Alison Woollard, LMB 1996-2000, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell Biology Professor Alison Woollard, from the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, is this week’s guest on BBC Radio 4’s ‘The Life Scientific’. Alison explains her enthusiasm for the tiny nematode worm, C. elegans, and talks fondly of her time at the LMB. More…
LMB In The News
Rebecca Taylor to talk at Cambridge Science Festival: Thursday 23rd March, 6.00pm
Rebecca Taylor will be giving a talk at the UTC Cambridge as part of the Cambridge Science Festival. In her talk entitled, ‘Finding the fountain of youth: why we age and what we can do about it’, Rebecca will explain how her lab are using worms to understand how the nervous system coordinates the ageing […]
Brad Amos to talk at Cambridge Science Festival: Monday 20th March, 6.00pm
Brad Amos will be giving a talk at the UTC Cambridge as part of the Cambridge Science Festival. In his talk entitled, ‘Life through a lens’, Brad will show spectacular new 3D images of mouse embryos, possible due to his development of the Mesolens that achieves unparalleled resolution throughout a volume hundreds of times greater […]
Richard Henderson shares Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences
The 16th annual Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences will be awarded to Joachim Frank, Richard Henderson, and Marin van Heel for pioneering developments in electron microscopy that are transforming structural studies of biological molecules and their complexes. More…
Antibodies co-opt anti-microbial response to clear intraneuronal tau
Leo James and Michel Goedert, group leaders at the LMB, recently published work in PNAS providing an explanation for how therapeutic antibodies eliminate pathogenic forms of tau protein. Here, Alzforum explore the background, results and implications of this study. More…
Dementia – how close are we to having effective treatments?
Cambridge Neuroscience, of which the LMB is a part, plays a key role in coordinating dementia research across the large and diverse community of neuroscientists in Cambridge, helping scientists and clinicians work together. The organisation has produced a new film describing some of the progress now being made against this devastating disease, including commentary from […]