Emily Twigg's entry
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Emily Twigg
Cambridge Regional College

Title : Movement of Memory

Category : Memory

ET: “I researched how memory works and how the brain generates memories. I found that the five senses, touch, taste, sight, sound and smell provided the brain with the raw materials to form memories and strengthened memories.
Of the many artists that I researched, I was particularly inspired by Nicole Crock and Charlotte Rea. Charlotte used a brain scan and transformed it into pop art inspired by Andy Warhol.
Nicole used people’s past positions, keys, of their past. Old houses, locks, doors etc; she surrounded them in a silicone/gelatin substance which looks like it is preserving the past/ memories. This approach particularly appealed to me.
I experimented with different flowers and how best to dry them, and also how to present them “preserved” in different plastic packaging. I blew ink over the background of the piece and folded the paper to mirror the ink pattern. The ink in the paper represents movement; which is key in this project – the static/dynamic nature of memory, the way that neurons strengthen to create memories. The gold flakes symbolize how precious memories can be.”

Judges comments: “Strong statement with well thought out and clear conceptual ideas linked to the themes. The final work would have benefited from being more ambitious.”
