Cell Biology Group Leader, John O’Neill, discusses his group’s recent paper. Their work highlights how heart cells regulate daily function through fluctuations in ion levels. Beginning at 47:00. More…
LMB In The News
How did the chemical reaction of life begin?
Group Leader John Sutherland discusses his argument that solar UV light is the energy source required to drive the chemical reactions that make the building blocks of life. More…
Madeline Lancaster on serendipity and adventure in science
Cell Biology Group Leader Madeline Lancaster discusses how her ‘failed’ attempt to grow neural stem cells led to the development of brain organoids – miniature brain tissues – which she uses in her research today to better understand the human brain. More
Spread of Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant driven by combination of immune escape and increased infectivity
Guido Papa and Anna Albecka-Moreau in the James lab contribute to University of Cambridge study, finding that Delta variant spike protein induces higher cell-cell fusion and is less sensitive to inhibition by neutralising antibodies present in vaccinated individuals than the original SARS-CoV-2 strain. More…
Strength of the powerlifting community helps put Camille Holland on the path to the World Championships
Camille Holland, a member of the LMB’s Human Resources team, talks to the Cambridge Independent about powerlifting, the impact of lockdown stopping her doing the sport she loves, and the support of the powerlifting community with her continuing training ahead of the World Powerlifting Championships in October. More…
How Electrical Engineer David Street supports the LMB’s science behind the scenes
In highlighting non-traditional jobs which support research and innovation, UKRI have profiled David Street, a member of the LMB’s Estates and Facilities team. Here, David discusses building maintenance, the team’s 24/7 ‘on call’ support service, and installing a new Scientific Computing Server Room. More…