ProSHADE  0.6.5 (NOV 2018)
Protein Shape Descriptors and Symmetry Detection
ProSHADE_internal Namespace Reference

This namespace contains all the internal objects and their forward declarations. More...


class  ProSHADE_compareOneAgainstAll
 This is the executive class responsible for comparing two or more structures. More...
class  ProSHADE_comparePairwise
 This is the executive class responsible for comparing strictly two structures. More...
class  ProSHADE_data
 This class deals with reading in the data and computing structure specific information including the spherical harmonics coefficients. More...
class  ProSHADE_distances
 This is the executive class for computing distances between two or more structures. More...
class  ProSHADE_mapFeatures
 This class is responsible for reading in map and computing all its features and other possible map manipulation. More...
class  ProSHADE_symmetry
 This is the class which computes the symmetry in a single structure. More...


unsigned int checkFileType (std::string fileName)
 This function checks the input file for being either PDB or MAP formatted. More...

Detailed Description

The ProSHADE namespace wraps around everything in the library and thus makes sure that any library with identically called function will be easily distinguishable.

Function Documentation

§ checkFileType()

unsigned int ProSHADE_internal::checkFileType ( std::string  fileName)

This function is used to determine which data format the input data are in and if it is supported. This is done by basically trying to read the file using MMDB and Clipper, so it should be extension independent.

[in]fileNameThe file name (and path) to the file to be checked.
[out]XAn unsigned int value 0 for not recognised format, 1 for PDB and 2 for MAP formats.
This is an internal function which should not be used by the user.

Definition at line 70 of file ProSHADE_internal.cpp.