Nina joined the lab in 2018
What do you do in the O’Neill lab?
I’m trying to figure out how brain cells keep time in the face of dramatic temperature changes that happen in our brains on a daily basis… and every time our neurons fire.
What is your favourite thing about being in the O’Neill Lab?
Everyone helps each other and the diversity of chronotypes within our small group makes round-the-clock experiments much easier!
Do you have a favourite piece of scientific trivia?
The brains of hibernating ground squirrels reach near-freezing temperatures and their brains cells temporarily disconnect from each other – like a TV in standby mode.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cheese – am I allowed to add chutney? If not, then it would be the infamous Aberdeen Rowie or ‘Buttery’, lightly toasted then drenched in butter and raspberry ham – oh hang on, that’s more than one food… I think Andrew cheated…
If you had super-power, what would it be?
Time travel – so I could see which came first, the chicken or the egg, and so I could find the first cellular clock that ever existed and tell it to slow down.