Wojciech Galej has been awarded the 2018 Early Career Research Award for Molecular Structure and Function by the Biochemical Society. Wojciech has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the molecular mechanism of pre-mRNA splicing through his structural analysis of the spliceosome and its components using X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. More…
LMB In The News
Latest HIV research inspires compelling new art collaboration
Collaborative work between Leo James’ group in the LMB’s PNAC Division and Greg Towers at UCL, which led to the discovery that HIV uses capsid pores to import nucleotides and evade innate immunity, has been used as the inspiration for a new artistic project. More…
Astrocytes set the pace of our body clock
In their paper published earlier this month, which featured on the front cover of Neuron, the Hasting’s group reported their discovery of an entirely unprecedented component of the pacemaker of our body clock. Technology Networks discuss their findings. More…
Visualising the genome: Cambridge scientists create first 3D structures of active DNA
Tim Stevens, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Cambridge, has determined the first 3D structures of intact mammalian genomes from individual cells, showing how the DNA from all the chromosomes intricately folds to fit together inside the cell nuclei. More…
Julian Gough discusses the wonders of the SUPERFAMILY database
Julian Gough is interviewed by the Huffington Post and discusses SUPERFAMILY, his database of structural and functional annotations for proteins and genomes, a public resource which scientists around the world can use freely in their research. More…
Student artist meets LMB scientist who discovered inspirational toxin’s structure
Vivian, student artist who created a painting based on lysenin during Protein Data Bank in Europe’s art-science collaborative project, met with LMB’s Christos Savva, the scientist who discovered the structure of lysenin, at the opening of the Cambridge exhibition of artworks by The Leys students. More…