public Members

int us

unit cell steps

int vs
int ws


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, Cell_Translation ct)
class molecule_extents_t

Public Functions

molecule_extents_t(atom_selection_container_t, float expansion_size)
coot::Cartesian get_front() const
coot::Cartesian get_back() const
coot::Cartesian get_left() const
coot::Cartesian get_right() const
coot::Cartesian get_top() const
coot::Cartesian get_bottom() const
Cell_Translation coord_to_unit_cell_translations(coot::Cartesian point, atom_selection_container_t AtomSel) const
std::vector<std::pair<symm_trans_t, Cell_Translation>> which_boxes(coot::Cartesian point, atom_selection_container_t AtomSel, int shift_search_size = 1) const
std::vector<std::pair<int, symm_trans_t>> which_strict_ncs(const coot::Cartesian &centre_pt, atom_selection_container_t &AtomSel, const std::vector<coot::coot_mat44> &strict_ncs_mats, const Cell_Translation &c_t) const
coot::trans_selection_t trans_sel_o(mmdb::Manager *mol, const symm_trans_t &symm_trans) const
mmdb::PPAtom trans_sel(mmdb::Cryst *my_cryst, symm_trans_t symm_trans) const
mmdb::PPAtom trans_sel(mmdb::Manager *mol, const symm_trans_t &symm_trans) const
mmdb::PPAtom trans_sel(mmdb::Manager *mol, mmdb::mat44 my_mat, int x_shift, int y_shift, int z_shift) const
bool point_is_in_box(const coot::Cartesian &point, mmdb::PPAtom TransSel) const

Private Functions

void shift_matrix(mmdb::Manager *mol, mmdb::mat44 my_matt, int x_shift, int y_shift, int z_shift, mmdb::mat44 new_matrix) const

Private Members

coot::Cartesian front
coot::Cartesian back
coot::Cartesian left
coot::Cartesian right
coot::Cartesian top
coot::Cartesian bottom
coot::Cartesian centre
mmdb::PPAtom extents_selection
float expansion_size_
Cell_Translation atom_sel_cell_trans


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const molecule_extents_t &e)
class SymmMatrix

Public Functions

SymmMatrix(double **in_mat)
double **getMat() const
void add_unit_shift(int x, int y, int z)

Private Members

double mat[4][4]


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, SymmMatrix)
namespace coot
class coot_mat44

Public Functions

inline coot_mat44()
inline bool is_close_to_unit_matrix() const

Public Members

std::vector<coot_v4> m
class coot_v4

Public Members

std::vector<float> v4
class trans_selection_t

Public Functions

bool point_is_in_box(const coot::Cartesian &point) const

Public Members

Cartesian front
Cartesian back
Cartesian left
Cartesian right
Cartesian top
Cartesian bottom

Structure Factors

namespace coot
namespace util


void sfcalc_genmap(mmdb::Manager *mol, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> &fobs, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> &free, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_p)
sfcalc_genmap_stats_t sfcalc_genmaps_using_bulk_solvent(mmdb::Manager *mol, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::F_sigF> &fobs, const clipper::HKL_data<clipper::data32::Flag> &free, const clipper::Cell &cell_for_fobs, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_2fofc_p, clipper::Xmap<float> *xmap_fofc_p)
class sfcalc_genmap_stats_t

Public Functions

inline sfcalc_genmap_stats_t(float r_factor_in, float free_r_factor, float bulk_solvent_volume, float bulk_correction, unsigned int n_splines, const loc_table_t &loc_table)
inline sfcalc_genmap_stats_t()

Public Members

float r_factor
float free_r_factor
float bulk_solvent_volume
float bulk_correction
unsigned int n_splines
loc_table_t loc_table
class loc_table_t

Public Functions

inline loc_table_t()
inline void add(const loc_table_item_t &item)
inline std::size_t size() const

Public Members

std::vector<loc_table_item_t> items
class loc_table_item_t

Public Functions

inline loc_table_item_t(float i, float s, float loc)

Public Members

float invresolsq
float scale
float lack_of_closure

Indices and tables