How advances in neuroscience, including LMB’s Madeline Lancaster’s work on ‘mini-brains’, are helping to unlock the secrets of this biological masterpiece and help improve understanding of mental illness. More…
LMB In The News
Cambridge’s 92 Nobel Prize winners
Cambridge News’ has been rounding up all of Cambridge’s 92 Nobel Laureates, which includes 15 LMB scientists: 13 whose Nobel Prize winning research was conducted at the LMB, and 2 alumni who went on to carry out prize-winning research elsewhere: 1951 to 1974; 1974 to 1989; 1996 to 2015. These articles are no longer available […]
The Author File: Jason W. Chin
How to combine biology, chemistry and synthetic biology to add synthetic amino acids to a protein, and why creativity matters. Profile of LMB group leader, Jason Chin and his research. More…
The plastic fantastic brain: Why losing one sense rewires others
A study finds worms that can’t feel are better smellers – and the phenomenon is reversible. The collaborative study by Ithai Rabinowitch, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and William Schafer’s group at LMB, was started by Ithai while a postdoc in William’s group at LMB. More…
Congratulations to Richard Henderson, winner of the 2016 Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics
Richard Henderson will receive the National Academy of Sciences 2016 Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics for his outstanding contribution to the development of electron microscopy techniques for determining high-resolution structures. More…
How one scientist is growing miniature brains in her lab
LMB neuroscientist Madeline Lancaster generates living models of brains from a few stem cells. In her lab, she takes small samples of stem cells and grows them in careful conditions. When they grow, what develops is a single-function bit of the brain, not at all a full human brain but a small, specific part of […]