Emily Millard's entry
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Emily Millard
Bottisham Village Collage

Title : The Art of Decision Making

Category : The Teenage Brain

EM: “I have chosen to create my final piece for the topic “The Teenage Brain” around the theme of decision making. I have included in my design patterns and colours that symbolize factors that can affect how teenagers make decisions. The overall structure of my piece is a square of plain wood with a beer bottle on top, to represent a choice teens make frequently. I have painted the wood with a tessellation of hexagons to show hormones, as one key hormone, estrogen, is commonly drawn using hexagons. I then painted each one in a different colour, to show how the emotion being felt at the time can affect what your decision is. The bottle has a black web of nerves painted up the sides of it, to symbolize growth of new nerves in the frontal lobe, and conflicting messages being sent to your brain. Next year I will be taking GCSE art, and I enjoy drawing and painting in my spare time.”

Judges comments: “Fantastic use of colour and pattern, making strong links to biological and chemical structures. Would loved to have seen the individual elements explored further.”
