Image gallery An artist’s rendition of the diverse cells within an organoid and the balance between different brain regions. Cover image for Renner M, Lancaster MA, et al. EMBO J. 2017. Credit: Beata Mierzwa.A section through a whole organoid stained for neurons in green and neural stem cells in red. All cell nuclei are stained in blue.A section through a single lobe of cortical tissue within an organoid. Neurons are in green, neural stem cells in red, and all nuclei are stained in blue.A section through a whole organoid stained for neurons in green and neural stem cells in red. All cell nuclei are stained in blueA section through a whole organoid stained for neurons in green and neural stem cells in magenta.A whole organoid imaged in bright field. Note the large lobe of cortical tissue and the overall large size of the organoid reaching approximately 1 cm in length.Diagram from Kelava I, Lancaster MA. Stem cell models of human brain development. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 Jun 2;18(6):736-48.Diagram from Kelava I, Lancaster MA. Stem cell models of human brain development. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 Jun 2;18(6):736-48.