On day 75 of #LMB365 we celebrate Daniela Peris @ddanielaperis finishing her PhD viva. During her PhD, Daniela was a member of Gonville and Caius College @caiuscollege, so she was presented with a wall plaque of the College crest. She was also a keen rower for her College (wining superblades in Bumps), and was constantly cold when on the river, so she was given a woolly hat showing the University of Cambridge crest. Daniela was a Milstein Scholar and worked on the in vitro diversification of antibodies using the DT40 chicken cell line.
LMB 365 – Day 74
Day 74 of #LMB365 is of some hand-painted Russian dolls attempting bench work. They were a gift from Evgeny Zatulovskiy to Rob Kay upon his retirement. Evgeny was a PhD student with Rob on a Herchel Smith Fellowship and is currently a postdoc in San Francisco. The dolls show Rob, David Traynor and Evgeny himself (dolls 2, 3 and 4), then a Dictyostelium fruiting body, migrating slug and amoeba. Obviously, not to scale!
LMB 365 – Day 73
Day 73 of #LMB365 brings you a group photograph of the MRC Council who held their recent meeting here at the LMB. The MRC Council is responsible for advising the MRC Executive Chair and making decisions, as delegated to it by the UKRI Board, on scientific, research and innovation matters.
LMB 365 – Day 72
This image for day 72 of #LMB365 shows the body wall muscle structure of the worm C. elegans using an F-actin dye. Soudi Imanikia in Rebecca Taylor’s group in the Neurobiology Division studies age-related muscular degeneration as part of their studies on neurodegeneration. Worms are fixed prior to the experiment and F-actin is used to observe the muscle fibres.
LMB 365 – Day 71
Day 71 of #LMB365 shows what happens when you accidentally put a denaturing gel in the freezer rather than the fridge. Denaturing gels are used to separate double stranded DNA into single stranded DNA. KJ Patel’s group in the PNAC Division is studying DNA crosslinking agents and the repair of cross-linked DNA. They use the gels to confirm the presence of cross-linked DNA which won’t be able to separate into its individual strands and will consequently run slower through the gel.
LMB 365 – Day 70
On day 70 of #LMB365 we find the LMB PhD students celebrating a night out at a formal hall at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The Graduate Student Association organises several opportunities for socialising like this throughout the term.