Madeline Lancaster has recently won the annual NC3Rs 3Rs Prize for her work on the creation of brain organoids that mimic the developing human cerebrum. More…
LMB In The News
From Parkinson’s Disease to ubiquitin
Mechanistic studies on a few curious proteins associated with familial Parkinson’s disease have led researchers in the EMBO community, including David Komander’s group at LMB, on a journey to cast surprising new light on the universal cellular ubiquitin modification system (page 9) More…
“Sex, food and smell” Cambridge Science Festival talk @UTC_Cambridge this Sunday #csf2016
Join the LMB’s Greg Jefferis for his talk: “Sex, food and smell” at the University Technical College Cambridge, Sunday 20 March: 12:45 – 1:45pm, to learn more about the links between smell and attraction. Booking required. More…
Body clocks & Jetlag Cambridge Science Festival talk @UTC_Cambridge this Friday #csf2016
Join the LMB’s John O’Neill for his talk: “Circadian rhythms: everything you always wanted to know about jetlag (but were too tired to ask)” at the University Technical College Cambridge, Friday 18 March: 6-7pm. Booking required. More…
Venki Ramakrishnan: The Life Scientific
Venki talks about his life and work for BBC Radio 4’s The Life Scientific. More…
If you can work anywhere, where do you want to work?
An article about modern work spaces featuring the LMB: “It is elegantly fit for purpose, and the purpose, says its director, Sir Hugh Pelham, is “doing science rather than fundraising, teaching or administration”…each wing is dedicated to a different branch of molecular biology. The wings have common features. This enables collisions between the small teams […]