Mohammad Mofatteh, PhD student
I graduated from King’s College London in 2014 with a First Class Honours degree in Biomedical Science. During my undergraduate studies, I was awarded the Amgen Scholarship University of Cambridge to study mRNA localization in Drosophila oocyte with Prof. Daniel St Johnston at the Gurdon Institute. Having developed a strong interest in mRNA localisation, I decided to further devote myself into exploring this process in Drosophila. I went back to London for my undergraduate honours project to study neurodegeneration in Drosophila with Prof. Guy Tear at the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology. In 2014 I started my PhD at the MRC-LMB to study mechanisms of subcellular mRNA localization in the Drosophila nervous system in Simon’s lab. I am a recipient of LMB Cambridge International PhD Scholarship and a member of Wolfson College University of Cambridge.
Email: mofatteh ‘at’