ProSHADE  0.6.5 (NOV 2018)
Protein Shape Descriptors and Symmetry Detection
Go to the documentation of this file.
24 #ifndef __LEGENDRE_PROSHADE__
25 #define __LEGENDRE_PROSHADE__
27 //============================================ Standard Library
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <cmath>
30 #include <vector>
32 //============================================ RVAPI
33 #include <rvapi_interface.h>
42 {
55  inline void getPolyAtZero ( unsigned int order,
56  double *polyValue,
57  double *deriValue )
58  {
59  //==================================== Initialise
60  double hlpVal = 0.0;
61  double prevPoly = 1.0;
62  double prevPrevPoly = 0.0;
63  double prevDeri = 0.0;
64  double prevPrevDeri = 0.0;
66  for ( unsigned int ordIt = 0; ordIt < order; ordIt++ )
67  {
68  hlpVal = static_cast<double> ( ordIt );
69  *polyValue = -hlpVal * prevPrevPoly / ( hlpVal + 1.0 );
70  *deriValue = ( ( 2.0 * hlpVal + 1.0 ) * prevPoly - hlpVal * prevPrevDeri ) / ( hlpVal + 1.0 );
71  prevPrevPoly = prevPoly;
72  prevPoly = *polyValue;
73  prevPrevDeri = prevDeri;
74  prevDeri = *deriValue;
75  }
77  //==================================== Done
78  return ;
80  }
95  inline double advancePolyValue ( double from,
96  double to,
97  double valAtFrom,
98  unsigned int noSteps )
99  {
100  //==================================== Initialise
101  double hlpVal = 0.0;
102  double stepSize = 0.0;
103  double valChange = 0.0;
104  double valSecChange = 0.0;
105  double squareSteps = 0.0;
106  double curVal = 0.0;
107  unsigned int taylorSeriesCap = 10;
109  stepSize = ( to - from ) / static_cast<double> ( taylorSeriesCap );
110  squareSteps = sqrt ( static_cast<double> ( noSteps * ( noSteps + 1 ) ) );
111  curVal = from;
113  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < taylorSeriesCap; iter++ )
114  {
115  hlpVal = ( 1.0 - valAtFrom ) * ( 1.0 + valAtFrom );
116  valChange = - stepSize * hlpVal / ( squareSteps * sqrt ( hlpVal ) - 0.5 * valAtFrom * sin ( 2.0 * curVal ) );
117  valAtFrom = valAtFrom + valChange;
119  curVal = curVal + stepSize;
121  hlpVal = ( 1.0 - valAtFrom ) * ( 1.0 + valAtFrom );
122  valSecChange = - stepSize * hlpVal / ( squareSteps * sqrt ( hlpVal ) - 0.5 * valAtFrom * sin ( 2.0 * curVal ) );
123  valAtFrom = valAtFrom + 0.5 * ( valSecChange - valChange );
124  }
126  //==================================== Done
127  return valAtFrom;
129  }
144  inline double evaluateSeries ( double *series,
145  double target,
146  unsigned int terms )
147  {
148  //==================================== Initalise
149  double factorialValue = 1.0;
150  double value = 0.0;
152  for ( unsigned int iter = 1; iter <= terms; iter++ )
153  {
154  value = value + series[iter] * factorialValue;
155  factorialValue = factorialValue * target;
156  }
158  //==================================== Done
159  return ( value );
161  }
176  inline void getFirstEvenRoot ( double polyAtZero,
177  unsigned int order,
178  double *abscAtZero,
179  double *weighAtZero )
180  {
181  //==================================== Initialise
182  *abscAtZero = advancePolyValue ( 0.0, -M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, order );
183  double hlp = 0.0;
184  double hlpVal = static_cast<double> ( order );
185  unsigned int taylorSeriesCap = 30;
186  double *abscSteps;
187  double *weightSteps;
189  //==================================== Allocate memory
190  abscSteps = new double [taylorSeriesCap+2];
191  weightSteps = new double [taylorSeriesCap+1];
193  //==================================== Pre-set values
194  abscSteps[0] = 0.0;
195  abscSteps[1] = polyAtZero;
196  weightSteps[0] = 0.0;
198  //==================================== Fill in abscissa and weight steps
199  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter <= taylorSeriesCap - 2; iter = iter + 2 )
200  {
201  hlp = static_cast<double> ( iter );
203  abscSteps[iter+2] = 0.0;
