STAR file utilities

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Overview of utilities

For any of the programs below, instructions on how to use them are printed to the screen if no arguments are given.

  • relion_star_loopheader : generates the header of STAR-file (with given labels)
  • relion_star_datablock_stack : generates the datablock for a given number of images in a stack
  • relion_star_datablock_singlefiles : generates the datablock for all images represented by a wildcard
  • relion_star_datablock_ctfdat : generates the datablock for all images inside an XMIPP-style ctfdat file.
  • relion_star_printtable : prints the contents of specified labels of a given datablock to the screen.
  • relion_star_plottable : uses gnuplot to produce XY-plots of columns in a datablock

Examples on how to use these utilities are given on the Prepare input files and Analyse results pages.