Abbey Drew-Crossley's entry
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Abbey Drew-Crossley
Bottisham Village Collage

Title : A Knot Of Depression

Category : The Teenage Brain

AD-C: “My final piece for the Teenage Brain is all based on the exact emotions that all teenagers go through when they get to a certain age. It shows a girl who is surrounded by a bunch of different feelings and that, especially to the viewer, creates a sense of sympathy for her and all teenagers. I think that how this picture has presented emotion has really expressed how people can put a smile on their own face and lie to everyone else about what they are truly feeling inside. As a teenager myself I have personally experienced these feelings and I know how tough it can be going through massive changes. For example, primary to college or options to GCSEs... but we all go through it. The page is crammed with different words that show how it’s a muddle (or "Knot" from the title) and a stress for the average teenager. The character in the piece is positioned with her hair in front of her face. This shows that she may feel safe in her own little world but the big wide world is a lot scarier.”
