Day 3 of #LMB365 we bring you an image of the multicellular organism Caenorhabditis elegans provided by Soudabeh Imanikia @Simanikia in the Neurobiology Division. With fewer than 1000 cells and a transparent body, it is possible to follow the entire process of embryogenesis in the tiny oval-shaped eggs “live” inside the body of the worms!!! This worm has a fluorescent-green gut to allow the @TaylorLabLMB to follow changes during ageing without the need for dissection and a red pharynx used as a co-injection marker to show the plasmid has successfully integrated in the worm
LMB 365 – Day 2
On Day 2 of #LMB365 we have a beautiful image by Katja Roeper @katjaroeper in the Cell Biology Division @CellBiol_MRCLMB showing an epithelial Caco2 cell monolayer labelled for a tight junction protein in blue and nuclei in red. Her lab uses this model to understand how cell surface receptors affect epithelial integrity
LMB 365 – Day 1
As day dawns over the New Year, the LMB celebrates a year of life and work in images. This is Day 1 of #LMB365 – see more every day throughout 2019 as we bring you amazing images of our science and the people that make the LMB tick