‘First Person’ interview with LMB postdoc Thomas Williams about his recent paper, research challenges, mentoring & advice for Early Career Researchers. More…
LMB In The News
A new synthetic molecule may solve a paradox about life’s origin
Scientists in Philipp Holliger’s group have created a new type of genetic replication system to demonstrate how the first life on Earth – in the form of RNA – could have replicated itself. More…
How to be better at networking at conferences
Claudia Bonfio, postdoc in the LMB’s PNAC Division, shares her top tips on how to enjoy and get the most out of networking at academic conferences. More…
Science Weekly podcast: Growing mini-brains in the lab
In this week’s science podcast from The Guardian, Madeline Lancaster is interviewed to find out about the mini human brains that she and her group are growing in the lab. More…
‘Mini-brains’: understanding brain growth and disease
Philip Ball, science writer at The Guardian, has had a ‘mini-brain’ grown from a sample of skin from his arm. He talks to the LMB’s Madeline Lancaster, and others, to find out how scientists are using such organoids to understand brain growth and disease. More…
How to find the right mentor for you
Claudia Bonfio, postdoc in the LMB’s PNAC Division, shares personal experiences of finding the right mentor to help her through the transition from PhD student to postdoc. More…