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== Overview of utilities ==
= Overview of utilities =

For any of the programs below, instructions on how to use them are printed to the screen if no arguments are given.
For any of the programs below, instructions on how to use them are printed to the screen if no arguments are given.

Revision as of 14:53, 6 October 2011

Overview of utilities

For any of the programs below, instructions on how to use them are printed to the screen if no arguments are given.

  • relion_star_loopheader : generates the header of STAR-file (with given labels)
  • relion_star_datablock_stack : generates the datablock for a given number of images in a stack
  • relion_star_datablock_singlefiles : generates the datablock for all images represented by a wildcard
  • relion_star_datablock_ctfdat : generates the datablock for all images inside an XMIPP-style ctfdat file.
  • relion_star_printtable : prints the contents of specified labels of a given datablock to the screen.
  • relion_star_plottable : uses gnuplot to produce XY-plots of columns in a datablock

Example use

  • Generate a STAR file for images that are stored per-micrograph and in single-file SPIDER format:
relion_star_loopheader rlnImageName rlnMicrographName rlnDefocusU rlnDefocusV rlnDefocusAngle rlnVoltage rlnSphericalAberration rlnAmplitudeConstrast >
relion_star_datablock_singlefiles "micrograph1/images*.spi" micrograph1 10000 10500 34 200 2.26 0.1 >>
relion_star_datablock_singlefiles "micrograph2/images*.spi" micrograph2 15000 14500 37 200 2.26 0.1 >>
relion_star_datablock_singlefiles "micrograph3/images*.spi" micrograph3 22300 22000 43 200 2.26 0.1 >>
  • Generate a STAR file for images that are as an individual stack for each micrograph:
relion_star_loopheader rlnImageName rlnMicrographName rlnDefocusU rlnDefocusV rlnDefocusAngle rlnVoltage rlnSphericalAberration rlnAmplitudeConstrast >
relion_star_datablock_stack 126 mic1.mrcs mic1.mrcs 10000 10500 34 200 2.26 0.1 >> 
relion_star_datablock_stack 102 mic2.mrcs mic2.mrcs 15000 14500 34 200 2.26 0.1 >>
relion_star_datablock_stack 135 mic3.mrcs mic3.mrcs 22300 22000 34 200 2.26 0.1 >>
  • Generate STAR file from an XMIPP-style ctfdat file:
relion_star_loopheader rlnImageName rlnMicrographName rlnDefocusU rlnDefocusV rlnDefocusAngle rlnVoltage rlnSphericalAberration rlnAmplitudeContrast>
relion_star_datablock_ctfdat all_images.ctfdat>>