204  abscSteps[iter+3] = ( hlp * ( hlp + 1.0 ) - hlpVal * ( hlpVal + 1.0 ) ) * abscSteps[iter+1] / (hlp + 1.0) / (hlp + 2.0 );
206  weightSteps[iter+1] = 0.0;
207  weightSteps[iter+2] = ( hlp + 2.0 ) * abscSteps[iter+3];
208  }
210  //==================================== Find abscissa and weights
211  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < 5; iter++ )
212  {
213  *abscAtZero = *abscAtZero - evaluateSeries ( abscSteps, *abscAtZero, taylorSeriesCap ) / evaluateSeries ( weightSteps, *abscAtZero, taylorSeriesCap-1 );
214  }
215  *weighAtZero = evaluateSeries ( weightSteps,
216  *abscAtZero,
217  taylorSeriesCap-1 );
219  //==================================== Free memory
220  delete abscSteps;
221  delete weightSteps;
223  //==================================== Done
224  return ;
226  }
239  inline void completeLegendreSeries ( unsigned int order,
240  std::vector<double>* abscissa,
241  std::vector<double>* weights )
242  {
243  //==================================== Initialise
244  double hlpTaylorVal = 0.0;
245  double hlpOrderVal = static_cast<double> ( order );
246  double abscValueChange = 0.0;
247  double prevAbsc = 0.0;
248  double *hlpAbscSeries;
249  double *hlpWeightSeries;
250  unsigned int taylorSeriesCap = 30;
251  unsigned int noSeriesElems = 0;
252  unsigned int oddEvenSwitch = 0;
254  //==================================== Pre-set values
255  if ( order % 2 == 1 )
256  {
257  noSeriesElems = ( order - 1 ) / 2 - 1;
258  oddEvenSwitch = 1;
259  }
260  else
261  {
262  noSeriesElems = order / 2 - 1;
263  oddEvenSwitch = 0;
264  }
266  //==================================== Allocate memory
267  hlpAbscSeries = new double[taylorSeriesCap+2];
268  hlpWeightSeries = new double[taylorSeriesCap+1];
270  //==================================== For each series element
271  for ( unsigned int serIt = noSeriesElems + 1; serIt < order - 1; serIt++ )
272  {
273  //================================ Init loop
274  prevAbsc = abscissa->at(serIt);
275  abscValueChange = advancePolyValue ( M_PI/2.0, -M_PI/2.0, prevAbsc, order ) - prevAbsc;
277  //================================ Init abscissas
278  hlpAbscSeries[0] = 0.0;
279  hlpAbscSeries[1] = 0.0;
280  hlpAbscSeries[2] = weights->at(serIt);
282  //================================ Init weights
283  hlpWeightSeries[0] = 0.0;
284  hlpWeightSeries[1] = hlpAbscSeries[2];
286  //================================ Taylor expansion
287  for ( unsigned int tayIt = 0; tayIt <= taylorSeriesCap - 2; tayIt++ )
288  {
289  hlpTaylorVal = static_cast<double> ( tayIt );
291  hlpAbscSeries[tayIt+3] = ( 2.0 * prevAbsc * ( hlpTaylorVal + 1.0 ) * hlpAbscSeries[tayIt+2]
292  + ( hlpTaylorVal * ( hlpTaylorVal + 1.0 ) - hlpOrderVal * ( hlpOrderVal + 1.0 ) ) * hlpAbscSeries[tayIt+1] /
293  ( hlpTaylorVal + 1.0 ) ) / ( 1.0 - prevAbsc ) / ( 1.0 + prevAbsc ) / ( hlpTaylorVal + 2.0 );
295  hlpWeightSeries[tayIt+2] = ( hlpTaylorVal + 2.0 ) * hlpAbscSeries[tayIt+3];
296  }
298  //================================ Sum over results
299  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < 5; iter++ )
300  {
301  abscValueChange = abscValueChange - evaluateSeries ( hlpAbscSeries, abscValueChange, taylorSeriesCap ) /
302  evaluateSeries ( hlpWeightSeries, abscValueChange, taylorSeriesCap-1 );
303  }
305  //================================ Save results
306  abscissa->at(serIt+1) = prevAbsc + abscValueChange;
307  weights->at(serIt+1) = evaluateSeries ( hlpWeightSeries, abscValueChange, taylorSeriesCap - 1 );
308  }
310  for ( unsigned int serIt = 0; serIt <= noSeriesElems + oddEvenSwitch; serIt++ )
311  {
312  abscissa->at(serIt) = - abscissa->at(order-serIt-1);
313  weights->at(serIt) = weights->at(order-serIt-1);
314  }
316  //==================================== Free memory
317  delete hlpAbscSeries;
318  delete hlpWeightSeries;
320  //==================================== Done
321  return ;
323  }
337  inline void getLegendreAbscAndWeights ( unsigned int order,
