Ramanujan Hegde talks about protein localization inside cells and quality control of this process. More…
LMB In The News
Tau filaments from the Alzheimer’s brain revealed
Tau filaments isolated from an Alzheimer’s brain are the latest, high-profile exploit of cryo-electron microscopy. Crafting a technique that has become his claim to fame, Sjors Scheres of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, teamed up with Michel Goedert, also at MRC, to solve 3.4-Angstrom resolution structures of both straight and paired […]
Exploring the incredible transport system inside our cells
Simon Bullock discusses his research into intracellular trafficking of RNA, and talks about the importance of science outreach in inspiring the next generation of young scientists. More…
Sharp focus on Alzheimer’s may help target drugs
Abnormal deposits that build up in the brain during Alzheimer’s have been pictured in unprecedented detail in research led by Sjors Scheres and Michel Goedert. More…
G-protein coupled receptors as drug targets: Heptares Therapeutics celebrates its tenth anniversary
Chris Tate – co-founder of Heptares Therapeutics, a company established to commercialise research from the LMB – discusses his work on G-protein coupled receptors. More…
Cambridge105 coverage of the LMB Open Day
Interviews with Katja Roper, Andrew Carter and William Schafer at the LMB Open Day. More…