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Wasi Faruqi
Time resolved studies on contracting muscle (1971-1989)

My primary interest has been and is in developing novel instrumentation for structural biology. During the very early phase of synchrotron radiation development (1971 - 1989) I collaborated with Hugh Huxley and his group in the design of instrumentation for recording the small angle fibre pattern from contracting muscle with high time resolution. This work led to the development of small angle X-ray cameras for use at the NINA electron synchrotron (based at Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory, as it was then called) and several types of position sensitive detectors. A few selected publications are given below.

  1. Applications of Nuclear Instrumentation Techniques to X-ray Diffraction from Muscle.
    IEEE Trans in Nucl.Sci (1975), NS-22, 2066-2073.

  2. The Design and use of a Camera for Low Angle X-ray Diffraction Experiments with Synchrotron Radiation.
    J.C.Haselgrove, A.R.Faruqi, H.E.Huxley and U.W.Arndt
    Journ of Phys (E) Sci Instr (1977), 10, 1035-1044.

    First small angle X-ray camera at Daresbury First small angle X-ray
    camera at Daresbury.

  3. Time-Resolved Studies on Contracting Muscle using Low Angle X-ray Diffraction: I. Design of the Data Collection System.
    A.R.Faruqi and H.E.Huxley
    Journ. Appl. Cryst. (1978), 11, 449-454.

  4. The Use of Synchrotron Radiation in Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Studies of Myosin Layer line reflections during Muscle Contraction.
    H.E.Huxley, A.R.Faruqi, J.Bordas, M.H.J.Koch and J.Milch
    Nature (1980), 284, 140-143.

  5. Millisecond Time-Resolved changes X-ray reflections from contracting muscle during rapid mechanical transients, recorded using synchrotron radiation.
    H.E.Huxley, R.M.Simmons, A.R.Faruqi, M.Kress, J.Bordas and M.H.J.Koch
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA (1981) 2297-2301.

    HEH 67a - Graph

  6. Multi-wire Linear Detector for X-ray Time-Resolved Measurements at High Counting Rates.
    A.R.Faruqi and C.C.Bond
    Nucl. Instr & Meth. (1982), 201, 125-134.

    Multi Wire Linear Detector

  7. Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction studies of the myosin layer line reflections during muscle contraction.
    H.E.Huxley, A.R.Faruqi, M.Kress, J.Bordas and M.H.J.Koch
    Journ. Mol. Biol. (1982), 158, 637-684.

  8. Applications of Multiwire Proportional Chambers in Biophysics and Medicine
    Nucl Instr & Meth. (1983), 217, 19-29.

  9. Multiwire Linear Detector for Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Experiments using Synchrotron Radiation
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (1983), NS-30, 358-362.

    Multi Wire Linear Detector at the X7 Beamline at the SRS Daresbury. Multi Wire Linear Detector
    at the X7 Beamline at the
    SRS Daresbury.

  10. Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Studies on Vertebrate Striated Muscle.
    H.E.Huxley and A.R.Faruqi
    Ann. Rev. Biophys. and Bioeng. (1983), 12, 381-417.

  11. Changes in the X-ray reflections from contracting muscle during rapid mechanical transients and their structural implications.
    H.E.Huxley, R.M.Simmons, A.R.Faruqi, M.Kress, J.Bordas and M.H.J.Koch
    Journ. Mol. Biol. (1983), 169, 469-506.

    Changes in the small angle
    muscle pattern from
    during contraction.

  12. Structural Changes during Activation of Frog Muscle Studied by Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction.
    M.Kress, H.E.Huxley, A.R.Faruqi and J.Hendrix
    Journ. Mol. Biol. (1986), 188, 325.

  13. Detector Applications in Biology and Condensed Matter Physics
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. (1991), A310, 14-23.

These pages are my personal pages. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology or the Medical Research Council.
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QH, England