This paper, initially a biorxiv preprint, is out in eLife. Read the accepted manuscript here.
News Archive
Alessio’s paper on the regulation of mitochondrial transport in ageing neurons is online!
We show that a decline in mitochondrial transport in ageing neurons can be suppressed by acute activation of PKA, which boosts kinesin-1 expression. Click here for the paper (open access).
Congratulations to Mo for winning a Terry Hart prize at Wolfson College!
PhD student Mo Mofatteh won the best oral presentation prize at the recent Wolfson Research Event. Well done Mo!
Our preprint on RNA-directed activation of dynein is available
We’ve posted a preprint at bioRxiv describing in vitro reconstitution of mRNA transport. We use the system to reveal activation of dynein motility by an RNA localisation signal. Congratulations to Mark and his co-authors.
We have a funded post-doc position available!
Application deadline is 1st March 2018. Please see here for more details.
Welcome to our new PhD student Florence Young!
Florence has joined the lab to work on the formation, maturation and motility of mRNPs.
Our work on LIS1’s regulation of end tracking and processive movement of dynein is published!
Our work showing that LIS1 is a context- and concentration-dependent regulator of the human dynein complex is published. Read the paper here. Congratulations to all involved.
Thi’s paper on mechanistic effects of dynein-1 disease mutations is published!
Thi’s paper is available (open access) at PNAS.
Mo and Simon’s SnapShot on mRNA localisation is out!
The SnapShot is available here.
David Salvador Garcia has started his PhD in the lab!
A warm welcome to David, who joined us in October after a Masters degree in Basel.