Alice Lingley
Bottisham Village Collage
Title : The Gun of Feelings
Category : The Teenage Brain
AL: “My artwork pictures a silhouetted man or woman holding a gun up to the observer. The gun however, doesn’t represent physical violence that is normally associated with guns. The “gun of feelings” has insulting and offensive words imprinted all over it. This is meant to represent that throughout our teenage years, words hurt more than physical violence and verbal bullying is more of an issue. The words themselves are imprinted in a variety of colours which have a meaning of their own. The colours represent that the person doing the verbal bullying has issues within their own life that the victim can’t understand. The silhouetted person also has a similar meaning. I made sure that the person was out of focus and in the background to show that the victim knows nothing about the bully’s life. The majority of bullies bully due to issues they have at home or with friends. They take out their upset and depression on others. ”