Recent advances in electron cryo-microscopy are enabling researchers to solve protein structures at near-atomic resolutions, expanding the biological applicability of this technique. Nature Methods looks at the development of the technique, which includes work by the LMB’s Richard Henderson, Sjors Scheres and Venki Ramakrishnan. More…
LMB In The News
Mariann Bienz: The Puzzle of Cell Signalling
Interview with Mariann Bienz on the mechanisms behind the signalling pathways that switch on gene transcription and how their dysfunction can ultimately cause cancer. More…
Greg Winter receives Scrip’s Lifetime Achievement Award
The Scrip Awards provides the industry with an opportunity to acknowledge and applaud its highest achievers across all parts of the value chain, and to recognise both corporate and individual achievement. This article is only available in full to subscribers:
Coffee & tea session with Prof. Daniela Rhodes
Before joining Nanyang Technological University in Singapore in September 2011, Professor Daniela Rhodes spent her whole research career at the world-renowned MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge UK. More…
Z is for Zebrafish
The Cambridge Animal Alphabet series celebrates Cambridge’s connections with animals through literature, art, science and society. Here, Z is for Zebrafish as we talk to eminent immunologist Professor Lalita Ramakrishnan, group leader in the University Research Unit at the LMB, about her research into new ways of treating tuberculosis. More…
Molecular clocks control mutation rate in human cells
New research suggests that cancer and ageing could be predetermined by the speed of molecular clocks. This collaborative project includes work by LMB group leader Julian Sale. More…