Prokaryotic Cell Surfaces
Cell surface molecules mediate all interactions of organisms with their immediate environment. These molecules regulate transport of materials from or into the cell and support cellular adhesion to a variety of substrates . We employ electron cryotomography (cryo-ET) and associated methods to study surface molecules of bacteria and archaea at the atomic level. A major focus is on the formation of multicellular communities, which is a process governed by cellular interactions mediated by surface molecules. We study how such surface molecules allow transition of microbes from a unicellular to a multicellular state.
Technical Note
In line with our biological aims, we develop methods to find molecules on the surface of prokaryotic cells inside multicellular communities and solve their structures using cryo-ET. At the LMB, we are equipped with the latest generation instrumentation, with a generous technical workshop, electronics workshop and scientific computing facilities to support our work. Most importantly, we have unique expertise in-house for instrument development and computation to push the boundaries of structural and cell biology.