Hard at work Christmas 2019 with the Nguyen and da Fonseca labs. Party 1/2Christmas 2019 with the Nguyen and da Fonseca labs. Party 2/2Christmas 2019 with the Nguyen and da Fonseca labs. Party 3/2Lab punt & pint, April 2019Lab punt & pint, April 2019 (Pictured: rare moment in which Lisa stays above the water)Lab punting, April 2019Lab punt & pint, April 2019Lab punting, April 2019Tips for lab happiness: imprison PI and have a pint. Lab punt and pint, April 2019Lab punt & pint, April 2019Clément and Max celebrate the human pre-B paperThe Frenchman opens the champagne with easeChristmas with the Nagai and Da Fonseca Labs, 2018Max gets the Max Perutz student prize along with Christina Gladkova (middle left, Komander lab) and Szymon Juszkiewicz (middle right, Hegde lab)After working on spliceosomes for too long, Chris decides to process his own pre-mRNADinner with Tom Cech, June 2018Lisa submits her thesis! Congratulations! July 2018Lab reunion at RNA Society Meeting in Berkeley, June 2018At Cold Spring Harbour, October 2017At Cold Spring Harbour, October 2017Spotted: PI in the labP complex celebration, feat. Max and SebastianP complex celebration cake, courtesy of master baker Dr FicaClemens's birthday party: cake number two for ClemensClemens's leaving party: gift from KiyoshiClemens's leaving party: the B teamClemens's leaving party: cake number one for ClemensClemens's leaving partyClemens's leaving partyLab punting, autumn 2017Lab punting, autumn 2017A new structure, 2016Trip to Greenwich, March 2016Trip to Greenwich, March 2016Picnic, summer 2015Dumplings party, summer 2017P complex celebration, feat. Max, Sebastian, Andy, and ChrisParty, summer 2015Kelly's leaving party, 2016Kelly's leaving party, 2016Kelly's leaving party, 2016Trip to Greenwich, March 2016Trip to Greenwich, March 2016