The LMB Craft and Chatter group pictured here for day 93 of #LMB365 meet on a monthly basis. Projects currently on the go include a knitted fox cowl, a series of crocheted wreathes and knitted baby’s cardigan destined for an overseas charity. As well as being one of the many social activities taking place at the LMB, there is increasing evidence of the physical and mental health benefits of crafting, and members of the group value this “time-out” from their day-to-day routines and the positive impact on their well-being.
LMB 365 – Day 92
This picture for day 92 of #LMB365 shows the cable drums that were used to pull the new steel wire armoured electrical cables into place to support the LMB’s new server room facility that is under construction. The project is due to finish late Spring / early Summer and will double the Scientific Computing capability within the LMB.
LMB 365 – Day 91
An image of a new specie of fruit fly, Drosophila trumpitana, found at the LMB by Ghislain Gillard for day 91 of #LMB365.
LMB 365 – Day 90
The LMB cares for the environment and has an active environmental committee consisting of scientific and support staff and students. We have various trees and flowering plants that the LMB bees can enjoy. Strolling to work on a sunny spring day allowed Soudi Imanikia to capture these lovely cherry blossoms outside the front of the building for day 90 of #LMB365.
LMB 365 – Day 89
The image for day 89 of #LMB365 is provided by Oleksiy Kovtun. This EM image shows phage particles tangled in bacterial flagella. Bacteria are used as a protein expression host to allow the purification of large amounts of the protein of interest, and their remnants sometimes can be found in protein specimens, like this one.
LMB 365 – Day 88
As the end of the financial year looms ever closer, LMBee has been lending a hand in the LMB’s finance office on day 88 of #LMB365. Hopefully LMBee has a good grasp of numbers…