338  std::vector<double>* abscissa,
339  std::vector<double>* weights,
340  ProSHADE::ProSHADE_settings* settings )
341  {
342  //==================================== Sanity check
343  if ( order < 1 )
344  {
345  std::cerr << "!!! ProSHADE ERROR !!! Trying to compute legendre quadrature with order " << order << " which seems too low!" << std::endl;
347  if ( settings->htmlReport )
348  {
349  std::stringstream hlpSS;
350  hlpSS << "<font color=\"red\">" << "The automatic determination of the Gauss-Legendre integration order has determined the optimal order to be less than 1. This may happen for very small maps, if this is the case, please manually set the integration value to 10-ish and re-run. If the map is reasonably large, please report this as a bug." << "</font>";
351  rvapi_set_text ( hlpSS.str().c_str(),
352  "ProgressSection",
353  settings->htmlReportLineProgress,
354  1,
355  1,
356  1 );
357  settings->htmlReportLineProgress += 1;
358  rvapi_flush ( );
359  }
361  exit ( -1 );
362  }
364  //==================================== Initialise
365  double polyValue = 0.0;
366  double deriValue = 0.0;
367  double weightSum = 0.0;
369  //==================================== Find the polynomial and derivative values at 0
370  getPolyAtZero ( order,
371  &polyValue,
372  &deriValue );
374  //==================================== If the order is odd, then 0 is a root ...
375  if ( order % 2 == 1 )
376  {
377  abscissa->at((order-1)/2) = polyValue;
378  weights->at((order-1)/2) = deriValue;
379  }
380  else
381  {
382  // ... and if order is even, find the first root
383  getFirstEvenRoot ( polyValue, order, &abscissa->at(order/2), &weights->at(order/2) );
384  }
386  //==================================== Now, having computed the first roots, complete the series
387  completeLegendreSeries ( order,
388  abscissa,
389  weights );
391  //==================================== Correct weights by anscissa values
392  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < order; iter++ )
393  {
394  weights->at(iter) = 2.0 / ( 1.0 - abscissa->at(iter) ) / ( 1.0 + abscissa->at(iter) ) / weights->at(iter) / weights->at(iter);
395  weightSum = weightSum + weights->at(iter);
396  }
398  //==================================== Normalise weights
399  for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < order; iter++ )
400  {
401  weights->at(iter) = 2.0 * weights->at(iter) / weightSum;
402  }
404  //==================================== Done
405  return ;
407  }
408 }
410 #endif
double advancePolyValue(double from, double to, double valAtFrom, unsigned int noSteps)
This function finds the next value of the polynomial.
bool htmlReport
Should HTML report for the run be created?
Definition: ProSHADE.h:186
int htmlReportLineProgress
Iterator for current HTML line in the progress bar.
Definition: ProSHADE.h:188
void completeLegendreSeries(unsigned int order, std::vector< double > *abscissa, std::vector< double > *weights)
This function completes the Legendre polynomial series assuming you have obtained the first values...
void getPolyAtZero(unsigned int order, double *polyValue, double *deriValue)
This function obtains the Legendre polynomial values and its derivative at zero for any positive inte...
void getFirstEvenRoot(double polyAtZero, unsigned int order, double *abscAtZero, double *weighAtZero)
This function finds the first root for Legendre polynomials of odd order.
This class stores all the settings and is passed to the executive classes instead of multitude of par...
Definition: ProSHADE.h:74
void getLegendreAbscAndWeights(unsigned int order, std::vector< double > *abscissa, std::vector< double > *weights, ProSHADE::ProSHADE_settings *settings)
This function takes everytging together and computes the abscissas and weights for the Gauss-Legendre...
double evaluateSeries(double *series, double target, unsigned int terms)
This function evaluates the Taylor expansion.