Group Leader Richard Henderson is a guest on The Microscopists podcast from Bitesize Bio. Here he chats with Peter O’Toole about a range of topics including; the fundamental importance of understanding protein structures, what attracted him to biophysics and his motorbike adventures in Scotland. More…
LMB In The News
Reprogrammed cells encode for new synthetic polymers and are also resistant to viral infections
Jason Chin and his team, from our PNAC Division, discuss their reprogrammed E.coli cells which are viral resistant and capable of producing entirely synthetic polymers with Roland Pease in BBC Science in Action. More…
Marta Shahbazi on being a mother scientist
As part of a series covering how researchers have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Science Direct have featured Marta Shahbazi (group leader in our Cell Biology Division) and her experience of juggling being a new group leader and a new mother during lockdown. More…
LMB honoured in Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards
The LMB has received a Special Commendation in the category of Covid-19 Response Award, in the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards. Also highly commended was Zunlong Ke, from John Briggs’ group in our Structural Studies Division, in the category of Researcher of the Year. More…
Why humans have such big brains
The Guardian covers how Madeline Lancaster’s group in the Cell Biology division has used brain organoids to trace the origin of human’s larger brain size to the ZEB2 gene, which ‘switches on’ in early cerebral development. More…
The race to repurpose nature’s protein factories
A C&EN feature about research aiming to enable ribosomes to make new drugs and materials through use of a wider variety of substrates, including key work by Jason Chin’s group to evolve orthogonal engineered ribosomes that function separately alongside natural ribosomes. More…