• Photo of the new LMB building opened in 2012

Applications for the LMB PhD programme are now open. Deadline 3rd December 2024.

About Us

The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) is a research institute dedicated to the understanding of important biological processes at the levels of atoms, molecules, cells and organisms. In doing so, we provide knowledge needed to solve key problems in human health.

Our scientists tackle fundamental, often difficult and long-term research problems. The LMB has made revolutionary contributions to science, such as pioneering X-ray crystallography and electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) to determine protein structures, the sequencing of DNA and the development of monoclonal antibodies. Twelve Nobel Prizes have been awarded for work carried out by LMB scientists.

The LMB also promotes the application and exploitation of our research findings, both by collaboration with existing companies and the founding of new ones, helping to advance medical research and the translation and application of knowledge.

The LMB provides an unsurpassed environment for both young and established researchers, with state-of-the-art facilities and a unique scientific culture. The LMB has always been very diverse, with a truly international outlook. We currently employ men and women from over 50 countries, and LMB alumni work in research organisations across the world.

Insight on Research

How cells enter the germline at the right time and place during embryonic development

Marta Shahbazi’s group in the LMB’s Cell Biology Division has determined that contact with extracellular matrix proteins prevents embryonic cells from becoming germ cells.

How protons tune AMPA receptor-mediated information processing at neuronal synapses

Ingo Greger’s group, in the LMB’s Neurobiology Division, find that low pH causes protonation of histidine 208 embedded within GluA2 NTDs – a mechanism which has potential to tune strength of synaptic transmission and plasticity, key to learning and memory.

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